Troubleshooting computers


Dec 8, 2004
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My mate’s computer won’t work. He tells me that it loads up and then shuts off. Any chance it is the PSU? Also that is all I was told.

Also if there any god free sites that help you troubleshoot computers? I can’t seem to find any.
It could be the PSU as spontanious reboots are associated with a bad or inadequate PSU. Also try booting into safe mode (how to do it is here: Try runnning the newest version of a good antivirus (norton etc), a spyware scanner (microsoft antispy) and try going to start, run, type in msconfig, go to the startup tab and unckecking all the boxes.

Also if you can provide more system info including specs of the comonents and PSU people would get a better idea of how to help.
To help find out if it is the PSU unplug some uneeded or extra fans and components. I found my hard disk fans, along with my extra chassis fans, 2 S-ATA hard disks, one IDE, one DVD and one CD-RW as well as my radeon 9800 pro needing juice, was stressin out my PSU a bit much. My hard disks have been performing better since and ive experienced less frequent random reboots while playing CSS/HL2