Turn off that alarm!

May 24, 2003
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Since about 3 this morning, an alarm has been going off every 30 minutes or so. Its really bugging me because I know the people aren't away and they just don't seem to care. Its a house alarm and I just don't get why they won't stop it. I mean, I can actually see someone through the window of the house. Maybe there is a fault, but I'm sure they could yank it off the wall or something. Since its coming up on 3pm now, that makes it almost 12 hours :O
is that person in the window wearing a ski mask?
Our computer room doors broken, the alarms on all the time :(

still they had to break into Biochem eng through a window cause the door lock went belly up :)
crazy paranoid British people with your alarm systems :|
Well it seems to have stopped now...And we have alarm system in case people break in HatRabit...I assume that in Canada (Which I'm guessing is where you live from your location) criminals don't exist.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well it seems to have stopped now...And we have alarm system in case people break in HatRabit...I assume that in Canada (Which I'm guessing is where you live from your location) criminals don't exist.
HatRabit lives in a mudhut, don't have alarms there.
oh criminals exist in canada we just call them politicians
LMAO! :thumbs:

EDIT: Finally! I'm beyond that ichtya-wotzit!
The area I live is a very bad, we are moveing in an week though (Weeeee!)

In the mornings we get, but are not limited too

- Kids yelling
- There parents yelling
- Kids running around and around the block on there bike (Good use of gas.. morons)
- Kids useing whistles for some reason
- Kids fighting
- Drunks.

One thing I hate its loudness, I would of gone over and told them to turn it off, myself.
sounds like you should close your bedroom window ..or invest in earplugs
Its very warm, and its raining so that means its also quite humid so I'm not closing my window. Anyway, its stopped now and I don't think its coming back on.
Farrow my friend you always think I'm talking to you :) (btw the solution to your problem is a well placed RPG) ...actually I was talking to The MIstress (hope the wife doesnt find out)
I see...Well considering the topic of my thread its hardly a surprise I thought that.
ya I should quote more

RPG RPG!!! do it, you know you wannna!!!!
The Dark Elf said:
HatRabit lives in a mudhut, don't have alarms there.

actually its made of wood, but nope, no alarms at all. we leave the doors unlocked too :cheers:
Aren't you worried about the free roaming wild Mounties coming through your door and trying to fight crime in an undomesticated way?
yay!!! I'm going shopping for a new PC at HatRabit's house ..errrr hut
HatRabit said:
actually its made of wood, but nope, no alarms at all. we leave the doors unlocked too :cheers:
Ahh, you live under the sea /me begins humming the under the sea song for the rest of the night unable to get it out of his head, damn catchy Disney tunes grrr
Farrowlesparrow said:
Aren't you worried about the free roaming wild Mounties coming through your door and trying to fight crime in an undomesticated way?

well we have less then 10 of them, but if they did we'd just give them some beer , horses, supplies and ammunition to fight the wild indian types who live around here.:imu:

CptStern said:
yay!!! I'm going shopping for a new PC at HatRabit's house ..errrr hut

sure...I was planning on getting a new one anyway :burp:

The Dark Elf said:
Ahh, you live under the sea /me begins humming the under the sea song for the rest of the night unable to get it out of his head, damn catchy Disney tunes grrr

I do :laugh:

HatRabit looks outside

nope, still land as far as I can tell. :(

Ahem, anyway!

I wouldnt get too angry with them farrow. I mean, it might not be their fault.

Our alarm system went off while we were on holiday once due to a power cut. Annoyed the neighbours like anything. But there was nothing we could do because we knew nothing about it until we got back.

Even then it took several hours to stop it (Yanked out several wires in three different boxes) and even then it turned itself back on within 15 minutes. In the end we just ripped out everything in the boxes which shut the damn thing up. HOWEVER it cost ALOT to get an electrition to fix the mess which was damn depressing and a slap in the face since half the neighbourhood hated us for a long while. :(

Anyway, the point is those things are a right biatch to turn off and go off readily!! :x
Yeah well...My point about yanking the alarm off the wall still stands :P Forget wires, just go for the source of the sound. I suppose that would spoil the warranty or something. I don't think it was broken as such though, it just kept getting tripped.