Trying to see if my old comp can handle HL2...



A bit old,but can it still play it?

AMD athlon 1500+ 1.3GHz Thunderbird core
Asus A7V400-MX Motherboard
1024Mbs of 184-pin DDR400
BFG GeForce 6600 GT OC 128MBs AGP x8

dont think it matters what hard drive and sound card i have really...
thx alot if someone can tell me :)

might try to overclock the CPU's FSB to 133MHz instead of just 100Mhz...
I just found out that my CPU runs at about 66-69 Degree's Celsuis(Im a complete n00b when it comes to CPU tempatures,so im not sure if thats good or bad)so should i still overclock?
I don't think you should overclock at 66-69 Degrees. But I am not an expert either. have gotta try hardware sensors monitor its lowered down my cpu temp to almost 48'C!(wow!)i think i can overlock with this program running now :)
Your cpu will be bottlenecking hl2 BADLY. I think you won't get over 30 fps with that thing. Overclocking won't help that much. If you get a new mobo+cpu, 1600x1200 highhighhigh it is.
The Brick said:
Your cpu will be bottlenecking hl2 BADLY.

I agree with The Brick, plus I believe that there is some sort of incompatibility problem with the processor and some games (to do with SSE). There was a readme doc that came with AoE III that stated this
I get the impression he's not planning to upgrade it if it doesnt run it, as he states it is his old PC.

I don't think you will be able to run it. I can only just run it on my Athlon 1800 + ATI Radeon 7500 64MB. And thats at lowest res (640*480) with the draw distance only a bit further than David Blunketts :eek:
actually i atm on my old comp i have 256MBs of DDR400 RAM and am using the built in VGA...i was planning to upgrade it to 1024MBs and the 6600GT then sell it to my friend,since he doesint know very much about PC's,and just wanted one for amatuer gaming...might consider buying a new CPU instead of the 1024MB's and just buy another 256Mbs(512 in total once i get it)

btw,i also found out that the hardware sensors monitor thingy is only a trial,and u gotta buy it...ah well..i'll still try to overclock,i'll just increase the fan speeds...might buy new fans too...
lol,i got HL2 demo to work...but only at 3 FPS!(grr) i dont think its because my CPU,i think it has to do with the fact im using the BUILT IN graphics card...VIA Unichrome graphics chip....and that it is using 64MBs of my RAM.(Since its a shared VGA)
Wolfxi said:
lol,i got HL2 demo to work...but only at 3 FPS!(grr) i dont think its because my CPU,i think it has to do with the fact im using the BUILT IN graphics card...VIA Unichrome graphics chip....and that it is using 64MBs of my RAM.(Since its a shared VGA)
I think it's a combination of both, the pc sucks bigtime. If you do plan to upgrade it, you need a new a new cpu (that means a new mainboard too), ram (1gb is a good choice) and a new graphics card. We can help you with what to buy if you know how much money you plan to spend.
If he got an inexpensive AGP mainboard he wouldn't need a new gfx card. The 6600GT is a good card...if he doesn't plan on spending $700-800+ on upgrades then he should stick with it for a while...

So if you did that, I'd recommend you get:

New AMD mobo: You can get a good inexpensive one that is socket 754 or 939 for around $100...(canadian $)
A processor for it: an Athlon 64 3000+ up to 3500+ is your best bet for the money, probably around $150-300...
Idonotbelonghere said:
If he got an inexpensive AGP mainboard he wouldn't need a new gfx card. The 6600GT is a good card...if he doesn't plan on spending $700-800+ on upgrades then he should stick with it for a while...

So if you did that, I'd recommend you get:

New AMD mobo: You can get a good inexpensive one that is socket 754 or 939 for around $100...(canadian $)
A processor for it: an Athlon 64 3000+ up to 3500+ is your best bet for the money, probably around $150-300...
Wolfxi said:
actually i atm on my old comp i have 256MBs of DDR400 RAM and am using the built in VGA...i was planning to upgrade it to 1024MBs and the 6600GT then sell it to my friend,since he doesint know very much about PC's,and just wanted one for amatuer gaming...might consider buying a new CPU instead of the 1024MB's and just buy another 256Mbs(512 in total once i get it)
Well then...

Just go win the damn lottery and buy top-of-the-line everything :D
Before you do anything, get a gig of ram. New games really need a gig of ram nowadays, like BF2.
If you get an Athlon 3000+ with 1GB RAM you will be able to run it comfortably at 800x600 :cool:
My geforce 6800, amd 3200+ 64-bit and gig of ram can run it all on high and 1024x768 just fine.
Im trying to upgrade with maybe about 450$ to work with...once i get the money for my birthday that is(Im gunna take out everything in my bank,and combine with my birthday cash and then buy one of those pre-paid mastercards,and use birthdays feb 1,so i dont have to wait very long(Im only 15 so i cant get cred cards yet,and since i mostly get cash for my b-days now) considering to buy a new Mobo,new CPU,new graphics card AND about 1gig of ram,with 450$ to work with,like i said before.
anyone got any ideas of what i should buy?
Im going to stick with the idea of buying a AMD athlon 64 3000-3500+ and the 1gig of RAM,i jsut dont know what mobo and graphics card i wanna buy now.,and where to buy 'em.
lol...i might as well consider upgrading the whole computer,make it faster then the one i currently have and sell my friend the one that was better before i upgraded. :p