Two Questions: Switching Models, and Limiting Weapons


Apr 27, 2005
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Well, I've recently gotten into modding, and am right now using SMod as my personal modding lab monkey. I like a lot of the things that are in there right now, especially the iron sights. What I'm trying to do right now is replace the HL2 pistol model with (ideally) a CS:S model, but I have custom models that would work just as well. The problem is that I can't get the models to appear in game right.

Maybe I should explain what I've done so far:
I found the weapon_pistol script in the scripts folder, and saw the line that points to the model it uses. I tried changing it to the custom model's file path (same folder, different file), but when I start it up in-game, it has the purple and black checker texture (indicating that it can't find the texture) and is for some reason held in the left hand (the gun is on the opposite side of the screen). Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I'd greatly appreciate the help.

Second, I had an idea to make SMod more interesting (seeing as how I've played through about a dozen times, I need something new to spice it up). I was wondering if it was possible to only hold a certain number of weapons ala Halo? There's a "Throw Weapon" key in SMod, so that shouldn't be a problem, the thing I can't figure out is how to only allow the player to pick up, say, 4 weapons (Crowbar, Gravity Gun, then two guns). Any help there would also be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
The game is trying to look for the texture within CS source but it is not found with in the half-life 2 texture packs.