UFO evidence


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
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Do you believe in UFO's? I believe that the majority will say no. In either case I found this excellent site devouted to the study.
I primarily found the site because I hadn't seen any photography of any kind of UFO from 1995 onward, but now I found it, I'll just delve deeper in their info.
I do believe in ufos. I dont believe that alien aircraft has ever been to earth. I believe that people who believe that are gullible.
I believe there's intelligent life out there besides us...
Why wouldn't there be?

And no, I don't believe any of them have ever been to Earth, otherwise you'd see it all over the news.
There has been ufo reports on the news, but all the ones that i know of were identified.
The three that i remember were, prophet yahweh and his balloons, the mexican air force thing that turned out to be flames from oil wells, and the huge v shaped thing that was proven to have been flares dropped by the american army.
Well, I don't think there's any question that there's intelligent life out there besides us, and to be honest there's enough stories about UFO sightings throughout this century to warrant their existance, apparently even during the cold war and world war two fighter pilots thought that UFO's were new enemy aircraft.
I believe Boeing are making some high-tech shit that they are not telling us
And with statement DEATH eVADER is never heard from again....
JiMmEh said:
And with statement DEATH eVADER is never heard from again....
/me becomes Gordon Freeman

Anyway, I'm trying to find one case that I believe involved two women and a boy. Two of them I believe were burnt, one of which developed cancerous skin, whilst the other fell blind.

I think the shape of the UFO was diamond and was pursued by chinook helicopters (which turn out to be unaccountable, however many there were). Does anybody know about this one?

[Edit] Never mind, found it:

I believe some of the photos with UFO's are not fake and that they in fact have made a few fly-by's over our planet.
:dozey: I've always wondered if aliens are sooooo advanced, why don't they frikkin have clothes!?
ailevation said:
:dozey: I've always wondered if aliens are sooooo advanced, why don't they frikkin have clothes!?

Who says they don't? :O
ailevation said:
:dozey: I've always wondered if aliens are sooooo advanced, why don't they frikkin have clothes!?

Ohh shiiites, ruuun!!

I used to love "Sightings", their UFO segments were awesome!
Burn said:
A Riced out UFO.

I beileve in Aliens, with the size of the universe you would be a fool to think there isnt some kind of life other then us.

Unless your some dirty christian.

Or some dirty catholic.
And no, I don't believe any of them have ever been to Earth, otherwise you'd see it all over the news.
How many shows on UFOs are on every month? How many tabloids print stories on them?

I don't have a clue if there are Aliens out there abducting us as long as they don't do it to me I'm fine.
From that story about the diamond ship:
Vickie screamed "Stop the car or we shall be burned alive!"
...and told him not to be afraid because "when that big man comes out of the burning cloud it will be Jesus."
hm :|

Originally Posted by TIIMMYY
Who says they don't?
I do :naughty:
I do believe in UFOs and though I want to believe about Roswell etc, I don't really
Has anyone here actually seen what they think was a UFO before?
UFO's, in the alien sense, don't exist.
xlucidx said:
I believe there's intelligent life out there besides us...
Why wouldn't there be?

And no, I don't believe any of them have ever been to Earth, otherwise you'd see it all over the news.
*cough*roswell*cough*FBI*cough. Obviously the government can cover up the truth of 9-11- then obviously and easily they can cover up an alien body.
If UFO as in Unidentified Flying Object, yes I obviously beleive in them.
If UFO as in alien saucer, no I don't.

ailevation said:
:dozey: I've always wondered if aliens are sooooo advanced, why don't they frikkin have clothes!?

How is clothing a sign of evolution?
If aliens are soooooo advanced, why do they need to abduct the most humble of society to learn about us?

Not to mention sticking devices up peoples butts to probe them. You'd think with advanced technology, they could do a 'scan' to learn everything about a lifeform!
:naughty: Because fashion makes you COOL!!!
Raziaar said:
If aliens are soooooo advanced, why do they need to abduct the most humble of society to learn about us?

Not to mention sticking devices up peoples butts to probe them. You'd think with advanced technology, they could do a 'scan' to learn everything about a lifeform!
figruing how many light years it takes for them to get here- the anal probe is outdated technology now :P. and I don't believe in any of those abducitons. I mainly only believe in Roswell and how it helped our technology.
I believe Boeing are making some high-tech shit that they are not telling us

boeing are making high tech stuff, Ive seen some public papers written by people at boeing that announced research into antigravity technologies. boeing and lockheed are interested in John hutchinson for his work aswell. http://www.hutchisoneffect.com/Videos/NickCookInterview.wmv

weird stuff, a bar being jellyfied by the effect, it deforms and becomes randomly floppy in places - http://www.hutchisoneffect.com/Videos/AluBAr.html


so far I know of one evidential technology that can explain UFO's and there proported electrical glowing effects.


That would be advanced developement of the Bi Field Brown effect. theres no doubt in my mind that we do have this technology, weither any of it is extra terrestrial or not is yet to be seen.

and not so well known are some more exotic technologies that claim to engineer the zero point field to neutralise gravity.

John Searl's, Searl Effect Technology for example


more stuff -

I believe in other intelligent life but a lot of it is a load of bull.
There is no such thing as aliens or UFO. Trust me.

*walks back inside his spaceship and flies off*
ailevation said:
:dozey: I've always wondered if aliens are sooooo advanced, why don't they frikkin have clothes!?

They have made clothes that render the aliens invicible, the only problem is that the clothes don't render the aliens invisible, just the clothes :)
Those pics got me thinking: why hasn't anyone gotten a video out of ufos if they have digital cameras? Most, if not all digital cameras have at least short video recording capabilities.

They would be harder to edit also.
I really don't believe in UFO. Tell me why those ugly creatures from a distant planet would waste at least 15 years (supposed they travel at the speed of light, the nearest star being that far ) of their life - and their lifetimes are probably shorter or longer than ours - to get to an insignificant planet just to make some appearances?

Some would say that we are being watched and supervised by them... like laboratory rats, which in my opinion is pretty unlikely.