Uh - I don't suppose I can "un-patch", can I?



I got the texture loading patch (I should say, Steam installed it for me) a few days ago - I was nearing the end of the highway level and approaching Nova Prospekt.

The game ran pretty well for me until then - I was getting rainbow "flags" on textures, but solved that by disabling Catalyst AI. I had very minor hitching at the beginning of each level, but no more than a few seconds, then it played smooth as silk. I really didn't need the patch, as I didn't have the stuttering a lot of other people had.

Now, after the patch, my game stutters and jerks on every level, inside or out. I'm in Anti-Citizen 1 and it's pretty much unplayable. Load times are glacial, and the game's become a slide-show texture party. I'm this close to uninstalling the damn thing - seriously, after singing this game's praises before, it just won't play. I know two other people for whom the patch made the game unplayable as well, and they have uninstalled it. It almost feels like a memory leak to me - but hey, I'm just a consumer.

Specs below.

WinXP Pro SP2
Athlon XP 2400+ @ clock
512mb Crucial PC 2700
GigaByte Radeon 9600XT 128mb @ clock / Catalyst 4.10 drivers
NAV off

Hate to sound like a complainer, but I shelled out sixty bucks for "the greatest PC game ever", my system is at exactly recommended specs, my only indulgence is "high" world textures (no problem before) and 10x7 res, no AA, no AF, and the game is now essentially unplayable.

Has anyone else had a post-patch nightmare like me? Is there a workaround? Something...anything...a new patch coming maybe?
Yeah, I had an occasional hiccup, and now it seems like I can play for about 15 minutes tops before it crashes and boots me back to the desktop. I am running my settings a little high for my system (XP 3200+ Barton @ 400 FSB, 1 GB Corsair XMS PC3700, Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB @ AGP 8x) 4x AF, 2x AA @ 1280x1024 everything high no v-sync, but before the patch I only crashed once in a very great while with the same settings.

It seems to me that with whatever problems the patch solved, they created a whole mess of new ones. I guess we'll just have to wait for the next patch to come out to fix these, and suffer through in the mean time.
To disable the patch, enter this into the console:
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0


I had to do this because the patch made it stutter even more. :x
The patch created some animation error for me.

Right after you've cleared the 2nd turret area and Alyx jumps down, she moves to the security console to disable the forcefield. Instead of walking, she floats sideways to it, giving the occasional arm jitter every 2 secs.

Besides that, everything's fine.
joule said:
To disable the patch, enter this into the console:
mat_forcemanagedtextureintohardware 0

I know this is off topic but, did you fix that loading time problem you had yesterday?