UH60 in Iraq

Jul 17, 2003
Reaction score
Those miniguns are amazing. Enemy cannot see the IR spotlight being shone.
(No nasty, you can't see what's going on cept the firepower)


edit: UH60 = Blackhawk
Eeek, that looks scary. Just like those super weapons you get in Shmup games like DoDonPachi.
Those must be 20mm rounds right?

Watch this video but turn the music off, because it sucks.

It reminds me of battlefield 2.
So were they actually firing at someone or what? Couldn't really tell what was going on.. when you said 'spotlight' I imagined something like the light that's shone from helicopters chasing drunk drivers, etc, not the thin beam that comes out of the terminators pistol laser sight type of 'spotlight'.
Is it me or do some of those shots look like they should belong in star wars?
That looked kindof other-worldly; weird IR camera
Javes said:
Is it me or do some of those shots look like they should belong in star wars?

Lol, you also have to remember that the tracer bullets are only ever 3rd or ever 6th bullet i think, so there are a lot more bullets hitting it's target then can be seen.
*paste my usual response on glorifying killing machines here*
CptStern said:
*paste my usually response on glorifying killing machines here*

ok :)

CptStern said:
*Wow, what an awesome killing machine, you could massacre an entire town of people with that. So cool, i love glorifying killing machines*

Don't look at it as a killing machine, look at it as a piece of technology that has progressed for over 600 years to this stage and just imagine what it's future holds. Whether you like it or not, man will carry on developing killing machines for a long time to come.
UH-60s rock, the 10 minutes or so i got to ride in one were fricking amazing, if i had done nothing else, that alone would make me wanna join the army
Razor said:
ok :)

Don't look at it as a killing machine, look at it as a piece of technology that has progressed for over 600 years to this stage and just imagine what it's future holds. Whether you like it or not, man will carry on developing killing machines for a long time to come.

hmmm what will the future bring? .... twin Fusion Undulating Nullifier (F.U.N) cannons mounted on jet-propelled killing machines meant for peacekeeping? oh joy!

man will continue creating killing machines because the military-industrial complex demands it ..arms contractors run the world ..just ask rumsfeld or cheney

but enough of my ramblings I'll go back to worshipping virtual WMD like that chopper thingy in BF2
CptStern said:
*Killing Machines R teh Kool!! Bush Roxorz!*

Hehe. :angel: But anyway, the might of the military really is something you want to have on your side. And as long as there are people who dislike others, there will always be war. (And besides, we all know Windows and other computer corporations rule the world. Look at Bill Gates. :naughty: )
Dag said:
Hehe. :angel: But anyway, the might of the military really is something you want to have on your side. And as long as there are people who dislike others, there will always be war. (And besides, we all know Windows and other computer corporations rule the world. Look at Bill Gates. :naughty: )
you forget that Windows is a weapon of mass destruction

Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman
Raytheon Company
General Dynamics corporation
United Technologies corporation
L-3 Communications Corp

This will continue because humans love to kill each other. Now with computers and gaming everyone gets to do it legally. :P
Icarusintel said:
you forget that Windows is a weapon of mass destruction

Windows for battleships was real, scary to think that something so powerful was using a Microsoft operating system. (I use the term 'operating' lightly)
There just about shoot one of the big cannons things, and it comes up in a big red error cross saying "You have run out system resources, please increase page file"
the weapon is just abssurd (second video)! it's a scary killing machine! in a way i feel sorry for those poor iraqi insurgents! anyway this is just another proof how you dumbass americans can't even win a war like iraq, even with weapons like that! heh..it makes me laugh!!
jverne said:
the weapon is just abssurd (second video)! it's a scary killing machine! in a way i feel sorry for those poor iraqi insurgents! anyway this is just another proof how you dumbass americans can't even win a war like iraq, even with weapons like that! heh..it makes me laugh!!

Thats why the Blitzkreig pushed 250 miles into the Heart of Iraq without stopping? Thats why Iraq fell in record time in both wars? Militarily, the war was over before it started. Have you ever read Thunder Run, or Not a Good Day to Die? Or any military book written by a Soldier, or on Soldiers in the war? Not a political book, but just a book on thier actions? The insurgancies ass got kicked, stomped, and handed back to them on a pike. I don't know how you got we lost the war, because Iraq sure didn't put up a fight, and niether did Afghanistan.
Thats some scary weaponry..

Oh, and the US military completely stomped on Saddam's troops in both the military engagements. Militarily, when using the convential rules of war, the US army can just run circles and kick the ass out of alot of things... however, the actual 'war' ended once we took control of the cities, etc. The rest of the stuff, with the majority of soldiers dying, is the occupation, which I don't like... because I know these boys aren't really trained for this kind of fighting, against opposition that doesn't fight conventionally.
jverne said:
the weapon is just abssurd (second video)! it's a scary killing machine! in a way i feel sorry for those poor iraqi insurgents! anyway this is just another proof how you dumbass americans can't even win a war like iraq, even with weapons like that! heh..it makes me laugh!!

What the **** is your god damn malfunction, dolt.

We've already won the god damn war, we won the god damn war five minutes after we signed the damn bill.

Holy crap, HOLY CRAP you're such an IDIOT.
Despite Pesmergas EXTREME!ness, its true, the problem is the rebels who are still loyal to Saddam, running around blowing stuff up.

I honestly think that if the american troops pulled out of Iraq now, the government would be destroyed and there would be a brand new Saddam all over again.
Pesmerga said:
What the **** is your god damn malfunction, dolt.

We've already won the god damn war, we won the god damn war five minutes after we signed the damn bill.

Holy crap, HOLY CRAP you're such an IDIOT.

Formaly speaking, yes maybe you won the war with iraq, but the situation there is now worse than during the war! The US millitary still performs offensiv manuvers, more people are dying, people ar not even near to safe! The iraqi police is mostly funded by the US,...this is your explanation of "winning wars"? By this logic i can just nuke the main US cities and say i have won...have i really won?

If you still don't get it let me explain on a more practical example: in 2.WW germany conquered Yugoslavia but organised resistance (partisans) managed to fend them off, even if the germans had control of most of the territory!

And another MORE practical example: if i punch you in the face, you will fall to the ground...but have i won?
jverne said:
Formaly speaking, yes maybe you won the war with iraq, but the situation there is now worse than during the war! The US millitary still performs offensiv manuvers, more people are dying, people ar not even near to safe! The iraqi police is mostly funded by the US,...this is your explanation of "winning wars"? By this logic i can just nuke the main US cities and say i have won...have i really won?

If you still don't get it let me explain on a more practical example: in 2.WW germany conquered Yugoslavia but organised resistance (partisans) managed to fend them off, even if the germans had control of most of the territory!

And another MORE practical example: if i punch you in the face, you will fall to the ground...but have i won?
Stop trying to turn this thread into a war debate. Go to politics and post there for that crap.

edit: click my link too at the first post
You may not agree with it's purpose or use, but you have to admire the skilled design work and precision engineering that has gone into making it.

Still a bit concerning that something like the G11 rifle gets snubbed in favour of something else like. That thing was way ahead of its time.
CptStern... don't be such a puss... sometimes you really sound like my wife and its scary.

JonBob your avatar roxors my boxors.
Stern, don't be such a treehugger, every healthy person with XY chromosomes likes big guns, explosions, tanks, war documentaries and porn. Fact. :)
jverne said:
the weapon is just abssurd (second video)! it's a scary killing machine! in a way i feel sorry for those poor iraqi insurgents! anyway this is just another proof how you dumbass americans can't even win a war like iraq, even with weapons like that! heh..it makes me laugh!!

You feel sorry for them, they are choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice for a course that the believe in? You shouldn't feel sorry for them, you should respect them. It is the Terrorists that don't deserve the respect.

And it isn't just Americans fighting, but British troops as well mainly and it takes more then big guns and the best trained soldiers in the world to win a war.

As for those people that say that the war was won in days, that is utter bullshit. The war is still going on, no matter what that idiot Bush thinks.
Razor said:
You feel sorry for them, they are choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice for a course that the believe in? You shouldn't feel sorry for them, you should respect them.

That is ****ing bullshit, I have no respect for somebody that blows up a crowd of innocent people.

In a war, bombs are dropped, and innocent people are killed, that is not right.

The difference is, a scumbag with some C4 strapped to him thinks he is doing good by killing innocent people.

Edit:Razor, sorry, I should really read things properly before ripping heads off, sorry again.
Shodan said:
That is ****ing bullshit, I have no respect for somebody that blows up a crowd of innocent people.

In a war, bombs are dropped, and innocent people are killed, that is not right.

The difference is, a scumbag with some C4 strapped to him thinks he is doing good by killing innocent people.

"You feel sorry for them, they are choosing to make the ultimate sacrifice for a course that the believe in? You shouldn't feel sorry for them, you should respect them. It is the Terrorists that don't deserve the respect."
15357 said:
looks "ta" up on dictionary:

(translated) Babyish saying for Thank You. :|

Actually, ta is a very well used word in England. I could think of a few more choice ones, but I don't think you could find them in a dictionary.
Wow. A little too easy to get off-topic in this thread. :rolling:

That video is awesome, but it is really scary to think about the weaponry that is around right now that none of us even know about! I would not be surprised at all to hear about plans for a space station the size of a small moon being developed in the near future...*

*The Death Star was to be an instrument of terror, meant to cow treasonous worlds with the threat of annihilation. While the massive station is evidence of the evil that was the Galactic Empire, it was also proof of the New Order's greatest weakness -- the belief that technology and terror were superior to the will of oppressed beings fighting for freedom.

How you choose to interpret that last statement is up to you...
That's lame, CMU is a valid file uploading service.

edit: If someone else wants to find me a server with the bandwidth of that where I can upload fairly large video files tell me where and I'll rehost it.