U2K4 Demo comeing soon


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I am a bit of an unreal fanboy yes and the new 2k4 demo is comeing

but there so "in touch" with there community and its such a flexible engine I wish I could go to unreal U... maybe someday :D

The UT2004 demo is going to be released really, really soon. Epic's Mark Rein says, "We're really close. Will it be tomorrow or over the weekend? No. But sometime within the next two weeks." Hooray!

- Fragmaster (I dont hate him so much anymore!)


the atari forums are going nuts its kind of funny head over there: http://www.ataricommunity.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?forumid=214
the site that the movie is on is too slow can someone gimme a good link to the vid?
thnaks...sometimes i dont think seeing a page 2 seconds earlier than normal is worth it, firebird that is. link works now.
haha ya but for net nerds like me its necisary :naughty:

anyways mark Reins demenstration just won me over completely for unreal 2004 there is not doubt in my mind I will get the collectors edition DVD ut2k4

wow the spider mines, linkgun abilities, plane/drivable effects and controlling the spider mines with that laser and remote detonator nades for suicide bombers talk about badass the weapons... jeez and the hud blah im not gona rant as much as I did about farcry because I dont want to write a whole stupid essay about how cool this game will be... just make sure you all get the demo.. in the least along with the whole netcode bein rewritten and alot of the shader code / gfx codes being revised for performance in large enviorments + unreals mod support!

space wars would be rad to with cores and stuff

anyway im guna shutup whatch that video!! buy ut2k4.... enjoy

March 16/17 BF:V and UT2K4 if they are on schedule
UT4 will be awesome! I hope it'll play decently on my rig..

who needs hl2 anymore? not meh!
jimbones said:
UT4 will be awesome! I hope it'll play decently on my rig..

who needs hl2 anymore? not meh!

if not... theres always software driver support they just added kekeke :laugh: oh and there really is not reason to give up on HL2 im still looking forward to it as one of the greatest gameing experiences to come :cool:
Yeah Ive allready preordored th DVD edition. :) Im am the Unreal Fanboy. :)
/me is as exited as a little child!

YAY! this game is gonna be AWSOME! I love the scorpion!
I don't think so. Never was a big fan of bf.
wait wow. SOrry for being so ignorant i just saw the video. Its amazing. ITs like the colorful futuristic version of bf:V. Both good games. I can't wait to play demos of both.
cool this looks awesome. whens the demo coming???? for exactly
/me doesn't think BF:[insert subtitle here] is anything special