Turning Nocturnal


May 31, 2004
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Its 9:50 am in the morning; I've been awake for whole night and it's been going on for the past two weeks. I still have 12 hours of sleep a day but i've been sleeping later and later everyday. I'm planning to play plan of attack for another 3 hours and sleep until midnight. Hopefully, i can do a full reversal of my sleep cycle before school starts.
Delirious said:
Its 9:40 am in the morning; I've been awake for whole night and it's been going on for the past two weeks. I still have 12 hours of sleep a day but i've been sleeping later and later everyday. I'm planning to play plan of attack for another 3 hours and sleep until midnight. Hopefully, i can do a full reversal of my sleep cycle before school starts.
Or just keep going on like you are... School isn't that important.
i wanted to do something similar but school is about two weeks from now so meh :(
I generally end up going to bed about 3:00 AM and getting up at about 11:00 to 12:00 AM. I can't stand mornings, they're so boring!

The best way to re-tune your sleeping habits is not to sleep one night and then go to bed at like 9:00 or 10:00 PM. So don't go to bed at 12:00, just stay up the entire day.
I go to sleep at 5, wake up at like 2. Then work at 3:30. What an eventful day I have D:
Good to see some people have sleeping patterns as messed up as mine. I do the usual 4am to bed, noon to rise thing that you guys have mentioned. I find it makes me hella sleepy during the day.

And then every now and again my body will do something utterly bizarre, like send me to sleep at 11pm, and then I'll wake at 5pm next day. I get a strange feeling of pride when that happens.
I tried to avoid this kind of lifestyle, because when I did it before I felt like crap.
yep, I'm doing that now, and it sucks, i feel slothful as hell and it doesn't feel good.
Summer school just ended for me, so summer is just starting (And will end in three weeks -_-)
I'll probably be sleeping from 4-4 in a week
It seems to be my equilibrium sleep time :/
I've tried going all the way around in my sleep cycle
It never really worked out well XD
I generally sleep from 5:00 AM - 2:30 PM. I just do what I feel like, no point in trying to control my sleep cycle when I don't have a job or school.
So...if we're all sleeping ridiculous hours, then who's running the country? :eek:
Laivasse said:
Good to see some people have sleeping patterns as messed up as mine. I do the usual 4am to bed, noon to rise thing that you guys have mentioned. I find it makes me hella sleepy during the day.

And then every now and again my body will do something utterly bizarre, like send me to sleep at 11pm, and then I'll wake at 5pm next day. I get a strange feeling of pride when that happens.

5pm? holy molly!:eek:
CyberPitz said:
<RJMC> said:
5pm? holy molly! :eek:
He really..uhh...liikes his sleep? :(

Yeah, I know... :bonce:

It's not like I sleep the whole way through, but I might wake up at 10am, then close my eyes and suddenly it will be noon, etc etc repeat until suddenly, somehow, it's evening again. It doesn't happen every day though :o *cries*

But yeah, this lifestyle is like permanent jetlag, it stinks.
Rip Van Winkle is brought to mind..

My hours are completely normal. I try and go to bed at 2 AM and can't so I play games till about 4-4:30 AM when I feel tired.. I then wake up at like 12-1.. School starts at the end of August for me so I need to retune my sleeping hours for school and for football.. Bleh, it sucks being awesome.

Oh wait, it sucks not being awesome. :)
Yep, when I get up @ noon I'll try to talk myself into working but I'm so lethargic that I just end up playing games and lounging around all day.
Being Nocturnal is great!! I stay up all the time once you get used to it its fun :p I think i must have sum weird sleep pattern tho coz even if i go to bed at 3am ill still end up waking up around 7ish n feel absolutely fine!!
lucky you:);):P omg a girl everyone quick to this thread a girld posted

i need lots of sleep. otherwise i fell tired and have no energy

tis trajic:P
*~Alex~* said:
Being Nocturnal is great!! I stay up all the time once you get used to it its fun :p I think i must have sum weird sleep pattern tho coz even if i go to bed at 3am ill still end up waking up around 7ish n feel absolutely fine!!
Same here, latest I ever woke up is like,10AM or something. And that's when I went to bed at 7AM. Perfect three hours of sleep.
Yeh lol i really cant seem to have a lie in its just not possible for me! 10am is usually my lastest, 11 a couple of times before!
Yeah I find the same thing, I feel great when I only get 3-4 hours sleep. I think it's because you don't get into such a deep sleep, you're in like one of the early phases (I don't know any of the technical stuff) which makes getting up easy.
*~Alex~* said:
Yeh lol i really cant seem to have a lie in its just not possible for me! 10am is usually my lastest, 11 a couple of times before!
heh me too is weird :|
I go to bed around 3-4am and wake up anywhere between 10-1. Most times I wake up closer to 10 so I have time to go workout before work.

I hate sleeping a lot anymore, 10+ hours. Makes the day seem wasted and goes by much quicker.