Umm has this been posted yet?


Apr 12, 2012
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So I was watching videos on Machinima Respawn and came across one that says Half life 3 easter egg in Portal 2. I figured it wasn't the Boreallis one since everyone knows that one. Anyway I watched the video and well, it left me exicted. I tried looking for it, but didn't see it anywhere on the forums so forgive me if I missed it. Heres the link to the video.

I sure hope its true... Also I didn't know whether to put this in Half life or Portal topics so ya.. move if necessary.
I don't know how anyone could think this is real. Is it not obvious that he's trying to be funny? How can you watch the tiles part and not get it?
This kind of shit makes me sad. And the fact Machinima actually uploaded this makes me even more sad.