Ultimate Dog's Ball Post, past water etc. spoiler



Sorry about the "*", I pasted this message and they invaded my post :(

Quick note, quicksaves=Ball saves! Fire, explosion, and wat*er
submersion Destroy it. Let's get this thing to the END!

Any1 else Get Dog's Ball past the water hole?

Why would you want to keep Dog's Ball? Well, for one you have the perfect gr*avity gun
ammo. It comes back to you on it's own, it's fairly small (n*ot too
cumbersome) so you can wield it fairly easily (except for th*e issues
discussed below), AND BEST OF ALL, when it's on the ground i*t moves
around (toward zombies and stuff) and they are distracted by* it and
attack IT instead of YOU. It's pretty cool as you enter the *Ravenholm

I have done my best to get Dog's ball to the end of the game*. Alas,
though I got it passed several difficult game bugs (invisibl*e walls)
and got it under water, and kept it on my buggy, I have been* beaten by
the broken window.

(If you've tried you probably know what I mean)

I have gotten Dog's ball all the way to the room overlooking* the last
(i think) ant-lion Queen, in the room with the pillars that *you can
break apart... The over looking room has bullet (and rocket *and grenade
and crowbar and fast moving blunt object, and crossbow bolt)* proof
windows, one of which has a small hole you can duck to crawl* through
then fall down. In this hole there is an invisible barrier w*hich allows
you and any other object through, EXCEPT for Dog's ball. Has* anyone got
the ball passed this?

Here's what I've tried:
I have tried all cieling holes in the area and gotten on the* "roof"
outside of the games design (seeing through stuff walking in* space
etc.) but all of these areas are confined by invisible barri*ers as
well, so I can't get near the ball this way.

I've tride pushing, launching, and pulling it through, with *the gravity

I got on the light fixture (outside and higher than the wind*ow) and
tried to pull the ball out that way (different angle).

I took one of the rolling light-weight kitchen carts and set* it on a
stove (I think) at the window and put Dog's ball in the cart* that I use
as a "cage" and then try to blow the cart out the window wit*h the
gravity gun (cart alone WILL go out this window) but the bal*l stops it.

I even teater-tottered an upsidedown desk, hanging out the w*indow so
that with the ball blocked onto the desk (with shelves and s*tuff) it
can only come towards me. As I move out along the desk it ti*lts down
from my weight, and lifts the side the ball is on. I try to *gravity it
and the ball stops, as usual, at the invisible window, but I* had hoped
that the desk would pry it out. It doesn't. So I end up stan*ding on the
leg of the upsidedown desk 2 feet out of the window and 3 fe*et down,
while the top of the desk is held by the ball which is pinch*ed between
the desk and the invisible wall.

I admit my loss for ideas except for one which I just though*t of and
will take too long to write, and probably won't work. So if *any gaming
geniuses out there would like to help me out here, that woul*d be sweet.

Or valve could perhaps fix the invisible windows and doors i*n the game
via an update

If you want to figure out the ball obstacles yourself, don't* read

Hint: When taking the ball on the buggy ride (after the cran*e drops you
and you're clear of ant lions and have a minute) clime on th*e front of
the buggy and place the ball on the roof (over center of gra*vity) and
get in quickly. The secret is having the ball centered (L to* R) so it
doesn't mess up your steering too much, and not to far forew*ard or
rearward so as to bounce that end of your car too far into t*he air.

Hint: When you go over the chain link fence (rafters) and dr*op down and
you have to go down that square hole in the ground and land *in the
water, you have to (w/ grav gun) shoot the ball upwards (aga*inst the
wall) as you fall, then surface and catch the ball w/ the gr*av gun.
Then hug the ceiling underwater as you submerge.

Hint: You can't take the ball through the doorway at the bot*tom of the
lighthouse (leading to the cliff walk on your way to getting* the bug
juice) So throw the ball into the cave as you look over the *cliff
before you enter the lighthouse.

Hint: In one hallway there is an invisible wall preventing t*he ball
from passing. As you move along the hallway w/out the ball t*he roof
caves in over that point and you get a load screen. So walk *passed the
invisible wall and grav the ball as you walk backwards. Make* sure you
have it gravitied towards you when the roof colapses, and th*en you
should get a load screen and you'll see the ball in the rubl*e. Pick it
up and continue.
I can*'t se*e ho*w yo*u go*t pas*t th*e min*e at th*e en*d of rave*nhol*m. Th*e bal*l exp*lode*s wh*en it hit*s wate*r.
Goalie31 said:
Why not try noclipping throught the inivisible walls?

Because he is trying to get the ball to the end, not cheat his way to the end with it. That's like saying to the guys doing the no damage runs, to use godmode. That isn't what he's trying to do here.

Nice job so far dude, i hope you can get it all the way and blast apart breen's teleporter with it!
I suspect you'd lose it in the citadel anyway, either due to getting in the pod things or having your weapons taken away.
this looks like an interesting post but like sam2k said, you prolly could not bring it with you in the pods.
rpgprog said:
this looks like an interesting post but like sam2k said, you prolly could not bring it with you in the pods.

Dude, your avatar has that annoying bi*ch from SW:KotOR. She was terrible "oh save my big furry slave friend from the fat underground hogs" lol.

Anyways, i think you can ride on the top of the pods..
I think the wall was put there by Valve not just to stop people from bringing the ball in, but to stop any enemy getting through. You'll notice that antlions can't go through either, and I doubt manhacks could. I don't think it would be possible to take it through the barrier.
Why not noclip through? Since there is an invisible barrier whihc normally you could fit the ball through easily, i see no reason to assume you could get it through anyway, then just continue normally.
Nate93 said:
Any1 else Get Dog's Ball past the water hole?

I got it as far as the breathing hole (the one with the headcrab) & gave up (I was *pissed @ the time)

*that's UK pissed, not US pissed (though I was that as well)
Duncan said:
I got it as far as the breathing hole (the one with the headcrab) & gave up (I was *pissed @ the time)

*that's UK pissed, not US pissed (though I was that as well)

wuts the diff i thought, drunk is drunk