Truth Behind Half-Life 2 REVEALED! -The Fragmaster Speaks-

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Jul 9, 2003
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This probably has already been posted, but OH WELL!!! This is just plain disturbing. The Fragmaster, The main guy who ran PlanetHalf-Life for five years, worked for GameSpy, Made all the cool Half-Life 2 Flash videos, ETC, and WORKED on the Half-Life 2 Prima Stragedy Guide speaks out and reveals that Valve has been lyeing about everything the whole time. He even resigned from Planet Half-Life! This is a MUST read!

The Message:

What a shock, and I believe this guy 100% since he did actually work on all those things so there would be no reason for him to lie about this. What do you guys think of all this?
Haha so old, infact, it is so old Gabe has already disproved that.
"9" days old to be exact, but I just want to know your opinions on this and of course Gabe would disaprove of this. DUH, he wouldn't want people to know he lied. Would You?
When did Gabe disprove what Frag said? Fragmaster had no reason whatsoever to lie about any of that. He wasn't some random poster he was one of the people who created the HL community.
please sombody lock it, PLEASE PLEASE GOD CLOSE IT before its to late !!!
You even admit that you know it has probably already been posted and talked to death, and yet you post it anyway instead of tracking down the old thread? Weak man.
Oh that I thought you meant all the stuff about Frag working on that Behind the Scenes book and stuff like that.
Sorry that not everyone are losers like you guys who sit at a computer 25/7 and steer at forums all day. Some people actually have a life. Do you even remember what the sun looks like. Bet your like "What's That"? So SHUT UP! I just came on here to have a nice discussion and see what other people think about this and I come across nothing but jerks. It's a no wonder why these forums have died down lately. Not because all of the Half-Life 2 crap that Valve has been dishing out, but you losers who sit here and rip on people that actually have lives. It's a friggin game. GET A LIFE and get out of your moms basement, Stop jerking off and get a girl friend and a job.
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