Turtle Beach Ear Force X11


Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I am thinking of getting this headset.

It works with both, 360 and PC. I play my 360 on my LCD monitor and i don't like to use speakers. I need a new heatset any way since my Plantronics GameCom 367 is starting to fall apart. It has good output and input but the design is a bit flimsy.

Have any of you used Turtle Beach products before?
I have them, they rock! I convinced my boss and 2 other friends to get them too and everyone agrees, they are the best headsets one can buy. I fell asleep with them on a few times. they're really comfy, amazing sound, awesome bass, all the 5.1 you could ask for. Plus you can use your existing jacks from lets say a surround sound so it doesn't intrude on your setup.

Don't even think about it, just go ahead and add them to your cart
I thought everybody was saying to get Sennheiser!
You should, don't listen to anyone else.

I mean, there are people that actually think Bose is an amazing quality headphone/speaker company.
I have no interest in other heatsets unless it is compatible with a 360, got solid reviews and it's reasonably priced. I just needed to know if any of you are familiar with this brand and this particular series of headsets. That's all.
all the 5.1 you could ask for

>Ear Force X11 Amplified Stereo Headset with Chat


Also, +1 Sennheiser

Also also, if you are looking at 5.1 headphones, in my experiences, they just don't work. 5.1 needs space between the speakers to provide the differentiation of directional sound and, when placed within a headphone space, there isn't enough distance.
Does work, you need to try some X41's mate, sound is amazing.

In Cod you can hear things all around you - every detail of the game, I even use them for TF, although i don't think TF has a DD track.