Two men save mother and children from burning car


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score

****ing intense.

I was close to tears, it's really wonderful to see people who care.

A group of people including two off-duty firefighters and an off-duty police lieutenant rescued a woman and her two children from a burning SUV that crashed on Milwaukee's south side Sunday afternoon.

Most of the rescue was filmed by a bystander. The video shows the 1992 Chevrolet Blazer on its left side near S. 22nd Place and W. Layton Ave., its back half engulfed in flames and black smoke.

Two men eventually use metal pipes to break through the windshield, freeing the woman, who is a 32-year-old Tennessee resident, and her 2-year-old daughter.
Two brothers - John and Joel Rechlitz, who are Milwaukee firefighters and were off duty - were notified of the fire by one of their wives, who lives near the scene and saw the crash, said Tiffany Wynn, a Fire Department spokeswoman.

The video shows the off-duty firefighters trying to reach the boy through the windshield while off-duty police Lt. Mark Wroblewski sprays a fire extinguisher into the vehicle.

At one point the entire upper body of one of the off-duty firefighters is inside the vehicle before he pulls the boy out of the SUV.

The boy suffered burns to at least 30% of his body and was in surgery Sunday night at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, according to police and fire officials. His condition was not available.

Saw that on cnn yesterday. Love hearing stories like these.
wow that was intense! also it did almost make me cry too. it also looked like the majority of the people were helping one way or another. even the camera guy was dictating what should be done, and usually i hate it when someone is only filming and not helping, but I'm hoping more people see this and feel more of a urge to help during a time of need
wow that was intense! also it did almost make me cry too. it also looked like the majority of the people were helping one way or another. even the camera guy was dictating what should be done, and usually i hate it when someone is only filming and not helping, but I'm hoping more people see this and feel more of a urge to help during a time of need

Yea I think it was an elderly neighbor filming though, probably couldn't help much anyways
Am I the only one who questions why some guy would videotape this instead of doing anything?

edit: K others did.
Sometimes I get the feeling that there's a lot of goodwill in the world where people help each other. The news simply don't report it, mostly the bad things with minor exceptions like this one. Thus we get the feeling that there's more evil than good in the world.
Am I the only one who questions why some guy would videotape this instead of doing anything?

edit: K others did.

regardless what you think, this video is being watched by thousands of people who someday may remember this film though, and be inspired to help. thats how i look at it
My lil bro has been a volunteer fire fighter since he was 11. (about 7 years) This is the kind of thing he does and I really worry about losing him.

It's really brave that these people risked their lives rather than just stand at a safe distance and watch them die without even trying.

In situations like these, it's nice to have firefighters and police officers as neighbors, who have been trained to deal with things like this. Even if they didn't have their equipment, they still had their training and knowledge of how to deal with car fires.
Great video. Very intense. Glad everybody was rescued.

Hope the little child makes a proper recovery, even though it will be difficult with those severe burns.

Am I the only one who questions why some guy would videotape this instead of doing anything?

edit: K others did.

I was wondering the same thing myself, but you can only have so many people there doing stuff. If it becomes too crowded with everybody trying to do something, it might be a significant impedence on the progress of others.

However, he could have been running to get water/fire extinguishers.

If this happened near a home, every home usually has a fire extinguisher in the kitchen or someplace, people should have been running to get their fire extinguishers. Lots of soaking wet towels would have been a significant help as well.
Those people need to watch their filthy mouths. The ****ing asses.
As great as this is, it pisses me off to see people say "it's good to see that there's still people like this". How lowly do you think of other people if you really think they would do nothing in this situation? Fuck you.
How lowly do you think of other people if you really think they would do nothing in this situation? Fuck you.

I think very lowly of people. I've seen plenty of muggings, attacks, accidents and robberies where people had a chance to help someone and just keep on walking. Maybe one out of 20 people will actually move to help.
People often sit there and do nothing... thinking to themselves, "There's a crowd here... somebody will step forward. And maybe once they do, I will as well." But when everybody has that mentality, very rarely do people step forward. This is why there is such a rash of cases where somebody is getting attacked or something in a public setting and people just sit there and watch and try to mind their own business.

I think very lowly of people. I've seen plenty of muggings, attacks, accidents and robberies where people had a chance to help someone and just keep on walking. Maybe one out of 20 people will move actually help.

As great as this is, it pisses me off to see people say "it's good to see that there's still people like this". How lowly do you think of other people if you really think they would do nothing in this situation? Fuck you.

Firstly, have you ever heard of the Bystander Effect AKA Genovese Effect?

"The bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present. The probability of help is inversely proportional to the number of bystanders. In other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help."

I think very lowly of people. I've seen plenty of muggings, attacks, accidents and robberies where people had a chance to help someone and just keep on walking. Maybe one out of 20 people will actually move to help.

Secondly, this^

I do think most people don't care to be honest, and not to sound like CptStern, but especially this generation. People always think and say they care, but just watch, when help is truly needed, nothing is done.

Another example of people doing nothing-
There's also one I saw on MSNBC where a woman was in a mental home I think it was... and she was on surveilance passed out... and she sat there for a whole day and night, even had a security guard look at her slumped in the corner near the chairs, before walking off.

She had later died.
Be careful pitz. He might stab you in front of all of us and none of us will help you.
I'm pretty sure I would have been the first to jump kick or beat in the window and shit, but when that failed, I'd probably panic and get back. I'm pretty weary of blazing vehicles due to all the action movies that filled my brain with nonsense.

But when I was too much of a pussy to dive into the fire, I would also be one of the first to run as fast as I possibly could to get tools like the knife, and hopefully there is someone braver who would continue the effort to dig them out.

You can't tell from a video that the fire is ****ING HOT. Seriously, it probably hurt to stand close to it, so you can't really say that anyone would have climed into the car. Those guys helping suffered bad burns on their hands and arms, but despite the pain they didn't give up. That's really commendable.
I think very lowly of people. I've seen plenty of muggings, attacks, accidents and robberies where people had a chance to help someone and just keep on walking. Maybe one out of 20 people will actually move to help.
Not in person I hope, or that would make you a hypocrite. :p

I saw this on HLN the other day, but they didn't go into any detail or anything as to what caused the fire. I can't imagine it would just burst into flames while the family was riding would it? If so, then shame on that SUV for being a shitty vehicle. It deserved the fiery death it got.
Sometimes I get the feeling that there's a lot of goodwill in the world where people help each other. The news simply don't report it, mostly the bad things with minor exceptions like this one. Thus we get the feeling that there's more evil than good in the world.

True words. That video was intense. On the internet most everyone is a cynic but the fact is compassion is all around us right next to alienation and hate. I mean look how frenzied those people were, and without them those people would have been toast (literally).
Those people would not have turned into bread Ennui. And yeah, theres a lot more good out there than the media presents to us, but not as much as I used to hope there was. People put themselves first instinctually, and if its going to put them in harms way its only natural to avoid the danger. The only reason these people were helped so quickly is because there were trained firefighters nearby who have a personal stake in the safety of others and training designed to help them overcome their own self-preservation instincts. Other people only joined in because they were getting orders barked at them by the firefighters and it snapped them out of their reactionary state.