Try this


Jul 5, 2003
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Want to fashion an electromagnet plasma generator in your own home? Our physics teacher told us how.

1.Take a grape and cut it 95 percent of the way through, leaving only a tiny strip holding it together.

2.fold out the slices like a book, with the innards of the grape pointing upward the grape in a glass cup or on a glass plate.

4.dry the top of the grape so that there is little moisture on it the grape in a microwave and nuke it as plasma arcs between the slices of the grape, making an incredible explosion and generating a sound at a frequency of 20hz.

I did not believe this would work until I tried it. Don't do it too much or too long or you risk catching something on fire or destroying your microwave.
i really recommend you post the video that you learned this from because it explains how dangerous it really is... and it gives a bit more insight into how its done since they show you how and the effects. it really is dangerous and could easily break your microwave.
i'm going to take my microwave to the uni and try this. I'll be the coolest ****er for months if i succeed
Here I found video instructions:

I was just waiting for that lady to say 'now you're thinking with portals'
that didnt really explain the harmful effects. the reaction creates dangerous waste gases.
Does this work with any other kinds of fruit/foods?
that didnt really explain the harmful effects. the reaction creates dangerous waste gases.

So, are you saying that I shouldn't go to my fridge and do this right now?

Because I really want to, but won't if it's THAT dangerous.
Here's another video:

Ok, I just went and did it with a purple grape.

Stuck it in a bowl on a plate and put it in the middle of my microwave, and turned the whole shebang on for 30 seconds.

After a few seconds the whole thing started spouting giant flaming balls of purple, and it was LOUD!


So, I shat bricks and turned it off after about 4 or 5 balls of giant electric entertainment.
My microwave makes weird noises if I cook a jacket potato in it, so I won't be trying it. And I don't really think anyone should, be glad there are always idiots to do it and put it on youtube :)
My dad now wants to do this. TBH, I think were about to blow our microwave up. PICs will be uploaded if it happens.
It did exactly what it was supposed to do. It didn't blow up the microwave, sorry.
Lol, I didn't know about the dangerous gasses (It did smell funny though)
I assumed that it would be dangerous, with the big balls of fire and all; and our physics teacher told us it had the capacity to destroy our microwaves. But I'm just stupid enough to try it :thumbs:
You need to trap it in a glass. TC, you and your dad need to do it again, only put a glass over it and let it go for 1 minute.
I did one without a glass and after about 5 seconds it sparked quite a bit and made the noise, but no huge fireballs. If I ever bother doing it again I'll try it with a glass :O
My microwave makes weird noises if I cook a jacket potato in it, so I won't be trying it. And I don't really think anyone should, be glad there are always idiots to do it and put it on youtube :)

I am so ****ing doing this next time I come to your house.
Woot woot. I'm recommending this to our science teacher. He's a clown. Literally.
The atomic grapes under a glass was dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooope.
it will be funny that when you try that a headcrab appear in the microwave
haha :laugh:

Black Mesa in your microwave. D:

"standar procedures starting now"
"activating sistem now"
"oh dear it is not right!"
"its not- is not AAAAAAAAAHHHHH"
"ah is ready...delicious!...hey what the?"
*headcrab scream*