Ufc 74


Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score

Did anyone here watch the UFC 74?

How awesome was last night? Especially the last fight between UFC HW champ Randy Couture and Gabrial Gonzaga. I didn't pick Randy to win that one in a thousand years, everything was against Randy. GG was younger (28 vs 44), heavier (228 pounds vs 252), had supposedly better striking (after his KO of Mirko "Cro-Cop") and better submission skills (black-belt in BJJ). Once again though Randy proved his detractors wrong and came up with a stunning win via the only advantage RC had: in the clinch up against the cage, eventually wearing GG out and TKO'ing him with strikes (GG's broken nose helped).

I'm hoping next Randy gets set up with a fight against Fedor.
Yep I watched it, just like I have the past 20 or so UFC's. Randy really dominated Gonzaga, which I wasn't totally expecting. And I agree, Randy needs to fight Fedor...that is if the UFC signs him. Oh yeah and I can't wait to go to UFC 77 when they visit my hometown in Cincinnati.
Sweetness, I was hoping Randy would win. I'm still bummed though that Crocop was beating badly. He'll come back. If he gave Fedor the biggest run for his money more than anyone, he'll certainly be back....I hope.

Fedor is a sick Russian machine though. He's nuts. I've got a whole bunch of his fights and he's such a smart fighter.
Fedor is absolutely unstoppable. I haven't kept up with MMA in a long ass time, but Fedor was sick.
Personally I'd rather see Crocop vs Fedor II than Randy vs Fedor

Crocop vs Fedor I was the greatest fight ever.

Personally I'd rather see Crocop vs Fedor II than Randy vs Fedor

Crocop vs Fedor I was the greatest fight ever.


It was great, but the best was Wanderlei Silva vs. Rampage Jackson 2 IMO. Such a comeback by wanderlei.
I watched, but the fight between Randy Couture and Gabrial Gonzaga was the only one I didn't see :(
Thoughts on Lesnar joining MMA?

He was really dominant in his only fight but he wasn't going up against much competition. If he fought someone in the top 10 of the heavyweights he would probably lose.