Two Worlds


Party Escort Bot
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
Who played? Who likes it? Who owns it?

Basically, it's a solid Action/RPG hybrid with a great riding model and a world that sucks you in, if you let it. It's not a real cRPG, as there is very little in terms of choice & consequence, it this aspect it has more to do with those early RPGs.

But still, nothing beats charging, alone, screaming BOOYAH MOTHER****ERS! at a horde of orcs in full Dark Knight Plate Armour.

Yeah, it has it's moments. Although it's one of these rare games where the hero comments on what's happening around him... too bad the delivery is simply hilarious <3
First good comments about this game I've read so far.

Nearly every critic out there has taken a shit on the game, I myself tried the demo and am inclined to agree with them.
The camera is so wack, you turn it that way it goes the other way into an object.
Animations are HORRIBLE, I mean... you ride a horse that moves as though it has sticks up its ass.
Combat is boring a pain in the ass when combined with the camera.(although I think it had a sort of auto-lock feature that was bugged to shit too. Focusing on far away enemies instead of the one you're actually ****ing fighting!)
Voice work is hilariously bad.(Like Resident Evil 1 bad.)

But, if any of the above was fixed in a patch... I'm all ears.

edit : Ah what the hell, I'll redownload the demo and see if it's as bad as I remember.(I had a crappier PC back when I played the demo.)
The only camera problems I had so far was with it trying to automatically position behind the horse while I'm making a 180 degree turn for another charge... horse riding is really, really fun in this game. Animations are a bit strange, but they're great.

Also - it's quite liberating to play with a guy whose face isn't Hollywood's best.
I played the demo a while back, sucked, I think it's overrated (even though it averages 65% in review scores).
Yeah, this game is shit.

Incredibly boring combat, I mean ffs... wolves take 300 hits with a sword to kill and they all look like they're ripped out of the Loony Toons.
The graphics in this game are shit.
The gameplay is shit.

Oblivion is better... hell, Gothic 3 is better.
I think its a horrible game. I bought it off the whim last Thanksgiving on Black Friday. Got it for $25. Its just terrible, the graphics were just utter crap, the voice acting was horrible, the quests were annoying. I just didn't like anything about it, I stopped playing within under an hour.

Just wasn't worth it...
Am I the only one that gave this game a real chance?
I admit, the beginning is a total turnoff... but once you get going, it really grows on you.
You play alot of old crap, Mikeal :)

Slim pickings?
Out of the many interesting things in the game... you know that you can ride an undead horse (basically an armoured skeleton of a horse)?

Slim pickings?

Nah, just other games bore me. Also, I'm not one to squander my investments, even if they're just 10 bucks.
Provided you patched the game to at LEAST v1.6, I think "Two Worlds" was an excellent game.

Of course I loved Gothic 3, while many didn't so some may think my judgement is flawed. The games original vanilla state was sadly released unfinished, which caused it to receive the lower scores & negative comments. However, after the v1.6 patch was applied, let alone the expansion, the game really became enjoyable to play, with a truly vast fantasy game world to explore. Even the single player story was decent. Along the way you are able to accept a huge array of side quests.

I typed up a review for the game & submitted it here quite some time ago. Around the time the game was first released I believe. Perhaps if an Admin would be so kind as to dig it out of the archives, some here may enjoy the more positive comments I posted over the ones the "professional" reviewers wrote about it.

Bottom line, if you enjoy playing games where you are pretty much free to do just about anything you want, from becoming a Tank to a Rogue to that of an Arch Mage burning your enemies to a crisp, ( & every combo in between) well, you'll like Two Worlds.

MRG, you need to review more games.
Old or new.

I enjoy reading your reviews personally, always nice to have an unbiased critic give their thoughts on games.
You got me to buy Sniper Elite, FATE, and Overlord. :p
MRG, you need to review more games.
Old or new.

I enjoy reading your reviews personally, always nice to have an unbiased critic give their thoughts on games.
You got me to buy Sniper Elite, FATE, and Overlord. :p

Thank you Lucid, I appreciate that! :thumbs:

I rather enjoy typing them up to be honest. It seems that quite often a game is released, is talked about & then is forgotten. Only for it to come to light at a later time. More times than not, many people tend to miss a games release the first time around for one reason or another & once the game is mentioned again, well it may spark someones interest this time around, when it may not have done so the first time.
