ugrading parts, need help.

Dec 14, 2004
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Hey, im upgrading my cpu motherboard and ramm and my price range for everything total is about $610.00 im thinking about the athlon 3500+ 90nm, MSI neo 2 platinum, and geil ddr400 1gb(512x2), anyone have any suggestions or modifications you would make to this combination, also if anyone knows of any good prices for any of these that are in stock please let me know, thank you.
does anyone know where the cheapest 3500+ 90nm is? something under 325.00 would be preferable especially if was in stock.
We already told you. Stop making posts about your 3500+. We showed you websites that have it for around that price/higher. Go for a cheaper motherboard then. We can't help you anymore than what we did in your other 69020 posts about the AMD 3500+ 90nm.
also im srry i dont mean to be annoying you guys im just kinda new to this all.
You know what is funny. I posted the same question about the same exact ram from the same exact site. I am now getting the Ultra Value Series. That would be with the platinum heat spreaders. It is $30 more but it is faster.

Yes, your old components will work just fine with your new ram, cpu, and mobo.
thanks man, i think i will also get that ram before that goes out of stock also, or just save it in my cart until i make my final decisions. are you geting a proccesor also?
Yes, I already purchased the AMD 64 3200+ with the MSI K8N Neo2 Platinum mobo.
I know. Plus, I will overclock it. Now, all I need to do is buy my ram, hdd, and my sound card and my computer will be put together.
nice man, do you know if my windows xp home edition for my dell computer (the comp. im upgrading) will work properly with my new components in the place of my old ones, im just kindof scared that i will have to buy a new copy of windows xp,cause they're costly.
Thats what I was thinking. So I decided to borrow my friend's copy of Windows XP and use it on my computer.

BUT, I am almost positive it will install on it. You will just have a couple of things on there that might be Dell. (support center, etc.)
alright cool because yeah, i might just borrow someones also. or try mine since i integrated service pack 2 on it to make it faster to install all of the new crap.
Can the neo 2 platinum handle pc4200 memory or is pc3200 the max(i know its probably a dumb question)?
the thread about the 9800 being real or not, brought up the question to me, what is my 9700 (pro, se, etc...) how would i find that out because it just came with my dell computer and i dont have any packaging for my graphics card is there any certain way i can find out that information?
On whether or not windows xp will install on your dell, it depends. Did it come with a set of recovery CD's or just a cd that says windows xp home on it. Allot of companies get thier mobo's made custom for thier pc's so that the recovery cd set will only install on that mobo. You'll probably have to get a new copy. Oem versions are pretty cheap I hear.
thats a disapointment if it's true no offence but i hope your not right.