Ummm question....



Does the game support the Athlon 64-bit processor?
Also what is AA and AF?
I know what they stand for but I dont know what they do.
Thanks a whole lot.
Hopefully we we'll receive some kind of info today or at least by the end of the least we still have the ATI Alcatraz Tour on Friday...

Thankx again...
...... :cheers: .......
AF=Anistropic Filtering
And ofcourse HL2 will support the AMD 64
AA gets rid of the jaggies that cut open your chest and steal your ati blackend soul. but in exchange they make the thing blurry. AF sharpens textures. Mayhaps someone can give a technicle description for you if your looking for that. and for the anthalon thing. Beats the shizzle out of me
As far as I know, no: Half-Life 2 is not optimised for 64bit application (at the moment), however will have no problems running under a 64bit enviroment.

AA: Full-scene Anti-Aliasing
Removies the "jaggies", smooth polygons, sharp edges etc.

AF: Anisotropic Filtering
Texture quality setting.
I dont think that it supports 64 bit prossesors yet. but I think it will in future patches.

AA = anti aliesing(sp.) af = i dont know
they make the jaggedies that you get in computer games dissapier

Edit: wow like 8 ppl beat me ...and I can't spell YAY!!!!!
Yes, it will support the Athlon64, however, it is more the Athlon64 supporting it ; ) 32 bit mode only for now, but I'd be willing to bet that this is the best chip to play HL2 on! P4 extreme will still have a poorly designed FPU and branch prediction unit...