UK Mumps Epidemic


Sep 18, 2003
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Last year in the UK there were about 1,500 actual cases of Mumps. This year alone there have been over 28,000. Now, understand that each person infected is a carrier, then it stands to reason that within the space of a couple of months, Mumps will have covered ever square meter of the country.

So, I checked my vaccination history and noticed i've not had a mumps vaccination in my life. Immidiately I rang up my doctors surgery to try to arrange to get the mumps vaccine. What do they say?

"Sorry, there's no vaccines available at the moment, ring back in 3 to 4 weeks."

Brilliant, thanks NHS.
Problem is that everybody and their dog wants one now, I guess. I've already had mine, so I'm okay :D
Gosh, Isn't socialized medicine fun? :dozey: I guess the conservatives can actually be right about something after all....
Teta_Bonita said:
Gosh, Isn't socialized medicine fun? :dozey: I guess the conservatives can actually be right about something after all....


What makes you think that if everything was private that they would have had the vacianation available... Specially in the quantities that seem to be required now.
Teta_Bonita said:
Gosh, Isn't socialized medicine fun? :dozey: I guess the conservatives can actually be right about something after all....

That's tasty crap. If it was private, it'd be the same situation, only he'd be paying through his nose when new vaccines got in because of the demand...
marksmanHL2 :) said:

What makes you think that if everything was private that they would have had the vacianation available... Specially in the quantities that seem to be required now.

Could even be a worse situation depending on the greed of private companies, with a select (read: affluent enough) few only being able to afford to purchase vaccinations

Luckily I got mine done at uni in the first week, and it was en masse and only about 2 people have got it (from my college at least)
lePobz said:
Last year in the UK there were about 1,500 actual cases of Mumps. This year alone there have been over 28,000. Now, understand that each person infected is a carrier, then it stands to reason that within the space of a couple of months, Mumps will have covered ever square meter of the country.

So, I checked my vaccination history and noticed i've not had a mumps vaccination in my life. Immidiately I rang up my doctors surgery to try to arrange to get the mumps vaccine. What do they say?

"Sorry, there's no vaccines available at the moment, ring back in 3 to 4 weeks."

Brilliant, thanks NHS.

Check out my thread if you haven't already

Strange that, I just walked into my surgery at University and they gave me a vaccine in 5 minutes. You should try just walking into another health centre for it.
If you can't get it from your local one, just goto another one an explain you are really worried about getting the mumps, they'll probably let you have one, if you fill in your address details on a temporary patient card.
Are there also a lot of cases of mumps in other countries, like Belgium? :p
My friend had mumps, and carried on coming into college. That was a couple of months ago, so I'm guessing we're probably safe :D
Apparently in semi-vaccinated populations, like the Uk, there should be epidemics every 3 - 6 years.

Bloody stupid that, they should get everyone vaccinated, especially young adults who are the ones who need it the most. Kids don't tend to suffer the serious consequences so much as adults.

I'm lucky I never got it, either my vaccination worked or I had a really mild case and infected everyone.
i had mmr when i was born my paretns decided the side effects if any easily outweighed the consequences of getting any of those diseases
I asked my mom and she said I had the MMR vaccine. heh heh heh, no mumps for me.

Shodan said:
I asked my mom and she said I had the MMR vaccine. heh heh heh, no mumps for me.


Get it again anyway. You'll need a booster shot anyway, might as well get it now. Better safe than sorry.

My mum said she thought I had the MMR, turns out I only had the MR.
I have my s10 and NBC suits, i ****ing hate working in a supermarket however.......****ing scum come in and start coughing everywhere spreading illness.
I try and hold my breath when i walk past people who look likely to carry disease (most)
Doppelgofer said:
i think i've had the vaccine....time will tell

Don't take that attitude, seriously.

Get it again, you can have a booster after 3 months anyway which gives you lifetime immunity.

I think 1 dose only lasts 10 years.

mortiz said:
I laugh in the face of mumps...and ebola.
Aye my mate who had the mumps said "Mumps ain't nothing, give me a real man's disease like Ebola" LOL.

But he later admitted Mumps was the worst illness he ever had.

short recoil said:
I have my s10 and NBC suits, i ****ing hate working in a supermarket however.......****ing scum come in and start coughing everywhere spreading illness.
I try and hold my breath when i walk past people who look likely to carry disease (most)
Yeah I hate people bringing their pox in and everything. At least I had the decency to have no sypmtoms when/if I was carrying.
Joims said:
i had mmr when i was born my paretns decided the side effects if any easily outweighed the consequences of getting any of those diseases

It is just unfortunate that not all parents were that smart. :| When you have a million doctors telling you it's safe and 2 that say that it MIGHT not be safe, parents suddenly consider any possible side effects to far outweigh mumps, measels and rubela.
The Bens - A viscious group of men, typically aged between 25 and 50. Each wears a top hat, and carries a whipping cane. They move around in Bins, the self given name to a group of four Bens. A usual target of The Bens is the university student.
what are mumps? i'v never heard of it.
kirovman said:
A google image search for mumps should give you the gist of it.

image search? its not going to be like ebola is it?

I wish i had a nice pair of mumps to play with.

Farrowlesparrow said:
The Bens - A viscious group of men, typically aged between 25 and 50. Each wears a top hat, and carries a whipping cane. They move around in Bins, the self given name to a group of four Bens. A usual target of The Bens is the university student.
kirovman said:
Well I don't know any Korean, but lets just say altavista translator works ;)

Lucky it wasn't a few sentences or a page to translate, they always turn out crazy. :laugh:
I remember posting this before...
I had mumps, then when it went away (and you have a natural defence when you've had it once, I think) our school gave us the jab. :|
The worst was the scare stories the school told everyone AFTER I had mumps, about infertility and stuff.
Good thing I don't want kids anyway. :thumbs:
SimonomiS said:
Lucky it wasn't a few sentences or a page to translate, they always turn out crazy. :laugh:
I remember posting this before...
I had mumps, then when it went away (and you have a natural defence when you've had it once, I think) our school gave us the jab. :|
The worst was the scare stories the school told everyone AFTER I had mumps, about infertility and stuff.
Good thing I don't want kids anyway. :thumbs:

I don't think you need to worry about the infertility anyway, unless you get the excruciating painful swelling in your pods. That's what my mate got. It affects 25% of males who get the mumps, but the infertility rate is much lower.
kirovman said:
I don't think you need to worry about the infertility anyway, unless you get the excruciating painful swelling in your pods. That's what my mate got. It affects 25% of males who get the mumps, but the infertility rate is much lower.

Apparently it mostly affects one side or the other. So you might lose one of the lads, but you'l still be able to function.
/me shakes fist at Farrow

Anyway, I only said "Good thing it isn't the Bens(sp?)" Becuase my English Teacher said it causes your veins to explode :|
Danimal said:
* Danimal shakes fist at Farrow

Anyway, I only said "Good thing it isn't the Bens(sp?)" Becuase my English Teacher said it causes your veins to explode :|

well, at least it ain't the arteries.

massive internal bleeding...
there an epidemic in Ireland now too. Last year 40, this year a few hundred (keep in mind Ireland has a smaller popluation than London.