[UK] "Game warnings 'should be clearer'"


Nov 26, 2004
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Seems that UK parents simply can't remember how old their children are. What else would stop them from understanding that a game certificated "18" is not considered suitable for someone below the age of... well, 18?. Mind you, if everyone in the UK was taught by my Maths teacher, they'd probably have an excuse.
Hah, waht a load of bollocks. How could it be any clearer? It says in perfectly fine english that "NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN UNDER 18" or something. Oh please people, get a ****ing brain!
You'd be suprised as to how many parents buy these games, simply because their children want it. I work at a video game store, and there are plenty of people who aren't aware of just how damned violent or mature in content some of these games are (and I'm talking about games other than Manhunt and GTA here, people seem to be fairly well educated on those games). As long as it's nothing on the scale of "smoking kills your baby", then I think it's perfectly fine to have these sorts of warnings on boxes.
I wonder if will ever become so clear as smoke packages is in sweden? I think one whole side of it have to be dedicated to the simple phrase: "SMOKING KILLS"
So it says games should have larger warnings on them?

Then it has this quote:
You wouldn't let your child watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. So you shouldn't let them play an 18-rated game
Ok fair enough, but lets take a look at the case for Texas Chain-saw massacre:

Now for the Half-Life 2 case:

Now as far as I can tell Half-Life 2 has a clearly marked rating on it (although at the time of the photo it hadn't been rated yet), while the Texas Chainsaw Massacre has no such rating clearly displayed on it.

hmmm... :upstare:
Perhaps it's all an issue of the public's complete ignorance of Games as an evolving Media. Their idea of games are still firmly rooted in the unrealism of Pong, Space Invaders or perhaps even some 90s stuff like Sonic or Mario. I'm pretty sure that if my parents saw me blasting away in HL2, they'd want to know what Movie I was watching ^^

It's a pity because the only time games make the news is when the Daily Mail gets something crawling up it's buttcrack and feels the need to pile everything on games. I firmly believe that one day, games will be so widely played that such Shock-Tactics simply won't work. Until then, we'll just have to put up with "Murder by Playstation" headlines instead of seeing what is pratically an artform making some kind of positive news.
Seppo said:
get a ****ing brain!

Yeah, morans.

Are there any countries where photo ID is required by law to buy rated games? :o
I don't care, I'm 18 now so I can buy any game I want anyway! The dumbass parents can moan all they want.
so GAY
UK and the US Goverment sux
well Germany kinda does to but.....ah well fuk it
Urrgh! Man, can't believe that even our politicians are falling into the brain-dead ignorance trap. Wait, yes I can- they're good at it.

Maybe this is proof that non-gamers really are less intelligent overall than gaming types- we can at least realise that an 18 means it's for people who, strangely enough, are actually 18 years old.

All in favour of the 2020 Moron Cull, say I!