Truly disgusting...yet alluring...

Wow, what a retard. If you hold dry ice you deserve that.
Ugh, that's gross!

Hope the moron learned his lesson. Maybe next time he'll try holding hot coals in his hand.

"Sure, I was told it would be hot, that it would burn me, but I wanted to hold it in my hand and see the smoke drift off! Sure, I felt some twinges of pain, but nothing too much. Little did I know, the nerves in my hand were being damaged!"
I found that rather funny. I dislike blisters.. even small ones, that must of sucked O_o
LOL funny, but it must have simply been a joy busting that blister
You ain't suppose to burst them... :|

All that does it make it harder for it to heal and make the blister marks more visible after it healed.
The puss that must have came out of that sucker would be insane, he shoulda made a video of it coming off or being popped lol
Tr0n said:
You ain't suppose to burst them... :|

All that does it make it harder for it to heal and make the blister marks more visible after it healed.

real nice....
Note to self - do NOT hold dry ice...I repeat: do NOT hold dry ice...

Hey wait whats that over there, its misting, wow...Ow,ow,OW IT BURNS!!!!!
I'll be back in just one minute

I cant view this at school! :/ :O HATE! :/ have to wait till i get home man im going to probably ether forget to check or thread will get lost!
I remember playing air hockey in science with pieces of dry ice :D
Dry ice is very difficult to hold for more than three seconds. Damn.
the only time i got blisters was playing marvel vs capcom 2 all day n night. all those button mashing really lets out those blisters =P
Oh... My... God... :|

I can't even imagine how much that must have hurt afterwards

Well at least i know never to touch dry ice now...