UK School Children join Hezbollah and Fire on Haifa


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
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Heh, I went to an aircraft museum last week and just couldn't resist making that joke. A local journalist was there and I suggested she used the above headline to which she replied:

me: 'Hezbollah'
'Sorry, Who?'
'Hezbollah, the Lebanese islamist resistance force'
'oh, them from the news'

Wtf, I've been away and people were talking about me!!!
I'll explain in a mo.

I've no idea who that guy is, I have never talked to anybody about some big jewish conspiracy. I do not hold the view that Jews are in control of the USA, or any other government besides Isreal. I am not an anti-semite, and belive that the only reason Isreal is run by Jews is becuase Isreal is a largely Jewish populace, and so it makes sense that it's elected leaders would be Jewish. I believe the US allow isreal to do what they do becuase it is in the intrest of the United States foriegn policy, if which in turn is motivated by greed and arrogance.

I condem the Heetla fellow and his views, they are a message of hate, and one in which I have taken no part in compiling, nor do I share it in the least. I am surprised anyone would claim I am an anti-semite, and find it more than co-incidence that the accusation would be made whilst I was on holiday with no internet access. The only people who knew that were the people who could read my msn name whilst I was away. All of whom I hold trust in, except for Azner. It may have been him, I do not know. But rest assured I was completely unaware and hold no racist views against Jews.
Later that night, Solaris would go on a drunken rampage in the hollywood hills, declaring "it's all a zionist conspiracy, sugar tits!"