TV as a monitor?

Dec 20, 2004
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I have heard that it is possible to hook up your TV as a secondary monitor. Does anyone know of the cord you would need to buy for this to work. Thanks, all replies are welcome.
umm probally one that will connect to your secondary output jack and goes into red yellow and white auxillary or whatever cables. you could then stick a scart adapter on. did u not get one with graphics card/ what gfx card hav u got?
Depending on your graphics card it might be the s-video cord and you can get adapters from s-video to composite. Just check your graphics card manual and see what connections it has. If you have no manual look at the back and see what shape holes there are :)
also note that it will look horrible if you have it at even 800x600 res(or higher) if its a regular tv
Yeah ive done this, on games and movies it looks ok. Although even with S-Video and at 640 x 480 on a desktop it is unreadable, atleast both my 27" and 19" didn't look so hot. Its really not that bad for games. I can only imagine what an HDTV looks like on it.
It's usually an S-Video cable, and when there are multiple output options, S-video is usually one of them. You'd have to check your video card though.

For picture quality, composite video < S-video < component video, but unfortunately television support for these interfaces goes roughly in the opposite order.