UK Trains :o


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
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So I was travelling back to uni from London to Southampton on the train, I looked up at the lovely interior decorating of the train that I’m on and I saw something very naughty! Can you see what it is?

I can vouch for the fact that UK trains (especially the virgin ones) all atleast smell badish with something toilet related.
i noticed that too, it's in this weired tree pattern. i was looking at it going from bournemouth to london.
I personally didn't make the connection until someone said, my mind dosn't work like that!
I want to grab it and move my hand up and down.

Is that bad?
Bahahahahahaaa! Awesome!

I noticed it in about 1/1000th of a second. Im sure Freud would have something to say about that.
You can tell that ain't a Virgin train. It has a cock in it.
I don't get it :(. Can someone circle it?
is the loads of blue paintings normal or is cuz someone slaped paint there?
if you use your imagination everything can look like a penis