Two guns John Woo-style

Meh, I still can't get good with the DE. Prefer to just buy armour and use glock or USP if I can pick one up in the pistol round.
z-layrex said:
Meh, I still can't get good with the DE. Prefer to just buy armour and use glock or USP if I can pick one up in the pistol round.
buying a deagle is something i usually avoid, freebees are welcome though
Deagle is good in close quarters maps like office or havana, but useless in maps like aztec. Elites are good for showing off with, as well as bullet spamming like a maniac (next to the M249).
DE's have such a small clip. I'm too innacurate to fire 7 round and even expect 1 to hit :). And also given the fact that I conserver my money till I have enough for lots of nice weapons, If I'm CT I buy the compact (B, 1, 5), or if I'm T I buy (B, 1, 3)... I don't remember their actual names
Deagle is one of the deadliest weapons in the game, don't underestimate it. :)

Plus it's by far my favourite gun in CS:S!
get the dual berettas and run around Wild Bill style firing them off into the air LOLLZZ
krameriffic said:
get the dual berettas and run around Wild Bill style firing them off into the air LOLLZZ

And be the first to die! :LOL:
Glock/USP are USLESS in Source.

In 1.6 I can own people pretty well with the USP/Glock, even if they have a rifle, in Source..the only pistol worth while using against a rifle is a deagle...
i wud say the usp is pretty good actually. and if u switch the glock onto burst mode it becomes quite cool...

i love pistol battles at the beginnin :D