U.N Secretary General: Global warming caused Darfur genocide


Dec 22, 2004
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UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that the slaughter in Darfur was triggered by global climate change and that more such conflicts may be on the horizon, in an article published Saturday.

?The Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arising at least in part from climate change,? Ban said in a Washington Post opinion column. UN statistics showed that rainfall declined some 40 percent over the past two decades, he said, as a rise in Indian Ocean temperatures disrupted monsoons. ?This suggests that the drying of sub-Saharan Africa derives, to some degree, from man-made global warming,? the South Korean diplomat wrote.

?It is no accident that the violence in Darfur erupted during the drought,? Ban said in the Washington daily. When Darfur?s land was rich, he said, black farmers welcomed Arab herders and shared their water, he said.

With the drought, however, farmers fenced in their land to prevent overgrazing. ?For the first time in memory, there was no longer enough food and water for all. Fighting broke out,? he said.

read the full article ..what's so outlandish about that? drought/famine brings about conflict ..ya well "the sky is blue"

what are you not understanding here? perhaps it's just a ploy by the western LEFTIST/TERRORIST SYMPATHIZING media to blame the jewbs
That's low. Don't try to make me look like a nut, because you're the one rationalizing this stupidity. I'll dumb it down:


If you were really confident in your case you would be flaming me now. "The Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arrising at least in part from climate change". No beating around the bush. The man believes that the conflict in Darfur started with global warming, not when Arab militias started massacring civilians. He's a ****ing nut. Anyone should see that. If he has any decency -- of which I'm critical because his first action as Secretary General of the United Nations was to put flowers at Arafat's grave --, he will go into damage-control and apologize for this horseshit.
It is common sense that hardships brought on by drought will lead to unrest. How you fail to understand that proves a whole lot. Thanks for this idiotic, post. If you think Stern is making you look like an idiot he sure is getting a lot of help, from yourself.
You really are ignorant. You're twisting his words. The man says that global warming is the cause, and you start talking about famine, implying that the famine is a consequence of global warming. And I guess slaughtering people by the thousands is, too? That's idiotic.

Speaking of global warming: "When the Wadi is full, we will drown you there!" -Unknown Janjawid militiaman, speaking to a black woman
Wikipedia said:
The conflict taking place in Darfur has many interwoven causes. While rooted in structural inequality between the center of the country around the Nile and the 'peripheral' areas such as Darfur, tensions were exacerbated in the last two decades of the twentieth century by a combination of environmental calamity, political opportunism and regional politics.

May not of been the direct cause but it didnt help
Environmental calamity... I don't know if I can buy that one. I mean, by that logic, because the entire continent of Africa is geographically challenged, the people are killing each other? And if you look at global warming: Well, that's just dumb. I mean, I thought Africa was already a hot place. Maybe if the sun focused on Africa and burned it to a crisp, you might be able to blame the heat. The only compromise I can make here is agree that if people are constantly cooked in the sun, their brain eventually succumbs, but clearly that's not the case here.
That's low. Don't try to make me look like a nut

I dont have to, you do it well enough alone ..you're like a zionist Kathkasung

because you're the one rationalizing this stupidity. I'll dumb it down


If you were really confident in your case you would be flaming me now. "The Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arrising at least in part from climate change". No beating around the bush. The man believes that the conflict in Darfur started with global warming

were you kicked by a mule in the head? dropped as a baby, had a recent lobotomy? do you have problems reading english, is that why you have such a hard time understanding BASIC words?

he clearly said it began due to ECOLOGICAL reasons ..PARTLY brought about by global warming ..he isnt saying global warming is solely responsible ffs ..shut up your knee jerkist reactionary attitude is annoying and idiotic ..what's worse is that even though you've been proven wrong time and again you dont learn a thing you're right back to posting misleading nonsense from people exactly like you ..I mean you're shamed almost on a daily basis for posting inaccurate or idiotic material and yet you still come back

not when Arab militias started massacring civilians. He's a ****ing nut. Anyone should see that. If he has any decency -- of which I'm critical because his first action as Secretary General of the United Nations was to put flowers at Arafat's grave --, he will go into damage-control and apologize for this horseshit.

listening to you is like pouring hot lead in my ear, you grate the nerves with your stupid one sided alarmist rhetoric that amounts to little more than verbal diarrhea ..I'm done wasting my time on your immature rants
Environmental calamity... I don't know if I can buy that one. I mean, by that logic, because the entire continent of Africa is geographically challenged, the people are killing each other? And if you look at global warming: Well, that's just dumb. I mean, I thought Africa was already a hot place. Maybe if the sun focused on Africa and burned it to a crisp, you might be able to blame the heat. The only compromise I can make here is agree that if people are constantly cooked in the sun, their brain eventually succumbs, but clearly that's not the case here.

Your taking it to literally....you act like if its really hot one day, people are going to shoot at each other. This isn't what they are saying. They are trying to convey that major environmental changes are disrupting their resources, which is affecting the relationships they have with one another. When they are in a drought and people are being denied water, what do you think is going to happen?
Prolonged hot weather -> drought (make sure you look this word up before continuing, Nemesis) -> massive shortage of food and water -> individual struggle for resources -> resource conflict -> more fighting -> more conflict -> genocide.

It's not that difficult of a concept.
Prolonged hot weather -> drought (make sure you look this word up before continuing, Nemesis) -> massive shortage of food and water -> individual struggle for resources -> resource conflict -> more fighting -> more conflict -> genocide.

It's not that difficult of a concept.

Just a humerous side note, when I clicked on that definition of drought the first sponsored link from good was:

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Are You Stupid?
Can't Find Answers? Take the Quiz. Find out if You're Stupid!

Thats actually hilarious but because i dont like saying "lol" i will simply:

He's probably taking the "Are you stupid" quiz. Give him some time. :LOL:

ya because in the immortal words of homer j :

"Aw that's it, you just can't insult this guy. You call him a moron and he just sits there, grinning moronly."

Nemesis: Hi, neighbor!
lol the darfur conflict is completely misunderstood,

blacks killing blacks not thats nothing new.
whites killing whites, blacks, yellows, browns, mochas, reds, albinos ..not that that's something new: it's a CONSPIRACY!
Actually it's not blacks killing blacks sidewinder. It's Muslim Arabs in the North killing Muslim and Christian blacks in the South.

Ok, time for some basic, some really, really basic sense that you numbnuts apparently need: Heat != genocide. Let it sink in.

Ok, so the latest retard theory here is that drought had a role in the genocide? So, why aren't the other countries that have drought spontaneously erupting in genocide against its black population? With baited breath, I await an explanation to this utterly retarded level of discussion. Please, enlighten me.
I knew you had to much pride to just let it go. Do you realize with each post you make regarding this the more retarded you look to everyone here.

But thanks for posting that, I needed a good laugh.
The worst part is - You probably agree with him. By the way, I don't care how I look to you guys. I'm a racist already, remember? Can't go much lower than that.
Actually it's not blacks killing blacks sidewinder. It's Muslim Arabs in the North killing Muslim and Christian blacks in the South.

Ok, time for some basic, some really, really basic sense that you numbnuts apparently need: Heat != genocide. Let it sink in.

Ok, so the latest retard theory here is that drought had a role in the genocide? So, why aren't the other countries that have drought spontaneously erupting in genocide against its black population? With baited breath, I await an explanation to this utterly retarded level of discussion. Please, enlighten me.
Because drought isn't the SOLE cause.

I think you have a problem conceptualizing cause-and-effect relationships - you might want to drop by a Sylvan learning center or something, they can help you out.
And you might want to shut the hell up and see it from another angle: That the U.N isn't exactly objective when it comes to global warming, and it requires some nerve to marginalize a genocide that they themselves could have stopped and blame it on something else to suit their own purpose. Perhaps they should talk about the actual problems, and then, when they've done that, talk about something as irrelevant as global warming after? The problem isn't the U.N's inaction, no, no, it's global warming. Maybe the U.N should care about what they can do about it instead of talking about "root causes", etc, and I'm not referring to global warming, I'm talking about the genocide in Sudan. For example, instead of the "it's because there wasn't enough food for everyone" crap, they could address the immediate issue: That the largest organization in the world(as far as I know) failed to stop camel-riding militias from killing over a million people over the course of a few years. You see, it's convenient to talk about what caused the violence, because it leads focus away from the issue that they should have been able to stop the massacres from occuring in the first place.

Seriously, if your only defence of what he said is that he didn't mean it was the only cause, that's weak.
See, now global warminig doesn't even exist.

News flash, nemesis is smarter than every single scientist on the planet!

His posts just keep getting dumber and dumber, its like he's digging a deeper hole each time. Nemesis, do yourself a favor and just quit now and do what you always do, come back a few days later and make another idiotic topic until you get beat senseless there.

Do you fail to understand that even people here that share your political point of view think you're a total moron? You have no credibility with anyone here, why do you continue to post?
Its not that, I actually enjoy debating with people who dont agree, but leave the possibility that you might be wrong and learn from other forum members. I have had a bunch of differences of opinion here, especially with stern and a few others to which on occasion I would admit I was wrong, or just continually fuel the fire until I got an infraction :)
well there is a global warming problem.But is the Darfur conflict really about land/water/resources?

most likely not.
people accountable for their actions? hell no!

while we're at it, lets go and find excuses for every other horrible thing humanity has done and blame it on something else to shift the blame in new and more interesting ways.

By the same logic of the "global warming -> drought -> genocide" you can go back and say that since holocaust was an after-after effect of the overly vindictive conditions the french placed on germany's surrender at the end of ww1, that the french were responsible for the holocaust.

that sort of logic does not hold up
people accountable for their actions? hell no!

while we're at it, lets go and find excuses for every other horrible thing humanity has done and blame it on something else to shift the blame in new and more interesting ways.

By the same logic of the "global warming -> drought -> genocide" you can go back and say that since holocaust was an after-after effect of the overly vindictive conditions the french placed on germany's surrender at the end of ww1, that the french were responsible for the holocaust.

that sort of logic does not hold up

Look, nemesis got a new friend.

You are totally missing the point of this thread. It doesnt excuse anything as you are trying to say it does. Its a simple case of cause and effect as someone pointed out a few posts earlier. Did you bother reading the entire thread? Global warming isn't the sole reason for what is happening over there, its simply a spark that set off the fuel thats been there for quite a long time. This is from the article you probably didn't bother to read:

It would be natural to view these as distinct developments. In fact, they are linked. Almost invariably, we discuss Darfur in a convenient military and political shorthand -- an ethnic conflict pitting Arab militias against black rebels and farmers. Look to its roots, though, and you discover a more complex dynamic. Amid the diverse social and political causes, the Darfur conflict began as an ecological crisis, arising at least in part from climate change.

Two decades ago, the rains in southern Sudan began to fail. According to U.N. statistics, average precipitation has declined some 40 percent since the early 1980s.


But subsequent investigation found that it coincided with a rise in temperatures of the Indian Ocean, disrupting seasonal monsoons. This suggests that the drying of sub-Saharan Africa derives, to some degree, from man-made global warming.


It is no accident that the violence in Darfur erupted during the drought. Until then, Arab nomadic herders had lived amicably with settled farmers. A recent Atlantic Monthly article by Stephan Faris describes how black farmers would welcome herders as they crisscrossed the land, grazing their camels and sharing wells. But once the rains stopped, farmers fenced their land for fear it would be ruined by the passing herds. For the first time in memory, there was no longer enough food and water for all. Fighting broke out. By 2003, it evolved into the full-fledged tragedy we witness today.

What's so ludacris about this? It makes perfect sense, I really can not understand why some people have such a hard time understanding this.
Its not that, I actually enjoy debating with people who dont agree, but leave the possibility that you might be wrong and learn from other forum members. I have had a bunch of differences of opinion here, especially with stern and a few others to which on occasion I would admit I was wrong, or just continually fuel the fire until I got an infraction :)

Excatly, even if I think your points are stupid at least try to be rational about your argument.

As stern said I think all Nemesis does is read idiotic posts at freerepublic, copies and pastes them here, and then has no clue how to defend them.

There are many people here that share his political beliefs that think he's a total idiot, why he continues to post here is beyond me. Nothing you say to him will make him stop being an idiot, its a waste of time. He gets beat down in his topic yet he comes back a couple days later and posts the exact same idiotic bullshit in a new thread.
maybe its just that over the internet things get interpreted differently, but the way this thread has been going, the prevailing idea as i've been reading it has been the rationalization of the genocide. Diminishing the responsibility of the parties involved.

besides, what proof exactly is there that the drought was due to global warming? Droughts do happen naturally.
maybe its just that over the internet things get interpreted differently, but the way this thread has been going, the prevailing idea as i've been reading it has been the rationalization of the genocide. Diminishing the responsibility of the parties involved.

besides, what proof exactly is there that the drought was due to global warming? Droughts do happen naturally.

Have you read this entire article yet?



But subsequent investigation found that it coincided with a rise in temperatures of the Indian Ocean, disrupting seasonal monsoons. This suggests that the drying of sub-Saharan Africa derives, to some degree, from man-made global warming.
Global warming? Maybe. Man-made global warming? So you're again implying that drought is responsible, and responsible for the drought is man-made global warming? How does he prove his ridiculous theory? He doesn't, because man-made global warming being the root of the Darfur genocide is bullshit. Limit, now I'm gonna ask you a question, and I want you to answer it without getting yourself a warning again: Do you agree with him? Does what he says have any logical basis? If so, elaborate whether you agree or disagree.

He also said that the Darfur conflict started because of global warming? Even you should see that this is a little off the scale.

By the way, hot day in Denmark today. I think I'll start killing black people as a result.
start off with the stupid people ...here's a revolver with six bullets although you'll only need one
You make me cry. Why would you say something like that? :( By the way, I'm not black, so I can't kill myself for being a stupid, black person. +1 stupidity level up(down?) for you.

Anyway, I take it you found that stupid. The whole "it started with global warming is on the same level" is on the exact same level. You're whipped and you know it.
You make me cry. Why would you say something like that? :( By the way, I'm not black, so I can't kill myself for being a stupid, black person. +1 stupidity level up(down?) for you.

no but you can kill yourself for being stupid ..which was my point ..I should have figured you'd misunderstand it ..I'll try to spell each word phonetically next time ..i mean pho-net-i-cal-ly

Anyway, I take it you found that stupid. The whole "it started with global warming is on the same level" is on the exact same level. You're whipped and you know it.

lol, I'm whipped? reading comprehension ftl: he said PARTLY ..not "it started with" ..when all is said and done no matter how much evidence I throw in your face, no matter how much other people make you look like a fool you top their efforts every single time you post ..all you had to do was read beyond the headline you'd see that he wasnt blaming it entirely on global warming ...but you couldnt even do that right. Alarmist and annoying as you are, your constant misconstruing of the material presented is quite comical

"I donts cares about facts the headline said ..., the headline never lies!"
lol, that'll go right over his head (pun intended)