Try not to laugh - Video edition

What the **** was that last one? It sounded like an animal mating call or something.
omg, the guy around 1:00 was on that freakin comedy show posted way back.
What the **** was that last one? It sounded like an animal mating call or something.
This comment made that laugh, make me laugh.
I laughed at 1:05 too, once that old dude started his weird hyuu hyuu hyuu laugh
I was trying to concentrate on not I laughed. SHIT!
I managed to get through the OP's video without much more than a smile, but god damn Adrik that cat got me right in the gut.
Nearly lost it at the black guy, but from there on it just gets progressively more horrifying.

I think that last one might be the Predator.
my gawd the baby made me laugh kinda hard..... its weird that everytime i hear someone laugh i start laughing myself
Man, first the baby then the old man. After that, none.
I got through the original barely. And then couldn't make it through any other.
Only funny was the black guy, becouse i didn't know he was comming up, but damn that cat. I watch it like 10 times, thought i was done and watched it one more and laughed just as much.

Edit: Just watched first one again, didn't laugh, becouse it looked like the black guy was unzipping his pants...
Vincent Screams

I ****ing pissed myself laughing at this, mainly because I was like wtf at the title.
I don't know why.