The Freeman
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Well, here it is.
I've been writing this for a little while now, and decided I wanted to wrap it up so I could move onto one or two other projects I have in mind. It's a very amateur short story, don't expect anything really good
The cast features forum members who were in the core Trouble in Terrorist Town group we had going for a while. If I've forgotten someone, my apologies. The final chapters are a bit rushed as I figured if I didn't finish the story soon, I never would. The setting takes place on a slightly more detailed idea of the "Island" map, from TTT.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading it. If you feel you've been shafted, feel free to accept it. (Copying the story over to the forums messed with the format a bit, so if there are any screwed up parts, that's why).
EDIT: I've had some complaints about the italics/format, sorry about that, but it'll have to do.
Chapter 1
It was a warm, sunny day on Terrorist Island. There was a north-easterly wind blowing in from the south. Something, was amiss.
Vegeta peered out across the land from the island's tallest structure, the lighthouse. From this vantage point he could see almost everything, from the various derelict beach houses and shacks to the rocky outcrop on the island's west side, as well as the beaches that served as a natural perimeter, separating land from sea. There wasn't much else to the island, other than small patches of wild tussock and long grasses. He felt content as the cool sea breeze blew onto his face.
The island didn't have much in the way of a population. There were only a handful of locals in the small community. The ones who called Terrorist Island home all shared one trait; they didn't know how they came to be on the island. They had all just appeared one day, with no recollection as to how they had arrived, or where they had been previously. Despite this though, they had managed to set up a stable living situation.
Vegeta heard a sudden noise behind him, and spun around, startled, to see someone at the top of the stairwell.
"What's got you so jumpy?" asked Milly, scout in hand. Milly was the groups youngest member, known for his practical jokes and surpreme video editing skills.
" just took me by surprise is all. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that."
Milly gave a shrug and joined Vegeta at the railing.
"What are you doing up here anyway? you never come up here."
"I don't know, I felt like it, it's not a crime is it?"
Milly shrugged.
"Have you seen BadHat lately?" Vegeta asked after a pause.
"I haven't seen him in a while and we were supposed to meet up for a jam session a half hour ago."
"He said something last night about wanting to explore the cellar, but I'm not sure if we decided to or not"
"I might go and take a look" Said Vegeta, and turned to head down the spiral staircase.
"I'll be up here if you need me" Milly called after him.
Vegeta descended the staircase to ground level, and took the last few steps down to the cellar entrance.
Before lowering himself down the ladder into the cellar, he called out.
His voice echoed into the dark cellar below.
No response.
He wearily climbed down the ladder into the cellar. It was dark, damp and quiet. The only noise was that of the occasional water droplet from a leaking pipe.
"BadHat?" He called again.
Still, only silence.
He turned on his flashlight and took a few steps forward. The cellar was crampt, and filled with various crates and boxes, most of them empty. The walls were made of old bricks, which were damp and mossy. He shivered in the cold air. It wasn't long before something caught his eye. There was something on the floor catching the light, and he knew immediately what it was.
He followed the trail cautiously, until coming to a dead end. It was a small room filled with more boxes and storage crates.
There was one particular crate that stood out. The lid was partially ajar, and a single red line streaked down the side of the box. Vegeta moved towards it slowly, before grasping the lid. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the lid off onto the floor, and recoiled in horror at what he saw inside.
Vegeta peered out across the land from the island's tallest structure, the lighthouse. From this vantage point he could see almost everything, from the various derelict beach houses and shacks to the rocky outcrop on the island's west side, as well as the beaches that served as a natural perimeter, separating land from sea. There wasn't much else to the island, other than small patches of wild tussock and long grasses. He felt content as the cool sea breeze blew onto his face.
The island didn't have much in the way of a population. There were only a handful of locals in the small community. The ones who called Terrorist Island home all shared one trait; they didn't know how they came to be on the island. They had all just appeared one day, with no recollection as to how they had arrived, or where they had been previously. Despite this though, they had managed to set up a stable living situation.
Vegeta heard a sudden noise behind him, and spun around, startled, to see someone at the top of the stairwell.
"What's got you so jumpy?" asked Milly, scout in hand. Milly was the groups youngest member, known for his practical jokes and surpreme video editing skills.
" just took me by surprise is all. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that."
Milly gave a shrug and joined Vegeta at the railing.
"What are you doing up here anyway? you never come up here."
"I don't know, I felt like it, it's not a crime is it?"
Milly shrugged.
"Have you seen BadHat lately?" Vegeta asked after a pause.
"I haven't seen him in a while and we were supposed to meet up for a jam session a half hour ago."
"He said something last night about wanting to explore the cellar, but I'm not sure if we decided to or not"
"I might go and take a look" Said Vegeta, and turned to head down the spiral staircase.
"I'll be up here if you need me" Milly called after him.
Vegeta descended the staircase to ground level, and took the last few steps down to the cellar entrance.
Before lowering himself down the ladder into the cellar, he called out.
His voice echoed into the dark cellar below.
No response.
He wearily climbed down the ladder into the cellar. It was dark, damp and quiet. The only noise was that of the occasional water droplet from a leaking pipe.
"BadHat?" He called again.
Still, only silence.
He turned on his flashlight and took a few steps forward. The cellar was crampt, and filled with various crates and boxes, most of them empty. The walls were made of old bricks, which were damp and mossy. He shivered in the cold air. It wasn't long before something caught his eye. There was something on the floor catching the light, and he knew immediately what it was.
He followed the trail cautiously, until coming to a dead end. It was a small room filled with more boxes and storage crates.
There was one particular crate that stood out. The lid was partially ajar, and a single red line streaked down the side of the box. Vegeta moved towards it slowly, before grasping the lid. Taking a deep breath, he pushed the lid off onto the floor, and recoiled in horror at what he saw inside.
The group stood around the crate, shocked expressions on their faces.
"How long do you think he's been here?" Asked Viper with a sickened expression. Viper was the self-nominated leader of the local populace.
"He was still warm when I found him, so it can't have been long" Vegeta replied, looking slightly ill.
"Poor Morgs" Said the usually chilled out Sliver.
"I never told him how much I actually enjoyed all his puns."
"Don't worry" Viper said.
"I think he knew."
The body was in bad shape, almost unrecognizable. The throat had been slit and there were several stab wounds across the torso. Whoever did this had enjoyed it. The lifeless eyes stared into nothingness.
"Who do you think did this?" Asked Oliver.
"BadHat was the last one to come down here that I knew of." Said Milly
"Just saying."
"Yeah, I came down here looking for him" Said Vegeta.
"That's when I discovered Morgs."
There was a long moment of silence. Nobody knew quite what to say, everyone waiting for someone to take action. It was a long time until someone spoke.
"Ok, here's what we're going to do" Announced Viper.
"Milly, go and get Quix and Heppa, they were fishing off the southern beach when we headed in here. Oliver, you go and get Taco, He's in the boathouse. Tell them to meet us outside the lighthouse in about ten minutes. We need to find BadHat."
Milly and Oliver nodded and departed.
The rest of the group looked at the body, still not sure what to do or say.
"What are we gonna do with him?" Asked Vegeta, breaking the silence.
"I guess we bury him, but let's find BadHat first" Said Viper
Vegeta nodded.
Ten minutes later, the group were gathered outside the lighthouse, weapons in hand and nervous expressions on their faces. Viper got everyone's attention.
"Ok, listen up. We're going to split up and search the island. Me, Vegeta and Milly are going to go through the sewers and see if we find anything. Oliver and Quix I want you guys to check the Island perimeter, start at the north coast and work your way around. Taco and Sliver I want you guys to search the shacks and double check the lighthouse. Heppa, you stay here incase he shows up. We're going to find him, he has nowhere to run."
The teams set off to sweep the island, cautious but determined.
"How long do you think he's been here?" Asked Viper with a sickened expression. Viper was the self-nominated leader of the local populace.
"He was still warm when I found him, so it can't have been long" Vegeta replied, looking slightly ill.
"Poor Morgs" Said the usually chilled out Sliver.
"I never told him how much I actually enjoyed all his puns."
"Don't worry" Viper said.
"I think he knew."
The body was in bad shape, almost unrecognizable. The throat had been slit and there were several stab wounds across the torso. Whoever did this had enjoyed it. The lifeless eyes stared into nothingness.
"Who do you think did this?" Asked Oliver.
"BadHat was the last one to come down here that I knew of." Said Milly
"Just saying."
"Yeah, I came down here looking for him" Said Vegeta.
"That's when I discovered Morgs."
There was a long moment of silence. Nobody knew quite what to say, everyone waiting for someone to take action. It was a long time until someone spoke.
"Ok, here's what we're going to do" Announced Viper.
"Milly, go and get Quix and Heppa, they were fishing off the southern beach when we headed in here. Oliver, you go and get Taco, He's in the boathouse. Tell them to meet us outside the lighthouse in about ten minutes. We need to find BadHat."
Milly and Oliver nodded and departed.
The rest of the group looked at the body, still not sure what to do or say.
"What are we gonna do with him?" Asked Vegeta, breaking the silence.
"I guess we bury him, but let's find BadHat first" Said Viper
Vegeta nodded.
Ten minutes later, the group were gathered outside the lighthouse, weapons in hand and nervous expressions on their faces. Viper got everyone's attention.
"Ok, listen up. We're going to split up and search the island. Me, Vegeta and Milly are going to go through the sewers and see if we find anything. Oliver and Quix I want you guys to check the Island perimeter, start at the north coast and work your way around. Taco and Sliver I want you guys to search the shacks and double check the lighthouse. Heppa, you stay here incase he shows up. We're going to find him, he has nowhere to run."
The teams set off to sweep the island, cautious but determined.
Chapter 3
Oliver and Quix arrived at the northern cliff face, and began moving westward along the coast.
"I can't believe it" Said Quix.
"I just can't see BadHat killing somebody, I mean yeah Morgs could be frustrating but no one would actually wanna kill the guy, right?."
Oliver was careful to check small crevices in the rock place that would serve as a hiding place. Terrorist Island wasn't overly large, but had many hiding places.
"I don't know, you hear about people just snapping, it's been known to happen."
"Yeah but It still seems crazy. Let's just find him and settle this." Said Quix, checking the underside of an old wooden dinghy.
The pair continued down the coast towards the western beach.
It was cold, dark and damp in the sewer. Milly, Viper and Vegeta walked in a line, moving slowly down the dark tunnel, flashlights level and weapons ready. No one had been into the sewer in a long time.
"Be Careful" said Vegeta.
"You've seen what he's capable of"
"We don't know anything for sure yet. Don't jump to conclusions, this is BadHat we're talking about remember." replied Viper
"It's pretty obvious" said Milly
"He was the last one to go into the store room, then we find Morgs dead IN the store room, nek minute BadHat is missing. It doesn't take a genius to figure this one out."
"Yeah, maybe. It just doesn't seem like BadHat though."
The three continued down the dark drainage pipe, until Vegeta suddenly lurched forward and fell flat on his face.
"God Dangit!" He cried as he hit the ground
"What happened?" Asked Milly and Viper in chorus.
"I tripped on something"
The group aimed their flashlights on the ground. In the middle of the pipe was a small pile of broken up concrete.
“Where did that come from?” Asked Milly.
They pointed their flashlights at the roof. No concrete was missing.
“Wait, here!” Exlaimed Viper.
On the lower arc of the pipe was a hole, just big enough for a man to fit through.
“Do you think-” Milly started
Vegeta got down on all fours and looked through the hole. No sounds could be heard inside. He shined his flashlight within.
It appeared to be a tunnel, larger than the hole, and definately man made. Inactive lamps hung from the cieling on a rope that ran from the pipe entrance down to a corner in the tunnel. The sides seemed to be raw dirt and sand, supported by retaining walls.
“I’m going in” said veg.
“Milly you go with him, I’ll wait here” said viper.
“Oh geez” said Milly, as he prepared to enter the hole. Milly found the dark rather spooky.
Vegeta went first, pushing himself into the tunnel after his flashlight.
“If we find anything we’ll call out to you” said Vegeta.
Milly picked himself up and began cautiously following Vegeta down the tunnel. Without the lamps on it was dark, so they had to rely on their flashlights. They came to the corner and peeked around to see yet another dead end. A makeshift rope ladder hung from a hole in the cieling.
“What the hell is this” Said milly.
“I have no idea” replied Vegeta.
Suddenly, they heard noises above them, and the sound of footsteps at the top of the ladder.
"I can't believe it" Said Quix.
"I just can't see BadHat killing somebody, I mean yeah Morgs could be frustrating but no one would actually wanna kill the guy, right?."
Oliver was careful to check small crevices in the rock place that would serve as a hiding place. Terrorist Island wasn't overly large, but had many hiding places.
"I don't know, you hear about people just snapping, it's been known to happen."
"Yeah but It still seems crazy. Let's just find him and settle this." Said Quix, checking the underside of an old wooden dinghy.
The pair continued down the coast towards the western beach.
It was cold, dark and damp in the sewer. Milly, Viper and Vegeta walked in a line, moving slowly down the dark tunnel, flashlights level and weapons ready. No one had been into the sewer in a long time.
"Be Careful" said Vegeta.
"You've seen what he's capable of"
"We don't know anything for sure yet. Don't jump to conclusions, this is BadHat we're talking about remember." replied Viper
"It's pretty obvious" said Milly
"He was the last one to go into the store room, then we find Morgs dead IN the store room, nek minute BadHat is missing. It doesn't take a genius to figure this one out."
"Yeah, maybe. It just doesn't seem like BadHat though."
The three continued down the dark drainage pipe, until Vegeta suddenly lurched forward and fell flat on his face.
"God Dangit!" He cried as he hit the ground
"What happened?" Asked Milly and Viper in chorus.
"I tripped on something"
The group aimed their flashlights on the ground. In the middle of the pipe was a small pile of broken up concrete.
“Where did that come from?” Asked Milly.
They pointed their flashlights at the roof. No concrete was missing.
“Wait, here!” Exlaimed Viper.
On the lower arc of the pipe was a hole, just big enough for a man to fit through.
“Do you think-” Milly started
Vegeta got down on all fours and looked through the hole. No sounds could be heard inside. He shined his flashlight within.
It appeared to be a tunnel, larger than the hole, and definately man made. Inactive lamps hung from the cieling on a rope that ran from the pipe entrance down to a corner in the tunnel. The sides seemed to be raw dirt and sand, supported by retaining walls.
“I’m going in” said veg.
“Milly you go with him, I’ll wait here” said viper.
“Oh geez” said Milly, as he prepared to enter the hole. Milly found the dark rather spooky.
Vegeta went first, pushing himself into the tunnel after his flashlight.
“If we find anything we’ll call out to you” said Vegeta.
Milly picked himself up and began cautiously following Vegeta down the tunnel. Without the lamps on it was dark, so they had to rely on their flashlights. They came to the corner and peeked around to see yet another dead end. A makeshift rope ladder hung from a hole in the cieling.
“What the hell is this” Said milly.
“I have no idea” replied Vegeta.
Suddenly, they heard noises above them, and the sound of footsteps at the top of the ladder.
Vegeta turned his flashlight off, and signaled for Milly to do the same. Things had gone quiet up above.
Handgun ready, he began to climb the rope ladder. It was probably only two meters up, and ended at what first appeared to be another dead end, where it was anchored to the rock.
He reached up to touch whatever was blocking the entrance to the hole. It felt firm, but textured, and not very heavy. He pushed up, but it didn’t seem to lift any further than a few inches before stopping . He contined to force it upwards while Milly watched from below.
Sliver and Taco had already searched three buildings and found nothing. Now heading into the fourth and final beach house, they felt uneasy. They moved through the kitchen, and headed into the living room. It was messy, but there was nowhere to hide.
On their way towards the stairs they heard a strange sound, and it was coming from the living room.
Taco looked at sliver and brought his finger to his lips. Slowly turning around and heading back into the living room, they immediately saw where the noise was coming from. The rug under the dining table appeared to be moving, as if something was underneath it. Taco wasted no time.
He grabbed the dining table and flipped it over, causing it to land completely upside down. Sliver kept his gun on the rug while Taco grabbed it, and with a nod at his partner, he pulled it clean off the floor.
“Don’t shoot! It’s me!”
Sliver lowered his gun, looking very confused.
“Veg? What the hell are you doing down there?” asked Taco, surprised.
Vegeta looked around, surprised to find himself in a beach house.
“We found this tunnel in the drainage pipe, I guess it must be some kind of secret passage or something."
Sliver helped Vegeta out of the hole.
“Jesus man you scared the shit outta me."
Vegeta looked back down the hole.
“Milly, go back and tell Viper where we are, and help him finish the sewer sweep, I'm gonna stay up here.”
Milly nodded headed back through the tunnel.
“This is the last place we need to check, other than the lighthouse. We haven't found shit yet” Said Sliver.
“Ok, Let’s check it out. Be careful.”
They headed upstairs, having checked the ground floor.
They split up on the landing and headed to different rooms. Sliver took the first room off of the upstairs hallway. It was a bedroom, a messy one. There was a drum kit in the corner of the room, and there was a large pile of sheets and blankets on the bed.
They moved.
Sliver inched towards the bed, gun ready.
He grabbed the sheets and pulled them back slowly.
BadHat was fast asleep.
“Gotcha” Said Sliver.
Handgun ready, he began to climb the rope ladder. It was probably only two meters up, and ended at what first appeared to be another dead end, where it was anchored to the rock.
He reached up to touch whatever was blocking the entrance to the hole. It felt firm, but textured, and not very heavy. He pushed up, but it didn’t seem to lift any further than a few inches before stopping . He contined to force it upwards while Milly watched from below.
Sliver and Taco had already searched three buildings and found nothing. Now heading into the fourth and final beach house, they felt uneasy. They moved through the kitchen, and headed into the living room. It was messy, but there was nowhere to hide.
On their way towards the stairs they heard a strange sound, and it was coming from the living room.
Taco looked at sliver and brought his finger to his lips. Slowly turning around and heading back into the living room, they immediately saw where the noise was coming from. The rug under the dining table appeared to be moving, as if something was underneath it. Taco wasted no time.
He grabbed the dining table and flipped it over, causing it to land completely upside down. Sliver kept his gun on the rug while Taco grabbed it, and with a nod at his partner, he pulled it clean off the floor.
“Don’t shoot! It’s me!”
Sliver lowered his gun, looking very confused.
“Veg? What the hell are you doing down there?” asked Taco, surprised.
Vegeta looked around, surprised to find himself in a beach house.
“We found this tunnel in the drainage pipe, I guess it must be some kind of secret passage or something."
Sliver helped Vegeta out of the hole.
“Jesus man you scared the shit outta me."
Vegeta looked back down the hole.
“Milly, go back and tell Viper where we are, and help him finish the sewer sweep, I'm gonna stay up here.”
Milly nodded headed back through the tunnel.
“This is the last place we need to check, other than the lighthouse. We haven't found shit yet” Said Sliver.
“Ok, Let’s check it out. Be careful.”
They headed upstairs, having checked the ground floor.
They split up on the landing and headed to different rooms. Sliver took the first room off of the upstairs hallway. It was a bedroom, a messy one. There was a drum kit in the corner of the room, and there was a large pile of sheets and blankets on the bed.
They moved.
Sliver inched towards the bed, gun ready.
He grabbed the sheets and pulled them back slowly.
BadHat was fast asleep.
“Gotcha” Said Sliver.
“I Didn’t kill anyone for ****s sake!” Yelled BadHat
“I’m innocent!”
He was tied to a drainage pipe at the foot of the lighthouse, after being knocked unconcious by Sliver and hauled over there with the help of Viper and Taco.
Everyone was gathered on the beach now, discussing their next move.
“What do we do with him?” asked Quix
“We need to question him!” said Sliver.
“We’re not doing anything” said Viper
“Until we’ve buried Morgs."
The service took place that evening. Morgs was buried on the beach, up near an old ship wreck and a makeshift gravestone was made of sticks and fishing line. A few words were said and people began to head back to the lighthouse.
BadHat continued to protest his innocence, even after two hours of questioning. The group decided to leave him where he was overnight, and try again the next day.
The following morning people once again gathered near the foot of the lighthouse, weary of getting too close to BadHat.
It had been a long night for the group. Murder had been something they never imagined they would ever have to deal with.
BadHat had stopped protesting, instead, he just sat. Staring at the group who were mingling nearby.
“Keep staring, murderer!” Yelled Heppa.
Viper approached the group, who were talking amongst themselves.
"Everyone here?" He asked.
The group looked amongst themselves, taking note of who was gathered.
"Where's Oliver?" Taco asked.
He was the only one not assembled.
"He probably just slept in or something, he'll be here" Viper said, taking an uneasy look at BadHat.
It was unusual. On today of all days it seemed strange that Oliver would just sleep in. As time went on, uneasy expressions crept across the faces of the assembled group. After a half hour had passed, Heppa elected to go back to the beach house Oliver had retired to the night before. Everyone waited in anticipation for his return.
About fifteen minutes after he had set out, Heppa returned. His expression was grim, and his pace was slow. When he arrived at the lighthouse, he looked at BadHat for a second before turning to the crowd and speaking.
"You guys should come see this."
"We'll go" Said Vegeta.
Heppa led them to the beach house, and into the bunkroom Oliver had been sleeping in. Nobody spoke. There was nothing, nothing but stunned silence.
“I’m innocent!”
He was tied to a drainage pipe at the foot of the lighthouse, after being knocked unconcious by Sliver and hauled over there with the help of Viper and Taco.
Everyone was gathered on the beach now, discussing their next move.
“What do we do with him?” asked Quix
“We need to question him!” said Sliver.
“We’re not doing anything” said Viper
“Until we’ve buried Morgs."
The service took place that evening. Morgs was buried on the beach, up near an old ship wreck and a makeshift gravestone was made of sticks and fishing line. A few words were said and people began to head back to the lighthouse.
BadHat continued to protest his innocence, even after two hours of questioning. The group decided to leave him where he was overnight, and try again the next day.
The following morning people once again gathered near the foot of the lighthouse, weary of getting too close to BadHat.
It had been a long night for the group. Murder had been something they never imagined they would ever have to deal with.
BadHat had stopped protesting, instead, he just sat. Staring at the group who were mingling nearby.
“Keep staring, murderer!” Yelled Heppa.
Viper approached the group, who were talking amongst themselves.
"Everyone here?" He asked.
The group looked amongst themselves, taking note of who was gathered.
"Where's Oliver?" Taco asked.
He was the only one not assembled.
"He probably just slept in or something, he'll be here" Viper said, taking an uneasy look at BadHat.
It was unusual. On today of all days it seemed strange that Oliver would just sleep in. As time went on, uneasy expressions crept across the faces of the assembled group. After a half hour had passed, Heppa elected to go back to the beach house Oliver had retired to the night before. Everyone waited in anticipation for his return.
About fifteen minutes after he had set out, Heppa returned. His expression was grim, and his pace was slow. When he arrived at the lighthouse, he looked at BadHat for a second before turning to the crowd and speaking.
"You guys should come see this."
"We'll go" Said Vegeta.
Heppa led them to the beach house, and into the bunkroom Oliver had been sleeping in. Nobody spoke. There was nothing, nothing but stunned silence.
Oliver lay face down on his bed. He could have easily just been sleeping, if not for the blood splatter on the wall near the head of his bed. He had died of a single shot to the head, probably while he was asleep.
"Jesus Christ, what the **** is happening" said Sliver.
"I never heard a gunshot" said Milly.
"No, there would have been a silencer" replied Vegeta.
Viper said nothing. His expression turned to one of anger as he spun around and stormed out of the beach house towards the lighthouse.
The interrogation went on for hours. All the other group members had dispersed, some to mourn, others to go over the beach house again. Some just went home.
BadHat seemed troubled by the news, but Viper wasn't having it.
As the afternoon arrived, Vegeta aproached Viper.
"You need to take a break, come on.
"No, he knows something". replied Viper.
BadHat had given up his protesting, and sat in silence.
"Viper. you need a break."
He submitted with a sigh and walked with Vegeta to the beach.
"We need to start considering the idea that he might not have killed Morgs" said Vegeta.
"Well if he didn't do it, who did?" asked Viper.
"I don't know, but he sure as hell didn't kill Oliver. There's no way he got out of those ropes, let alone back into them".
"I just don't know what to do." said Viper
"I don't know what's happening, or how it's happening. I'm at a loose end. Someone's toying with us, and the more time we spend looking for them, the less of us there are going to be if this pattern continues."
"We just have to be careful, we can't trust anyone. We need to keep everyone together until we find the culprit" Vegeta said.
"I think we should at least move BadHat indoors."
Viper Sighed.
"Ok, let's go. We'll move him to one of the beach houses, but I'm keeping him tied up."
Vegeta and Viper headed back up the hill towards the lighthouse, and approached BadHat. From a distance, he appeared to be lying down.
"Hey, BadHat!" Vegeta called.
He didn't move. As they got closer, they realised something. He wasn't tied up.
"Oh shit!" Viper yelled.
They dashed over to where BadHat was lying. His body was lifeless, his binds wrapped tightly around his neck.
Viper stared for a long time, almost catatonically. Vegeta despaired.
Vegeta stood up and walked a few steps away, and knelt down, it seemed hard to breath.
"Jesus Christ, what the **** is happening" said Sliver.
"I never heard a gunshot" said Milly.
"No, there would have been a silencer" replied Vegeta.
Viper said nothing. His expression turned to one of anger as he spun around and stormed out of the beach house towards the lighthouse.
The interrogation went on for hours. All the other group members had dispersed, some to mourn, others to go over the beach house again. Some just went home.
BadHat seemed troubled by the news, but Viper wasn't having it.
As the afternoon arrived, Vegeta aproached Viper.
"You need to take a break, come on.
"No, he knows something". replied Viper.
BadHat had given up his protesting, and sat in silence.
"Viper. you need a break."
He submitted with a sigh and walked with Vegeta to the beach.
"We need to start considering the idea that he might not have killed Morgs" said Vegeta.
"Well if he didn't do it, who did?" asked Viper.
"I don't know, but he sure as hell didn't kill Oliver. There's no way he got out of those ropes, let alone back into them".
"I just don't know what to do." said Viper
"I don't know what's happening, or how it's happening. I'm at a loose end. Someone's toying with us, and the more time we spend looking for them, the less of us there are going to be if this pattern continues."
"We just have to be careful, we can't trust anyone. We need to keep everyone together until we find the culprit" Vegeta said.
"I think we should at least move BadHat indoors."
Viper Sighed.
"Ok, let's go. We'll move him to one of the beach houses, but I'm keeping him tied up."
Vegeta and Viper headed back up the hill towards the lighthouse, and approached BadHat. From a distance, he appeared to be lying down.
"Hey, BadHat!" Vegeta called.
He didn't move. As they got closer, they realised something. He wasn't tied up.
"Oh shit!" Viper yelled.
They dashed over to where BadHat was lying. His body was lifeless, his binds wrapped tightly around his neck.
Viper stared for a long time, almost catatonically. Vegeta despaired.
Vegeta stood up and walked a few steps away, and knelt down, it seemed hard to breath.
"What the hell are we gonna do!?" cried Vegeta
"We have to go. We can't trust anyone" Viper replied
"Where are we going to go exactly? Nowhere is safe."
Viper took a look around for any sign of a culprit, and took off.
"Where are you going?" asked Vegeta
"There are fresh tracks heading towards the beach, if we follow them we -"
Viper recoiled as a bullet struck at his feet.
"Take cover! It came from the west!" He yelled at Vegeta.
They ran behind an old wooden shed, breathing heavily, hearts racing.
"The game's changed" Said Vegeta.
Viper said nothing. Slowly, he peered around the corner of the shed.
"Ok, we're going to make a run for it. You run into the lighthouse, I'll head for the old abandoned beach shack. Hopefully in the confusion we'll get there unscathed."
"Ok, ready when you are." Said Vegeta nervously.
"On the count of!"
Vegeta ran towards the lighthouse like he had never run before. It was only a short distance, but it didn't make him feel any better about it.
He dived into the open door, just as a shot rang out across the island. He didn't seem to be hit.
Across from the door towards the shack he could see Viper. He was down.
"Viper!" He yelled.
He didn't move.
Vegeta cursed, and knelt down, his head in his hands. He collected himself, taking a deep breath. There was only one thing for it. Vegeta made his way towards the cellar. There was a door connecting the cellar to the sewer pipe, giving him a way to cross the island unseen.
He climbed down once again into the familiar cellar. Using his flashlight he illuminated the old metal door connecting to the sewers. He put down the flashlight and grabbed the handle. It was old and rusty, and required a lot of force to move. Eventually it budged, and came free.
He swung the door open into the sewer, and peeked around the corner. It was dark and silent.
"Here goes nothing" he said.
"We have to go. We can't trust anyone" Viper replied
"Where are we going to go exactly? Nowhere is safe."
Viper took a look around for any sign of a culprit, and took off.
"Where are you going?" asked Vegeta
"There are fresh tracks heading towards the beach, if we follow them we -"
Viper recoiled as a bullet struck at his feet.
"Take cover! It came from the west!" He yelled at Vegeta.
They ran behind an old wooden shed, breathing heavily, hearts racing.
"The game's changed" Said Vegeta.
Viper said nothing. Slowly, he peered around the corner of the shed.
"Ok, we're going to make a run for it. You run into the lighthouse, I'll head for the old abandoned beach shack. Hopefully in the confusion we'll get there unscathed."
"Ok, ready when you are." Said Vegeta nervously.
"On the count of!"
Vegeta ran towards the lighthouse like he had never run before. It was only a short distance, but it didn't make him feel any better about it.
He dived into the open door, just as a shot rang out across the island. He didn't seem to be hit.
Across from the door towards the shack he could see Viper. He was down.
"Viper!" He yelled.
He didn't move.
Vegeta cursed, and knelt down, his head in his hands. He collected himself, taking a deep breath. There was only one thing for it. Vegeta made his way towards the cellar. There was a door connecting the cellar to the sewer pipe, giving him a way to cross the island unseen.
He climbed down once again into the familiar cellar. Using his flashlight he illuminated the old metal door connecting to the sewers. He put down the flashlight and grabbed the handle. It was old and rusty, and required a lot of force to move. Eventually it budged, and came free.
He swung the door open into the sewer, and peeked around the corner. It was dark and silent.
"Here goes nothing" he said.
Vegeta made his way down the dark tunnel. He knew the way from memory after his earlier excursion. After rounding a few bends, he saw the light at the exit. The sewer opened onto a beach on the west side of the island.
He cautiously walked out onto the sand, taking care to look around. Behind him, a small cliff rose up, and the beach houses a short distance behind that. He looked up, but couldn't see anything through the glare of the sun.
Just as he was about to look away, the glare became obscured. He could make out a figure at the top of the cliff, standing motionless. He dashed toward the rockface, trying to stay out of sight. He peeked up at the figure, and it began to move, almost as if it was...leaning forward.
The body fell outwards, and struck the cliff face two or three times before crashing onto the sand a short distance from where he was hiding. Vegeta looked up, there was nothing there.
He slowly moved towards the body. He recognized it instantly.
He was lying face down, a combat knife protruding from his back. This was no accident, and that came at no surprise.
Vegeta took a moment to collect himself, and began to walk along the rock face towards the northern beach, where a slope would take him to the beach houses.
Vegeta arrived at the top of the cliff, the beach houses now in sight. From his position behind a rock, he couldn't see anyone; the coast was clear.
Keeping low, he ran towards the closest shack. He peered through one of the windows to see nothing but an empty living room. He snuck around the side of the building towards the door. All was quiet. He silently opened the door and slipped inside.
He quietly walked through the kitchen area and into the dining room. As he crossed the room, something caused him to slip on the hard wood floor. Blood.
A trail of blood led from the center of the room into what appeared to be a bathroom. Vegeta raised his gun and slowly walked towards the door, which was slightly ajar. With his gun ready in one hand, he gripped the door handle and slowly pushed it open.
Vegeta lowered his gun. Quix was propped against the wall in a pool of blood. He was holding a stab wound in his stomach.
"Jesus Quix, what happened, who did this?" said Vegeta.
Quix keeled over in pain.
"I didn't see....he got me from behind....he got Taco the...boathouse....Sliver was upstairs, he...chased him outside..."
"Jesus, I gotta help you" Vegeta said
"Nah...I'm done...just...get that son of a bitch" Quix sputtered.
"I will Quix, I swear."
Quix became still, his eyes glazed over and he fell sideways, lifeless.
Vegeta bowed his head, and closed Quix's eyes.
He stood up, and headed for the door, more determined than ever.
He cautiously walked out onto the sand, taking care to look around. Behind him, a small cliff rose up, and the beach houses a short distance behind that. He looked up, but couldn't see anything through the glare of the sun.
Just as he was about to look away, the glare became obscured. He could make out a figure at the top of the cliff, standing motionless. He dashed toward the rockface, trying to stay out of sight. He peeked up at the figure, and it began to move, almost as if it was...leaning forward.
The body fell outwards, and struck the cliff face two or three times before crashing onto the sand a short distance from where he was hiding. Vegeta looked up, there was nothing there.
He slowly moved towards the body. He recognized it instantly.
He was lying face down, a combat knife protruding from his back. This was no accident, and that came at no surprise.
Vegeta took a moment to collect himself, and began to walk along the rock face towards the northern beach, where a slope would take him to the beach houses.
Vegeta arrived at the top of the cliff, the beach houses now in sight. From his position behind a rock, he couldn't see anyone; the coast was clear.
Keeping low, he ran towards the closest shack. He peered through one of the windows to see nothing but an empty living room. He snuck around the side of the building towards the door. All was quiet. He silently opened the door and slipped inside.
He quietly walked through the kitchen area and into the dining room. As he crossed the room, something caused him to slip on the hard wood floor. Blood.
A trail of blood led from the center of the room into what appeared to be a bathroom. Vegeta raised his gun and slowly walked towards the door, which was slightly ajar. With his gun ready in one hand, he gripped the door handle and slowly pushed it open.
Vegeta lowered his gun. Quix was propped against the wall in a pool of blood. He was holding a stab wound in his stomach.
"Jesus Quix, what happened, who did this?" said Vegeta.
Quix keeled over in pain.
"I didn't see....he got me from behind....he got Taco the...boathouse....Sliver was upstairs, he...chased him outside..."
"Jesus, I gotta help you" Vegeta said
"Nah...I'm done...just...get that son of a bitch" Quix sputtered.
"I will Quix, I swear."
Quix became still, his eyes glazed over and he fell sideways, lifeless.
Vegeta bowed his head, and closed Quix's eyes.
He stood up, and headed for the door, more determined than ever.
Sliver was right on his tail. The hooded figure had taken off towards the lighthouse. He'd seen him go in through the main door, and sliver observed the building for a few moments before advancing.
Sliver was cautious. There were three routes the killer could have taken. He either went into the cellar, out the back door and down to the beach, or up the light house. Sliver chose to climb the tower. Gun drawn, he slowly climbed the spiral staircase. upon reaching the top and finding nothing, he began to panic - he'd lost him. He looked out over the island, scanning for movement, when someone caught his eye. Someone was coming from the beach house.
Sliver squinted, and realised who it was.
"Veg!" He yelled.
Vegeta didn't hear him. He yelled again, but to no avail.
Suddenly another figure came into view on the trail to the beach, behind Vegeta. Sliver panicked.
"Veg!" He yelled.
He seemed to notice, and looked up at Sliver.
"Behind you!" Sliver yelled.
It was no use, Vegeta wasn't hearing him. The hooded figure lunged from behind, knife in hand.
Sliver raised his gun and squeezed off a shot.
Sliver hit his target, but he was too late, he was already running at full speed and plunged the knife into Vegeta's shoulder. They both collapsed on the ground.
Sliver ran down the staircase as fast as he could, and dashed over to where Vegeta and the killer lay.
"Veg, you ok?" Sliver asked.
"It's bad, but I think I'll live, just get him" Vegeta winced, pointing at the second body.
Sliver approached the killers body, he'd hit him in the center of his chest. He rolled him over using his foot, and his eyes widened as he saw the murderers face. He was bleeding at the mouth, but his lips bore a smile. He said nothing, only looking at sliver with a mocking expression.
Sliver stared with a livid expression.
"**** you Milly" Sliver said.
He raised his gun and fired.
Sliver crouched beside Vegeta.
"He's gone man, it's done."
Vegeta didn't say anything. He just lay back and closed his eyes, the grief and shock finally catching up with him.
"They're all dead" Said Veg.
"We're the.....only ones..."
Sliver lowered his head in sad contemplation. After a while, he got up.
"Come on man, we've gotta get you back to the shack."
He put his arm around Vegeta and lifted him up. They began hobbling back to the beach house.
It was a silent walk. Both survivors were in shock, and still coming to terms with the events of the past couple of days.
Upon reaching the house, sliver pushed the door open and lifted Vegeta inside. He took him over to the couch and lay him down.
"I'll get some bandages." Sliver said.
He turned and walked towards the bathroom. He almost collapsed when he saw Quix, but he regained himself and opened the cupboards, grabbing all the medical supplies he could see before heading back into the living room.
He entered the room and immediately stopped in shock. A figure stood beside Vegeta, his gun trained on him.
"I'm afraid you wont be needing those" Said Viper.
Sliver was cautious. There were three routes the killer could have taken. He either went into the cellar, out the back door and down to the beach, or up the light house. Sliver chose to climb the tower. Gun drawn, he slowly climbed the spiral staircase. upon reaching the top and finding nothing, he began to panic - he'd lost him. He looked out over the island, scanning for movement, when someone caught his eye. Someone was coming from the beach house.
Sliver squinted, and realised who it was.
"Veg!" He yelled.
Vegeta didn't hear him. He yelled again, but to no avail.
Suddenly another figure came into view on the trail to the beach, behind Vegeta. Sliver panicked.
"Veg!" He yelled.
He seemed to notice, and looked up at Sliver.
"Behind you!" Sliver yelled.
It was no use, Vegeta wasn't hearing him. The hooded figure lunged from behind, knife in hand.
Sliver raised his gun and squeezed off a shot.
Sliver hit his target, but he was too late, he was already running at full speed and plunged the knife into Vegeta's shoulder. They both collapsed on the ground.
Sliver ran down the staircase as fast as he could, and dashed over to where Vegeta and the killer lay.
"Veg, you ok?" Sliver asked.
"It's bad, but I think I'll live, just get him" Vegeta winced, pointing at the second body.
Sliver approached the killers body, he'd hit him in the center of his chest. He rolled him over using his foot, and his eyes widened as he saw the murderers face. He was bleeding at the mouth, but his lips bore a smile. He said nothing, only looking at sliver with a mocking expression.
Sliver stared with a livid expression.
"**** you Milly" Sliver said.
He raised his gun and fired.
Sliver crouched beside Vegeta.
"He's gone man, it's done."
Vegeta didn't say anything. He just lay back and closed his eyes, the grief and shock finally catching up with him.
"They're all dead" Said Veg.
"We're the.....only ones..."
Sliver lowered his head in sad contemplation. After a while, he got up.
"Come on man, we've gotta get you back to the shack."
He put his arm around Vegeta and lifted him up. They began hobbling back to the beach house.
It was a silent walk. Both survivors were in shock, and still coming to terms with the events of the past couple of days.
Upon reaching the house, sliver pushed the door open and lifted Vegeta inside. He took him over to the couch and lay him down.
"I'll get some bandages." Sliver said.
He turned and walked towards the bathroom. He almost collapsed when he saw Quix, but he regained himself and opened the cupboards, grabbing all the medical supplies he could see before heading back into the living room.
He entered the room and immediately stopped in shock. A figure stood beside Vegeta, his gun trained on him.
"I'm afraid you wont be needing those" Said Viper.
Chapter 10
"Guns, now." Said Viper
Sliver slid his handgun across the floor towards Viper, Vegeta did the same.
"Why" Said Sliver
"Good question" Viper replied.
"Not so easy to answer though I'm afraid. All I can say is I was made this way. I don't know why, but this is what I was put here to do. Milly was the same, we shared a special bond in that way. It's a shame he wasn't smart enough to survive all this. Fortunately he was a good enough shot to provide that small distraction at the lighthouse. To think, we almost pulled it off flawlessly."
"You're sick" Vegeta said.
"Possibly" Viper responded.
"However, that doesn't matter now. What matters is removing you two from this world, so that my goal will be fulfilled."
"The tunnel in the sewers." Sliver said
"You dug that?"
Viper chuckled.
"No no, I got Milly to do that, and I have to say he did an outstanding job. It came in handy many times, that tunnel."
"Of course I can't finish this without giving a special thanks to BadHat, he proved a valuble distraction while I put my plans into action. I did intend to keep him alive a bit longer, but Milly couldn't help himself you see."
Vegeta and Sliver were silent.
"You two should consider yourselves lucky! You get to go out with a bang, the grand finale!"
Viper pulled what appeared to be C4 explosives from his jacket. He threw a coil of rope to sliver, keeping his gun on him at all times.
"Tie Vegeta up, nice and tight now. We wouldn't want him to free himself now would we."
Once Vegeta was tied, Viper cuffed Sliver to a gas pipe.
"Let's see, three minutes should do. If you're wondering how big of a bang this is going to make, let's just say there's a chance the Island might get just a tad smaller."
"God damn you you mother ****er!" Sliver yelled.
"Charming." Said Viper.
He set the timer.
"Well I'd best be going, I want to get to a good viewpoint for this."
Viper stepped outside, and turned one final time.
"Don't worry, you'll see your friends again soon enough."
He slammed the door shut.
They could see Viper heading to the lighthouse out the window, no doubt to get an elevated view of the explosion.
"Damnit, we're screwed" said sliver.
"Not yet" Vegeta said.
He was frantically working through the rope on a spring that had penetrated one of the squabs on the sofa.
The timer reached two minutes.
"Come on, come on!" Veg yelled in frustration.
"What are you doing" Said Sliver, pulling at the gas pipe.
One minute thirty.
He could feel the rope weakening.
Finally, the rope snapped, freeing him. He had no time to lose.
"Sliver, there's no time, less than a minute. Hopefully you'll be ok. Just get low."
"Veg, no..."
"It's the only option." Said Vegeta.
He hurried to the door and turned.
"Goodbye, sliver."
Vegeta dashed out the door with thirty seconds on the clock. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, his vision was blurry and he felt dizzy from blood loss, but he pushed on.
"NO!" Viper yelled from atop the lighthouse.
Vegeta glanced at the clock - ten seconds.
Running into the door of the lighthouse he collapsed on the floor, five seconds left on the clock."
"Good luck Sliver." he whispered.
Viper had nowhere to go. The explosion knocked him off his feet and the shockwave shattered the glass around him. Before he could regain his footing the lighthouse began to collapse. With the ground supports gone, the tower could not stand. It collapsed and crumbled. Viper screamed as he fell into a mass of concrete and fire, unable to save himself. One last, giant fireball erupted into the sky as the remnants of the tower came to rest in a large heap of rubble.
Sliver slid his handgun across the floor towards Viper, Vegeta did the same.
"Why" Said Sliver
"Good question" Viper replied.
"Not so easy to answer though I'm afraid. All I can say is I was made this way. I don't know why, but this is what I was put here to do. Milly was the same, we shared a special bond in that way. It's a shame he wasn't smart enough to survive all this. Fortunately he was a good enough shot to provide that small distraction at the lighthouse. To think, we almost pulled it off flawlessly."
"You're sick" Vegeta said.
"Possibly" Viper responded.
"However, that doesn't matter now. What matters is removing you two from this world, so that my goal will be fulfilled."
"The tunnel in the sewers." Sliver said
"You dug that?"
Viper chuckled.
"No no, I got Milly to do that, and I have to say he did an outstanding job. It came in handy many times, that tunnel."
"Of course I can't finish this without giving a special thanks to BadHat, he proved a valuble distraction while I put my plans into action. I did intend to keep him alive a bit longer, but Milly couldn't help himself you see."
Vegeta and Sliver were silent.
"You two should consider yourselves lucky! You get to go out with a bang, the grand finale!"
Viper pulled what appeared to be C4 explosives from his jacket. He threw a coil of rope to sliver, keeping his gun on him at all times.
"Tie Vegeta up, nice and tight now. We wouldn't want him to free himself now would we."
Once Vegeta was tied, Viper cuffed Sliver to a gas pipe.
"Let's see, three minutes should do. If you're wondering how big of a bang this is going to make, let's just say there's a chance the Island might get just a tad smaller."
"God damn you you mother ****er!" Sliver yelled.
"Charming." Said Viper.
He set the timer.
"Well I'd best be going, I want to get to a good viewpoint for this."
Viper stepped outside, and turned one final time.
"Don't worry, you'll see your friends again soon enough."
He slammed the door shut.
They could see Viper heading to the lighthouse out the window, no doubt to get an elevated view of the explosion.
"Damnit, we're screwed" said sliver.
"Not yet" Vegeta said.
He was frantically working through the rope on a spring that had penetrated one of the squabs on the sofa.
The timer reached two minutes.
"Come on, come on!" Veg yelled in frustration.
"What are you doing" Said Sliver, pulling at the gas pipe.
One minute thirty.
He could feel the rope weakening.
Finally, the rope snapped, freeing him. He had no time to lose.
"Sliver, there's no time, less than a minute. Hopefully you'll be ok. Just get low."
"Veg, no..."
"It's the only option." Said Vegeta.
He hurried to the door and turned.
"Goodbye, sliver."
Vegeta dashed out the door with thirty seconds on the clock. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, his vision was blurry and he felt dizzy from blood loss, but he pushed on.
"NO!" Viper yelled from atop the lighthouse.
Vegeta glanced at the clock - ten seconds.
Running into the door of the lighthouse he collapsed on the floor, five seconds left on the clock."
"Good luck Sliver." he whispered.
Viper had nowhere to go. The explosion knocked him off his feet and the shockwave shattered the glass around him. Before he could regain his footing the lighthouse began to collapse. With the ground supports gone, the tower could not stand. It collapsed and crumbled. Viper screamed as he fell into a mass of concrete and fire, unable to save himself. One last, giant fireball erupted into the sky as the remnants of the tower came to rest in a large heap of rubble.
Five years from that day.
The Island had once again sprouted a population, forming their own community on the island. By the time they had arrived, the bodies of the dead had been buried, those that could be recovered. Sliver remained, but pleaded ignorance to the events that shattered the lighthouse. The experience had left him jaded, and he spent most of his days inside his shack.
As time went on Sliver began to go through a change. He became more and more cynicle to the world around him. He almost began to feel like...
...Causing terror.
The Island had once again sprouted a population, forming their own community on the island. By the time they had arrived, the bodies of the dead had been buried, those that could be recovered. Sliver remained, but pleaded ignorance to the events that shattered the lighthouse. The experience had left him jaded, and he spent most of his days inside his shack.
As time went on Sliver began to go through a change. He became more and more cynicle to the world around him. He almost began to feel like...
...Causing terror.