ummm.... None of my cd-keys work... for any game


The Freeman
May 16, 2004
Reaction score
Well I just installed bf2 on my computer, in anticipation of the expansion. But when I installed it and tried to play a game (i dont have the expansion yet, just bf2) it says my cd key is wrong. I thought it was the patch at first... then I installed splinter cell 3, and when it does the check disk thing where I have to type the cd key in, it doesnt work and says the key isnt valid.


Why would that happen... I am completely clueless on how to go about fixing this.
case sensetive + capslock ?

splintercell uses copy protection turn off virtual drives?
Are you sure you typed it in correctly?
Is the keyboard in the correct language? Could have it in the wrong language and keys input different things and you may not notice if you don't touch type.

Sounds wierd.
*Smacks forehead*

For splinter cell I was typing the code on the back of the manual. It wasnt working so I went to put the manual back in the case and saw the sticker that says "Install Key Code". heheh. Tricksy little manuals. Anyways, I know the BF2 key is still not working. Every time I try to join a multiplayer game it says "Your CD-Key is invalid."
Krynn72 said:
*Smacks forehead*

For splinter cell I was typing the code on the back of the manual. It wasnt working so I went to put the manual back in the case and saw the sticker that says "Install Key Code". heheh. Tricksy little manuals. Anyways, I know the BF2 key is still not working. Every time I try to join a multiplayer game it says "Your CD-Key is invalid."
Maybe a keygen randomly generated one and it just happened to be yours. Stuff like that happens.

Is there any way to see who is using your CD-key?