Trying to make a website


Sep 13, 2003
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Ok, I'm a n00b. With that said, please help me.

I bought a domain name from However, I don't know how to upload the site I've created onto the URL. Does anybody know what to do, cuz I dont know what the hell I'm doing.
Well, first you need to find somewhere to host your site, then point your domain DNS servers to the server which is hosting your site :)
how did I get Simmowned? He just told me what I needed.
whats your website about?

im making a games directory one. Its finished , i just havent got round to buying a doman name yet, all the good ones are taken.
ooh, sexy domain name.

i need to find more games first though, or people will be like "omg this site has no games!?!?!?!"

or something...
Naw, I got it set up now.

I'd show you guys, but you would laugh at me...

...well, maybe you won't, but I'm sure I won't get the reaction that I intended from you.
just throw some lesbo pics on it and bam everyone will love your site <3
Pressure said:
I just felt like saying it ok.

lol :laugh:, thanks for bringing "simmowned" to my attention :)

You have no idea how much ive been saying that to people:naughty:

is there some content management software which allows you to update a site regularly and have the old updates automatically shift down and eventually get stored in the archives (all automatic)?
nick_t said:
is there some content management software which allows you to update a site regularly and have the old updates automatically shift down and eventually get stored in the archives (all automatic)?
There are loads. Most on the first page aren't free -

I wouldn't use CMS's, too many people treat them as an insta-site, and they annoy me.

If all you want is to update the news, and archive old news, just download CuteNews from