True ignorance is war, true knowledge is peace

لا إلاه إلالله محمد رسول ا
The Palestinians are getting no sympathy from me, but neither are the Israelis. They can all nuke themselves for all I care.
The only way any kind of peace could ever occur between the Palestinians and Israelis now in my opinion is if someone forces them apart, isolates them from each other. You can't expect two guys to become friends when their hands are still on each others throats.
Israel needs to recognise a palestinian state, they also need to return the lands gained in the 6 day war. They should also withdrawn from the disputed lands
If Israelies withdraw from 'disputed lands' they would be left standing in the Med
Both Israel and Palestine should give "reason" a try other than "bloodshed".
Sgt_Shellback said:
If Israelies withdraw from 'disputed lands' they would be left standing in the Med

no ...they were both given areas in 1947, Israel just took most of what was supposed to be the arab state
I honestly don't know what the answer is to this one.

I only know its about oil (again), so we interfere. We arm one side and then are suprised when the Arabs hate and distrust us and the Isrealis throw their wieght around.

I am at a loss.
CptStern said:
Israel needs to recognise a palestinian state, they also need to return the lands gained in the 6 day war. They should also withdrawn from the disputed lands
They gained the land during the war...they get to keep it.
Tr0n said:
They gained the land during the war...they get to keep it.

no they dont, it was illegally gained land's not like they were taking back land
war... i thought the british jsut handed over land to the isralies. and most of it was palastinien lands.

hmmm looks like some reading is in order
NeLi said:
لا إلاه إلالله محمد رسول ا

There is no god but God, and Mohammad is prophet.

I find it quite disturbing that the "fortresses of freedom" (Europe, USA....) openly allies with a country that has this in it's flag. That's what I thought disturbing.
Yes its not pretty, but i think its meant to be this way! I'm basing this on European modern history. More than 60 millions people have died in the 20th century due to war (ok, half of the century to be honest) so we can live in peace now! The south-eastern Europe is still a hot area where people are dying cause of the war consequences!

My point is that they need to kill themselves a ceartin amount until they get sick and tired of it, only then peace will prevail!
Ok, theres another way. That is if someone powerful enough (like the US) "forces" them to! But this is not a long lasting peace!
Apparently clarky003 was the only one to grasp on to the expression and not just limit vision to the examples.
Sprafa said:
There is no god but God, and Mohammad is prophet.

I find it quite disturbing that the "fortresses of freedom" (Europe, USA....) openly allies with a country that has this in it's flag. That's what I thought disturbing.

What do you find disturbing about the sentance, "There is no god but God, and Mohammad is prophet."?
True ignorance is war

Depends, war has made this world what it is today. Every bit of technology and a lot of knowledge you have, is because of war.
Sgt_Shellback said:
What do you find disturbing about the sentance, "There is no god but God, and Mohammad is prophet."?

It's an elitist expression. How can talk to the leader of a nation like Saudi Arabia, that expresses in their flag that you are an infidel and therefore disrespect their holy law.

We live in a World where we have to accept each others, no matter our creed or color. Saudi Arabia blatantly rejects that.
PvtRyan said:
Depends, war has made this world what it is today. Every bit of technology and a lot of knowledge you have, is because of war.

So, if there was no war, if all the resources we have would be applied into making our quality of life better, comparing to a world where war was nearly constant would more advanced?

EDIT : Sorry Farrow, forgot to use the edit button :frog:
CptStern said:
no they dont, it was illegally gained land's not like they were taking back land
We gained most of our lands through wars with Indians...but do you see us giving it back to them?We gained most of our land from Britian, but do you see us giving it back to them?In war...what ever you takeover is yours.Illegal or not thats how it goes....
Sprafa said:
It's an elitist expression. How can talk to the leader of a nation like Saudi Arabia, that expresses in their flag that you are an infidel and therefore disrespect their holy law.

We live in a World where we have to accept each others, no matter our creed or color. Saudi Arabia blatantly rejects that.

I didn't know it was an elitist expression... It just sounded like a verse from the Kuran to me.

Zaire (I think it is, Someone will correct me if I'm wrong) has an AK-47 on their flag...
Sprafa, so why this sudden hate of the Saudi's? Why do you even quote something you claim is in there flag?
K e r b e r o s said:
Sprafa, so why this sudden hate of the Saudi's? Why do you even quote something you claim is in there flag?

He's taking a shot at America because Saudi and America are not at war.
Something else, goto that angelfire page in his link.

Some Excerpts:

On October 12th,Two Israeli reservists Yesef Avrahami and Vadim Novesche, take a wrong turn on their way to their base and our arrested by Palestinian "police".

Shortly afterwards they are beaten to death by a mob with picks, hammers, rifle butts,rocks etc..
shouting "kill the jews" and "allah achkbar"

during the stabbing of one of the soldiers in the police station,his wife called him on the cell phone, only to be answered by an Arab pig who said "I just killed your husband"

One of them was set on fire and dragged along the street as the other Moslem psychopaths danced and cheered like the sick animals they are

." Soon after the lynching the Israeli Air Force attacked the police station and TV tower,and Arafats headquarters,however the Israeli Air Force pre-warned all the Arabs about the strike,The Israeli Air Force SHOULD handle these animals accordingly,For every Jew killed they should kill thousands of Arabs.

Whats this site to mean about your point? True ignorance is war? That site, and other one you provided, seem more about getting people angry then wanting to be peaceful.

So...whats your point?
So, if there was no war, if all the resources we have would be applied into making our quality of life better, comparing to a world where war was nearly constant would more advanced?

In terms of technology, yes. It's a fact that war speeds up progression enormously. Many of the major inventions have been made because of war, when reading this, you'll behind a machine invented for the military.
Pretty much everything that we have is used in war before it was given to the consumers. We had the atomic bomb before we had fission plants, we have had the hydrogen bomb for a long time now, but no fusion plants yet.
PvtRyan said:
In terms of technology, yes. It's a fact that war speeds up progression enormously. Many of the major inventions have been made because of war, when reading this, you'll behind a machine invented for the military.
Pretty much everything that we have is used in war before it was given to the consumers. We had the atomic bomb before we had fission plants, we have had the hydrogen bomb for a long time now, but no fusion plants yet.

the 1st fission reactor - 1942

Maybe you're right, but I gladly take my chances. And this is going way off-topic.
K e r b e r o s said:
Whats this site to mean about your point? True ignorance is war? That site, and other one you provided, seem more about getting people angry then wanting to be peaceful.

So...whats your point?

That's the point Kerberos. Both those sides show ignorant and close-minded views (although the Angry Arab seems quite an informed fellow now that I read it all, he expresses views clearly based off bias).

The Jews were victims of the Holocaust. But now, just like the Nazis before did to them, call the Arabs "pigs" and "animals" and express their full support for their extermination.
Sprafa said:
That's the point Kerberos. Both those sides show ignorant and close-minded views (although the Angry Arab seems quite an informed fellow now that I read it all, he expresses views clearly based off bias).

The Jews were victims of the Holocaust. But now, just like the Nazis before did to them, call the Arabs "pigs" and "animals" and express their full support for their extermination.

But weren't you pointing an accusing finger at us in another thread for not having put troops into Sudan yet?

What'll it be? War? No war? War when Sprafa decides it's ok?
sudan doesnt need policing, it needs humanitarian aid
Sgt_Shellback said:
But weren't you pointing an accusing finger at us in another thread for not having put troops into Sudan yet?

What'll it be? War? No war? War when Sprafa decides it's ok?

Putting troops in Sudan right now would be peacekeeping, to stop war.
Tr0n said:
We gained most of our lands through wars with Indians...but do you see us giving it back to them?We gained most of our land from Britian, but do you see us giving it back to them?In war...what ever you takeover is yours.Illegal or not thats how it goes....
i agree with this.
Sprafa said:
Putting troops in Sudan right now would be peacekeeping, to stop war.

Nope... You can't have it that way. There'd be violence. You'd be here on HL2 complaining about us killing civilians because the Arab tribes wear no uniforms. And because of the uglyness of war true civilians would die in the conflict. You want us killing Arabs in the Sudan who are killing civilians but you cast us as evil when we do it in Iraq.

You're a hypocrite... And worse than that you do nothing about all the things in this world you complain about.
Sgt_Shellback said:
Nope... You can't have it that way. There'd be violence. You'd be here on HL2 complaining about us killing civilians because the Arab tribes wear no uniforms.

There would be violence, of course. But it wouldn't be war.
In essence it would be minority violence to save millions of lives. The Arab tribes are assasins and by definition ignorant.

Sgt_Shellback said:
And because of the uglyness of war true civilians would die in the conflict. You want us killing Arabs in the Sudan who are killing civilians but you cast us as evil when we do it in Iraq.

Sudan is now the #1 humanitarian priority in the UN's view. Iraq was an "illegal war" according to Kofi Annan in an interview to BBC a few days/weeks ago. Right now Russia is considering the chance to invade Georgia for allegedly having "terrorist training camps". And thanks to the USA attitude they don't have to give a shit about the UN.

You cannot even try compare Sudan to Iraq.

Sgt_Shellback said:
You're a hypocrite... And worse than that you do nothing about all the things in this world you complain about.


And you change the world every day? It's not like just pushing a button you know?

I'm a hypocrite.... okie dokie.

The whole point of this thread is lost in useless discussions.