UK's gay nanny state propaganda machine


May 5, 2004
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A four-wheeled contraption has been unveiled as a police force's latest device in the fight against crime.

The "Digi-bike", which is out on the streets of Dudley, in the West Midlands, carries anti-crime slogans and distributes messages to Bluetooth devices.

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haha. it's like a gay Big Brother (no, not the reality series dumdums)

I'm pretty sure that the money used for making that could be put to better use. Like truncheons and few more cops on the street.
What? What? Seriously, what? There's a peddle car going around spamming people's bluetooth-enabled phones with annoying messages. How will this do anything but piss the shit out of people? If that ****ing thing went past me and started spamming my phone I would give out to the eejit driving it (though it wouldn't actually happen because I leave the bluetooth turned off).
I thought it was going to be some high tech vehicle not a crappy four wheels bicycle

cant they put those screens on police cars and save the money on the bike?
I live down the road from Dudley. It really is a shit hole, just stick more cops on the streets.
Hey!! I'll have you know that Dudley Zoo is a top of the market establishment.
Lol, I love how british people say doodley.
The Illuminati must be having a slow day.
What is the point of making it so ****ing massive if someone has to pedal it. :|
it'll be broken/on fire/graffiti-ed or some other way made unusable by the end of the week when west midlands worst manage to find out where it's err... parked every day.
Hahaha, what a ****ing piece of crap

target market
