Ugrade CPU or GPU?


Sep 4, 2003
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I'm thinking about upgrading, what would you do if you were me? Upgrade CPU, GPU or should I just get a new system altogether?

Current System:
Intel Q6600
Asus p5k motherboard
Nvidia 8800gt
4gb ram

I can play almost everything full settings.. with the exeption of Crysis and Modern Warfare 2.. I just want to make sure my system is future-proof. My monitor only supports 1900x1200, so I don't need to run anything higher than that.
I think if you spent like $170 or $210 on a GTX 460, you'd probably be much better. I can't predict the future, but I don't see games getting too much more intensive for years - if they do, it will be like 'ultra' settings, and they probably won't run well on barely any setup regardless.
Quite funny actually, you had a near identical set-up to me a few months back. I too had a Q6600 and a 8800GT, but I've stuck with the CPU because it is still damn good. You didn't say if you have it overclocked but you can do so comfortably, I'd recommend you do it with good thermal paste and a third party heatsink fan - you'll get great temps still.

I upgraded from my 8800GT for a few reasons. 1. It runs very hot (like all 8800 cards) 2. It is noisy as hell being single slot, you will know what I mean. 3. Only 512mb onboard & no hdmi connectivity. 4. It isn't as good as it once was (obviously).

I upgraded to a GTX 460, as Virus also suggested above. They are the newer nvidia cards which are much more affordable but with some considerable punch. I opted for the gigabyte 1GB version which comes with two fans, it is completely silent in all games surprisingly! I no longer have a ton of hot air stuck in my case either, meaning I'm being far more considerable to the rest of what is in my case! It is double slot but a very short card, so I'd recommend checking them out. I don't plan changing much for a while now.
Just my 2 cents. You game at 1920x1200. At that resolution, your performance will be very GPU dependant. You will see a much higher gain if you upgrade your video card over the processor. I have a Q6600 @3.3 and a GTX 470, and I can play all games comfortably at the resolution, with most games maxed.
Yah, I have it overclocked. I think i will just go for the GPU upgrade then. Thanks for the suggestions. :)
I've have the same set up as you lol. just a different MoBo. I've been looking at the 460 or 465, how is the HDMI on it? If I were to hook it up to my 32" hi-def tv would it give good picture?
CowPunk: Don't get the 465. The 460 is a better value and often performs better as well.
The 460 also overclocks ridiculously well. I've gone from 625 to 825MHz, a 32% increase, on stock cooling.
Nice, thanks for all the advice. I finally got around to updating.. went with EVGA GeForce GTX 460 SE 1GB.

Hoping I'll see a nice boost off this upgrade. Plus with all the great FPS coming out this year I think I'll be set.

I just got that card not too long ago and I'm glad I did. I can play Metro 33 on mostly high settings in DirectX11 and its pretty damn amazing. Much better than any PS3 or Xbox game I have
Glad to hear it, yah I'm loolking forward to a card that runs cooler... My 8800gt would worry me sometimes. My case has pretty good ventilation but the card would still run quite hot.

My buddy wants to buy my 8800gt.. he just bought a new computer; a HP Pavilion. Those cases kinda suck for ventilation no? What's the best way to fix that, upgrade his fans? Add more fans? Or put an aftermarket fan on the 8800gt?