Turrets (automated)


Sep 15, 2003
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Trying to make some cool map with turrets and stuff, you who have played the HL2 SP know what im talking about, those turrets who are so funny to pick up with the grav-gun and throw into a room filled with enemies :)

well, cant find the enity or what it should be for those turrets.. any one know? im using that base.fgd, should be in there somewhere, dont you think?
No. The hl2.fgd isn't yet out and the base.fgd is just the basics without all the monsters and such. For now all you can do is make lanscape and architecture...even texturing will be difficult becuase you will have to use Counter strike source textures for now.

What I'm doing is laying out my maps using those orange and grey "dev" textures and as soon as the full SDK is out, I'l start to place enemies and textures.
ah k, gotta wait until the "full" sdk is out then, to make my dreams come true... :)

I'md itching to start putting stuff in my maps, but I suppose its useful as it means I'm getting all teh basics laid out insteadof getting bogged down in details.
There hasnt been too much talk about the sdk by valve, is a quote or anything saying how soon it will be until we see the sdk?
genocide604 said:
There hasnt been too much talk about the sdk by valve, is a quote or anything saying how soon it will be until we see the sdk?

They are always saying "soon". We have to wait until they give us an actual release date.
I don't think it should be too long though...We have the game now and they have been adding to what we currently have of the SDK.