UK gamers will feel this: 11 year old stabs infant because of game


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Boy appears in court after stabbing baby over game

this is just too ****ing insane:

"The influence of videogames on violent behaviour is back in the news in the UK, after an 11 year-old boy appeared in court yesterday to explain how he was driven to commit a violent act after playing a PlayStation 2 game.

But for once, Rockstar is not being blamed for the incident - the title in question was not Manhunt or an instalment in the GTA series but THQ's The Incredibles, based on the Disney/Pixar film of the same name.

The boy, who has not been named, told police became frustrated when he kept "dying" in the game while his seven month-old nephew cried in a nearby room. In a fit of rage, he stabbed the baby in the stomach with a knife."

that boy needs serious help why didnt the parents see the signs of aggression? Once again an individual puts us gamers in the public eye's just a matter of time before the government steps in to control gaming content one will see that he had anger management problems they'll just see that a game drove him to stab a baby
He did not stab the infant becouse he played a game, he stabbed the infant becouse he was frustated. It is that simple.
Media already twists it. It's being used as an excuse for everything, surprised Saddam isn't using it as an excuse...
HunterSeeker said:
He did not stab the infant becouse he played a game, he stabbed the infant becouse he was frustated. It is that simple.

yes but do you think Jack Thomspon will bother to make that distinction? ...this is the sort of ammunition they thrive on
I'm pretty sure he wasn't playing in the kithcen when this happened. So he's had to go and get the knife, then walk through the house to find the baby and stab him. During this time no one saw him?

He needs to be taken into care, or preferably put down.
The fact he was playing a game was just incidental. This has not so much to do with the game as much as it was to do with the boy's mental state and added family and school stresses.
Xune said:
I'm pretty sure he wasn't playing in the kithcen when this happened. So he's had to go and get the knife, then walk through the house to find the baby and stab him. During this time no one saw him?

He needs to be taken into care, or preferably put down.

his step father was asleep at the time
kirovman said:
The fact he was playing a game was just incidental. This has not so much to do with the game as much as it was to do with the boy's mental state and added family and school stresses.
sadly none of this will factor in when this is used by anti-game advocats and run in news venues, all they'll talk about is how the game made him do it
Much ass it fustrates people who know better, the media will look for the scare factor and a juicy story. No amount of exposure to the facts will stop a journalist from writing what he belives will please his readers (Read: Lies).

Remember the washington sniper, the tabloids starting mouthing off about CS etc.

For example: Avg no of unique steam players this month (Almost all of which are violent to some degree):2,317,798. Number of infants stabbed: 1

No paper will print that stat, because they arn't interested in actual facts. If they were, they would print the above and say "Hey, at least 2,317,797 played a violent game last month and didn't stab an infant..."
I find this the most interesting:

Gavin Burrell QC said that the stabbing occurred at a time when the family was experiencing a great deal of strain - the boy's sister was in hospital and his mother was caring for her own children along with the baby.

The boy, who had always been "the baby of the family", felt pushed out, and said he "wanted to send it back," his mother told the court.

Prior to the incident the boy was caught playing truant, and told a teacher: "There is a lot going in my head."

Crying, he explained that his family was caring for a baby who was noisy, saying: "The baby is doing my head in." He also told teachers that he was being bullied.

He was being bullied at school and felt ignored at home. This incident is not caused by frustration over the video game, but from a troubled childhood. This agression was built up over many years, not aquired over a few hours of playing the Incredibles.

I'm glad the baby's ok.
Wait, so there's going to be no blame on the step-father for sleeping while his 11-year old was with an infant, or whoever else was a guardian in his life to guide him correctly, and teach him that they're just games? No psych analysis of the kid that showed he was obviously ****ed up long before that?


I hate the media.
**** it happened again:

“GameCube Dad” Kills One Twin, Injures Other

A 21-year-old “GameCube Dad” is accused of beating one infant son to death and another into an unconscious stupor in a fit of rage during an all-night gaming session.

Prosecutors say James Tuffs would work himself into a rage while playing on his GameCube and had recently purchased True Crimes.

It’s unclear in the story if the prosecutor is trying to link the video game directly to the death or if it’s just a side note to the trial. I hope it’s the latter. This has nothing to do with video games and seemingly everything to do with a piece of shit and his predilection to beating helpless children. I’m sure he’s going to be very popular in prison"

I'm against capital punishment but that guy needs to be beaten within an inch of his life ...god people like that are a waste of skin

my gaming NEVER comes before my son ...nothing does
Sorry, but, only in Britain.

EDIT: Had to.
You sure that's a real story Stern? The article sounds unprofessional, the name James Tuffs sounds too ironic to be true, and even the picture looks random.

But if it is true, I'm almost at a loss for words. Pulling an all-nighter and then beating your sleeping kids out of frustration? That makes the other article seem tame in comparison.
For gods sake. This is definately a new tabloid campaign against "True Crime". Note that both reports feature it, and that both reports can't get the name right... in exactly the same way. Ugh, I hate our tabloids. I rank them somewhere alongside Saddam Hussein in the gallery of subhuman filth.
A True Canadian said:
You sure that's a real story Stern? The article sounds unprofessional, the name James Tuffs sounds too ironic to be true, and even the picture looks random.

But if it is true, I'm almost at a loss for words. Pulling an all-nighter and then beating your sleeping kids out of frustration? That makes the other article seem tame in comparison.

ya I was skeptical at first as well ...I mean look at the photo included looks doctored

but here's a few more sources:
Well that's just unfortunate.

On another note, isn't there a law against revealing the victim's names if they are minors? In all the articles they list the first names of the infants and then the full names of the mother and father (as well as their other daughter). Does that law only apply to North America, or is it for something else I'm thinking of?
A True Canadian said:
Well that's just unfortunate.

On another note, isn't there a law against revealing the victim's names if they are minors? In all the articles they list the first names of the infants and then the full names of the mother and father (as well as their other daughter). Does that law only apply to North America, or is it for something else I'm thinking of?

It also applies here as well, it might just be in certain circumstances though where all the family hadn't been notified or something.
No its true I read it in the Newspaper this morning.

****ing tabloids.

Oh yeah. ****ing crazy insane people.
Saw the 11-year old incident in the Express- media never tires of sensationalist headlines, but according to the actual article he claimed he wandered off and grabbed the knife in order to repair a toy, and then carried out the stabbing.

So one or the other is lying- probably both.

We need a disclaimer on all future gaming products: "If someone is emotionally or physically hurt while in proximity to this game/gaming peripheral, you are not to hold the developers, publishers, or distributers responsible. This clause applies to families and companies of all kinds, including scum-sucking tabloid news editors, who we reserve the right to throw bricks at should we ever encounter them in the street. Thank you."
They are idiots if they think video games are causing this. The problem is the kid was simply concentrating(attempting to) on what he was doing, and the infant kept distracting him so the troubled kid got too annoyed and frustrated and lashed out at the infant. The kid could have been doing homework as well and would have gotten just as aggravated at the infant. A kid that stabs a baby has more problems than video games could EVER cause.

Same thing with that dad, he obviously beat his children and they would have died eventually just because the guy was a maniac.
Yeah I agree with Glirk Dient, but he didnt have to stab the baby..I swear kids cant control their anger..and either can insane people like that Xbox man or whatever.
The kid could have been doing homework as well and would have gotten just as aggravated at the infant
Yeh, once almost destroyed my door in anger while studying for exams and the house was so noisy :/
OMG i remember a review in one of our local papers complaining about how hard it was to beat The Incredibles, but I didn't think it was this hard...
Don't know how the tabloid brigade is going to handle this now.

Ban violent games you can maybe understand it a little. But ban disney games? They can't possibly argue that the game was so violent that it caused a kid to stab a baby.
You can never control stress, well it's true.
Games have nothing to do with it, they just get scapegoated by the parents.

I would love to see an article where someone hurts / stabs someone after reading a tabliod article.

(only in the irony sense)
Outrage! Madman goes on shotgun rampage in Daily Mail offices!
LOL, rid the world of their filth.
Luckly i don't live in the UK, so no stabbings or shootings for me.
Out of all games...
The Incredibles, the baby stabbing provoker...