Two new Half-Life 2 screenshots

When will the new site design be out?

woops feels like im going off topic here :laugh:
any1 noticed that in one of the pictures a rock only has half a shadow?
Awsome, I HAVE noticed that valve updated the Guns Fire flame. Very cool
Ok this is not acceptable, a rock with half a shadow.. seriously, im not buying this game because of this. The things they try to get away with these days is just amazing, half a shadow.. sheesh whats next.. a messed up pixel in a grenade explosion !!??? valve needs to work on this game. we should not accept these mistakes.
smacky said:
Ok this is not acceptable, a rock with half a shadow.. seriously, im not buying this game because of this. The things they try to get away with these days is just amazing, half a shadow.. sheesh whats next.. a messed up pixel in a grenade explosion !!??? valve needs to work on this game. we should not accept these mistakes.

Hooray for sarcasm!

(I think a lot of the geeks around here might have taken you seriously).
Graphics look outdated, but considering we should have been playing this game alsmost a year ago then that explains it. Im sure the gameplay will be tip-top though and thats what matters.
These are very old screenshots! Watch the trainstation and flats BINK vids before saying the graphics are outdated.
supermeerkat said:
Hooray for sarcasm!

(I think a lot of the geeks around here might have taken you seriously).

who said i was being sarcastic ? :afro:

Munro said:
You'll see the images without watermarks next week when our new site is finished.

New site? Cool stuff cant wait.
The left picture shows very bad texture work on the ground, even the rock shadow is casting a half cut shadow. Yuick! :sniper:
I'm not saying anything about how the final game will look, but to me that first screen shots looks really crappy.
smacky, you rock man.

The most funny stuff I have read on this forum.
Even if it's not intended. Or it is ? :D
It really doesn't matter. It's just funny :)

Ok this is not acceptable, a rock with half a shadow.. seriously, im not buying this game because of this. The things they try to get away with these days is just amazing, half a shadow.. sheesh whats next.. a messed up pixel in a grenade explosion !!??? valve needs to work on this game. we should not accept these mistakes.
Bramski said:
Graphics look outdated, but considering we should have been playing this game alsmost a year ago then that explains it. Im sure the gameplay will be tip-top though and thats what matters.

..........O M G. 'outdated' ahahahahahaha. soz m8, but unless you are a game developer working for id or valve etc, you dont get better graphics than that.

although...looking at how the model of the ant lion is slightly 'stretched' in terms of detail, that i would have to agree on being outdated (lol total contradiction).

but come on guys, we cant start critisising valve for every little pixel misplacement. have you ever seen a game that you can classify as 'perfect' in terms of graphics???
NO?? neither have i.

enough said.
and wait one more thing:


Pureball... I think you said it best when you said....
lol total contradiction
:D and as for *cough* GRAPHICS DONT MAKE A GAME....

Im sure the gameplay will be tip-top though and thats what matters
These two pics are not going to erase the delay. :\
I am sorry, but those are TERRIBLE pictures. You don't show of a game with shots like that. Please turn on the FSAA and texture filtering, because my eyes are burning. Thank you PC Gamer.
Bramski said:
Pureball... I think you said it best when you said.... :D and as for *cough* GRAPHICS DONT MAKE A GAME....


ok ok so i worded it wrong, soz but i dont write 'american' lol (jk).

anyway, slight american abuse aside :E, everyone is getting so hyped up about graphics its making me sick. when will you be happy!!!???? when you get real life as a game???? ****ing hell, cmon!

are you really gonna play hl2 and go 'omg that pixel is 2mm too far to the left' or 'dum dum DUUUUUUM, that smoke isnt see through!! and that rock's shadow looks weird!!!' and then pass out on the floor???

no i didnt think you would. the physics and gameplay are gonna make hl2 the best pc game EVER.
The problem is these pictures do not represent the true graphics quality of Half-Life 2 as we have seen in other screenshots.

Graphics do not make a game: True
Gameplay makes a game: True

This is why Doom3 failed in some areas.

I'm just saying these screenshots are UGLY. Look at these:
Hmm, they sure keep the zombies here alive with these kinda pictures. If you say: wow awesome!! great shit!, to a pic. I wonder how you will react when you play the game then........
Pureball, I'm Scottish not American. But yea, I know what you're saying mate. All Im saying is that Valve have dragged this game out a bit far by postponing it for a year, and for that they'll pay the price of not having the cutting edge (graphics wise) game that they would have had a year ago. Sure they'r econstantly updating the textures and things like that and most if not all the videos I've seen are stunning so Im more than confident that they'll produce a peach of a game.

Im just not gonna get excited over a few crappy pics of what looks like an old build of HL2... release the damn thing already :D
bramski thats the point mate. we dont know how new or old those pics actually are? do we know if all new released pics are new? how do we know if they're the first hl2 shots, and have only just been decided for release?

answer: we simply dont.
If you look at the zombie feet in the second screenshot, you'll notice their feet seem to "float" on an invisible level plane. You'll find the same thing in CS: Source. =/
Windows Service Pack 2 kicks ass!!! I mean it!! it has created more crashes than ever before!!!!!!! Seriously more security equals more resets....

It is not new!

I have just (5 minuntes ago) seen the same screenshot in a danish magazine from May!

The magazine is called gamereactor.
But it is the newest pc gamer, right?

The magazine I saw was already from the beginning of may!

And it was not pc gamer...
Back to the watermark. How did you make it without using the leak?
surely any screen shots are better than nothing?

besides, as previously pointed out, only the game itself will show how good the gfx are & to be honest, its gonna be the gameplay & storyline that will keep my attention :)
Im starting to think theres only 3 maps in the game

any wheres the muzzleflash lighting on those combine?
very nice. Good to have them here properly, not just as scans :)