Turn On Techtv Right Now!! Hurry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wraith
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you have probably like 4-5 minutes, i jsut hear morgan webb say its coming after this commercial break, ill pay attention and take notes in case something new comes up
He said something about half-life2 and how they use fans money to make a giant walking talking fire breathing cow.

wait, i don't have cable anymore... sorry
im taking notes, ill let you know, most likely they wont show it untilt he end as its the only important thing on the show
Roger that! This is one of those 'click refresh button every second' threads
ok guys here are the key points:

hl2 WILL ship with CS:S

these are the "final days" of hl2, august they will send the release candidate to vivendi and the game will be on the shelves in the fall

all of this was preceeded by "hopefully" and "we are looking forward to" (read: disclaimer)
all they're showing is something about the G-phoria awards, when I turned it on it was just viewtiful joe. I'll give em credit, though, usually its infomercials around this time.
sorry guys, i went into my living room and was like "hmm i wonder whats on techtv?" then its like "after this commercial break we will talk to doug lombardi and see whats going on with half life 2" so ir an in here and started this thread as soon as possible, sorry i didnt loko for the right forum, just kinda panicked
oh wait. august is already over. this shit must be old. maybe its still true though? im sorry :(
Wraith said:
oh wait. august is already over.

hahaha OOPS! :cheers: It might be old info, but I personally hadn't heard confirmation about CS:S shipping with HL2. Or maybe I had. Either way, that'll be cool, but of course have to wait until I'm done playing HL2 single player :bounce: :E
Wraith said:
oh wait. august is already over. this shit must be old. maybe its still true though? im sorry :(
LOL it took you 15 mins to work that out!
They confirmed CS:S shipping with HL2 @ this years E3. Purple monkey dishwasher.
Bad^Hat said:
They confirmed CS:S shipping with HL2 @ this years E3. Purple monkey dishwasher.

Ah, see? Shows how much I pay attention. Mauve squid microwave.
yeh, I already thought the RC had been sent ages ago, I think people are getting all confuse 'ed , when they see CS:S they think their gathering vital info for making HL2 more solid, but CS:S is a seperate game, and HL2 would of had in house tester's to work the bug's out of it. So I still think the gold date is far sooner than we think.
Actually the CS : Source beta gives valve insights into how the source engine runs wide scale.