Typing lag...


Party Escort Bot
Feb 24, 2005
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I appear to have bagged me a lag on my typing. Basically, making it, the text, appear to slow. I'm an impatient bastad and I like to type without everything freezing up 'cause of this lag. If anyone can help, thankyou!

I also appear to have a broswer hi-jacker. I've run scans, nothing has come up.

TheBleeding said:
I appear to have bagged me a lag on my typing. Basically, making it, the text, appear to slow. I'm an impatient bastad and I like to type without everything freezing up 'cause of this lag. If anyone can help, thankyou!

I also appear to have a broswer hi-jacker. I've run scans, nothing has come up.

Let me guess. You use IE? Sounds like your comp is spyware infested, and when you say "scan" do you mean anti-virus or spyware scan? You might try to use another spyware removal tool if your current one doesnt work.
I use spybotS&D, Ad-aware SE Personal and Norten. Yes, IE. Can you recommend me any better programmes? None of my scanners pick much up.
Most of us use Firefox as our internet browser. www.mozilla.org It takes a while to get used to, but it's loads better.
I had it, but it didn't work. It just said at the bottem 'connecting to mozilla.org' for ages and nothing would happen. Shame, really. :(
You should see if the latest release works on your page, sounds like connection/proxy issues that you were having when you tried it before. If you use firefox, you will seriously reduce the amount of spyware and adaware that you get on your pc. Also firefox can be customised so you can get it to look really cool. Then there is the extensions, you can get an extension to do almost anything at the moment, there is a huge community writting extensions for it. If you can get it working, then give it a week, see how you feel about it after that.
Interesting. I've used Internet Explorer for the past 2 years and I've only ever gotten spyware once (and that was installed with Kazaa, not through IE). If you have the IE settings set right (to ask you before installing a component), nothing bad gets through. Some people just seem to use any opportunity to push Firefox on you.

On topic, when there's a delay opening a file or a program, it's usually a sign of high CPU or hard drive usage. However, if there's a delay with everything, like between input and display (such as the cursor sticking when you move the mouse), it's usually been a sign of low RAM or heavy swap file usage (at least on my comp). This could be caused by spyware, of course, but burning CD's has caused it to happen to me (while it caches into RAM), and so has installing stuff or running RAM intensive applications (like 3D modelling apps).

What are your specs? Are you running any other programs while you type? Also, is your page file fragmented (which increases access time and slows down anything)?
Ok, Ok, I’ll admit that I was slightly hasty to push firefox upon you, but the advise put forward by DSDchemE is good advice to follow.
I've had that happen with IE 6.0 where the typing goes REALLY SLOW in the address bar at least. Even on my PC (see specs). I just close it and reopen it and it works fine. I have Bitdefender and MS Antispyware and am virus/spyware free so...I don't know what the cause could be.
duffers20 said:
You should see if the latest release works on your page, sounds like connection/proxy issues that you were having when you tried it before. If you use firefox, you will seriously reduce the amount of spyware and adaware that you get on your pc. Also firefox can be customised so you can get it to look really cool. Then there is the extensions, you can get an extension to do almost anything at the moment, there is a huge community writting extensions for it. If you can get it working, then give it a week, see how you feel about it after that.

Uh huh, uh huh. I would very much like to use Firefox, but it just won't damn work. I've downloaded it, what, 3 times now. Always saying at the bottem 'connecting to mozzilla.org' and not doing anything. ):<
If anyone knows how to get around this it'd be mucho apprecieted.

DSDchemE said:
What are your specs? Are you running any other programs while you type? Also, is your page file fragmented (which increases access time and slows down anything)?

I have no idea what my specs are. I'm no good with computers, y'see. And no, no other programmes apart from the normal ones like Media Player, MSN, etc. And I've no idea if its fragmented, no. I don't really knows what that means.

I'm stupid, see.

EDIT: The typing lag appears to have gone now. It'll be back, mind. But this broswer hi-jacker is starting to annoy me.
Eh...don't worry about it, I was the same way up til a few years ago. As for my comment to duffers, it was mostly sarcasm regarding how every person tries to tell you how great their programs are (whether they use Linux, Mac, Windows, etc.) My roommate uses Firefox and loves it, and it does have some nice features.

About fragmentation, files are normally placed all together on a hard drive (a 200mb file takes up 1x200mb chunk). After creating and deleting lots of files, sometimes there is not enough open space to put the file all together, so it uses two spaces (like a 150mb chunk and a 50mb chunk somewhere else). Now, when your computer tries to read the file, it has to find both parts, which takes longer.

Running a defragmentation program basically rearranges your files so that all are in 1 chunk (not fragmented). This lets them load faster and more efficiently. Thus, fragmented = bad, defragmenting = good.

You can find the Windows defragmenter in Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools. Use is pretty simple. Click your drive, click analyze, see how fragmented your drive is, then click defragment (you can skip the analyze part if you want, but it lets you know if you need to defragment). Try not to run many programs or move lots of files while defragmenting.

It may not help this specific problem, but it's good computer maintenance (run it about once a week, more often if you mess with files more, less often if you rarely add files)

For the computer specs, you can find the basic stuff (RAM and CPU speed) by right-clicking on My Computer and then clicking properties. It seems you already fixed the slow-down problem, but if you ever have software problems, these two things at least are good to supply. (Shutdowns and hardware programs require more specific information)

Well, good luck!
Thankyou muchly, DSD. Helped fill in a few gaps on my computer knowledge there. (: I shall run a Defrag' right away. I'll post my specs when I'm back, too.
try using CWShredder. it might remove some trojans that cause typing lag in internet explorer.