TV/Cable/Plug - Move all to power socket.


Oct 3, 2007
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I'm trying to make a tv,its cable & its plug all move to another place. The problem is with its plug/cable. I have tried so many different kinds of entities & options. With a prop_phys_override the plug is interactable (it can be picked up & used like I want) but the cable doesn't hold its length...the cable stretches so the plug doesnt move. I've tried so many diff ways & I'm puzzled on how to fix it. Plz help if you can.

The idea is the tv is picked up & carried into another room where the socket's plugged in & then the tv turns on. I know the tv is on right now but I'll set it off & attempt the plug>socket trigger when it comes to it.

Thanks for any input


everything now moves with a length constraint BUT

1/ The plug has no collision detection - It goes into walls / in to the floor etc.
2/ The plug isn't ineractable. If I now attempt to pick up the plug the TV seems to be the object being held & not the plug.

I need to move the tv into another room & then place it down (without the plug falling into the ground/going into the wall)

I then need to be able to pick up the plug (without the tv moving) & put the plug into a socket.

Is this possible?