Two New Aftermath Screenshots!


Content Director
Aug 27, 2004
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We have some exclusive shots! Thanks to Doug Lombardi (And Samon :) ), Valve’s Director of Marketing, we now have two new screenshots to add to our Aftermath Album! Some of you may have seen these shots in a magazine, but these are actual in-game renders, not scans. Barney has never looked sexier...

[br]Half-Life 2: Aftermath is the sequel to Valve’s award winning First-Person Shooter, Half-Life 2. As we found out not too long ago, Aftermath Episode 1 is now slated for a March/April 2006 release, so start saving up![br]You can find out more about Half-Life 2: Aftermath here.
Aftermath is just one episode of many. Valve are going to release a large number of Half-Life 2 "episodic" levels, just like Sin Episodes.
CrazyJeepDriver said:
Ive seen these before, in PC Powerplay

Except now they are clearer and at a higher-res. :)
Thanks Samon and Doug!

Since when did they say they were going to Episodes?
Harryz said:
Thanks Samon and Doug!

Since when did they say they were going to Episodes?

Lol, this past summer. :)
Awhile back, following Aftermath being unveiled within PC GAMER. There’s an interview on 1UP, with Marc Laidlaw explaining that this is how they are going to be telling the story now, through these episodes.

Each episode will focus on a single aspect. For instance Aftermath is all about Alyx and her AI, and how she interacts with the world around you. The second episode will focus on vehicles.

Glad you enjoyed the screens :)
Hmmm, is that a checkpoint or toll booth?
Computer5k said:
Lol, Alyx doesn't have a gun in the first pic :p

Yeah she does, it just looks like the rubble.
They stole my mod idea.

Half Life: Episodes.


Seriously. Too bad it never got off its feet. Or some random saying like that.


Funny how you and Alyx are fighting towards the Citadel. Perhaps you have to go and check the ruins for something?
So each episode will offer a few hours of entertaining, and you have to pay for each episode ?

Im afraid that these episodes wont be of the great quality that HL2 offered, im sure the maps wont be as detailed too :O
But hopefully im all wrong.
Varsity said:


Funny how you and Alyx are fighting towards the Citadel. Perhaps you have to go and check the ruins for something?

Buildings are different, I don't think the Citadel will just collapse, and anyone left in the City following the fall of the Citadel will be killed, so there'd be nothing to fight as you progressed.
Very similar though...

Garfield_ said:
Im afraid that these episodes wont be of the great quality that HL2 offered, im sure the maps wont be as detailed too :O
But hopefully im all wrong.

You are wrong :)
YESH Smash is back! Now I can be lazy and no-one will notice! :D
Dunno, just got the impression that all expansionsets for games lack of the original detail etc. We've seen it in BF2:SF
Varsity said:
Funny how you and Alyx are fighting towards the Citadel. Perhaps you have to go and check the ruins for something?

The before shot looks like that one area you come out of after you discover those jumping spider mines.

After shot doesn't show the citadel...

Eh didn't realize you were postulating the areas might be the same. Though similar, closer inspection reveals various impossibledifferences.
Samon said:
Buildings are different, I don't think the Citadel will just collapse, and anyone left in the City following the fall of the Citadel will be killed, so there'd be nothing to fight as you progressed.
Very similar though...
I took the before shot a little too far back. The buildings are actually identical, except for bits that have been blown off. This crop should make it clearer.

After shot doesn't show the citadel...
The after shot is the same place.
Look beyond the lamp post, the buildings are different.

The tree, lamp post and the rest are the same mind.
Looks like they may have used prefabs, or it is just a coincidence.

Notice that in one screen, the street curves to the right.
In the other, it is straight.
No, they are still standing, and are very different :p
Right behind the lamp post.
There are numerous similarities which leads me to think they just used that area as a base and are bulding off it.
Yeah, some of the buildings on the left side are a little different. They are still far too similar for me to dismiss the idea, though, especially given Valve's "C17 was one thing, now it's another" philosophy, and the fact that you re-tread areas in the Citadel.
I love the sky in the new shots. Makes city 17 look rather creepy and menacing.

edit: Samon, do you have any other info regarding the vehicle aspect of the next episode?
Varsity said:
Yeah, some of the buildings on the left side are a little different. They are still far too similar for me to dismiss the idea, though, especially given Valve's "C17 was one thing, now it's another" philosophy, and the fact that you re-tread areas in the Citadel.

A good point. I wouldn't dismiss the idea either, its simply the building change thats putting me off.

Kaf, the only information given is that of the vehicles. Nothing else is known at this point. Though if they continue to build on Gordons story, with City 17 wiped out due to the Citadel we could indeed be seeing Gordon flying through the wastelands of Earth, where the rebels will have (assuming) escaped to.
Samon said:
There’s an interview on 1UP, with Marc Laidlaw explaining that this is how they are going to be telling the story now, through these episodes.

Each episode will focus on a single aspect. For instance Aftermath is all about Alyx and her AI, and how she interacts with the world around you. The second episode will focus on vehicles.

You've noticed the similarities with the HL2 and Aftermath shot, i think Valve has been lazy and duplicated a cityblock to save time for otherthings. This is called lack of quality :/
Garfield_ said:
You've noticed the similarities with the HL2 and Aftermath shot, i think Valve has been lazy and duplicated a cityblock to save time for otherthings. This is called lack of quality :/

It's an expansion, an extension of the story. You are most likely going to be back tracking in some areas.

Valve never lacks in artistic quality.

And of course they are going to try use a bit less time any way possible, they are going to be popping out a new episode every couple of months...
Garfield_ said:
You've noticed the similarities with the HL2 and Aftermath shot, i think Valve has been lazy and duplicated a cityblock to save time for otherthings. This is called lack of quality :/

I'm about to smack you. Its called VALVe is continuing a story, why must they make a new section of a map when they can edit an old one? Saying lack of quality to a company like VALVe is stupid, all of their stuff is very detailed. Ignorance is a bliss...
Garfield_ said:
You've noticed the similarities with the HL2 and Aftermath shot, i think Valve has been lazy and duplicated a cityblock to save time for otherthings. This is called lack of quality :/

Lack of quality? Valve? I rarely see developers add the vast amount of detail that Valve does to their maps.
Garfield_ said:
You've noticed the similarities with the HL2 and Aftermath shot, i think Valve has been lazy and duplicated a cityblock to save time for otherthings. This is called lack of quality :/

So you don't remember backtracking through areas in HL2 then?

And I second that notion that you are an idiot.