ummm what setting for 9800pro?


Companion Cube
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
I GOT 9800PRO TODAY!!! ok back to the question, what custom settings is good for css and or cz like aa on off, times what number, high quality and stuff
what about filter? oh and my comp specs 512mb ram(i dont know what kind) 2.24 ghz pentium4 cpu4(i have no clue what the cpu4 is :p)

and should i put it on performance or quality, and should i put temperal anti alassing or something
For CZ just put everything up.

For CSS I'll agree with kingbadger.
god damn it, im jealous, im gonna buy a x800 XT PE soon and 1gb ram! maybe few months from now
Condition zero:
Quality settings.
highest AF (ansiotropic filtering), wich I think would be 8X.
If everything is smooth, put 2x AA (antialising).
Performence will vary depending on your resolution.

Counter-Strike Source:
Since the game is not out yet, this is my seculation:
All the highest in-game settings.
NO AA, but 8x AF should be fine.
Average FPS in the 30-70 depending on on-screen action...
ok kool thanks btw, i have the highest res, with detailed, on cz, with everything on high with full aa anf full af and full quality and i get good fram rates, usually 80's and 90's, if something happining, 70's or 60's or 50's
I only need a consistent 30-40fps, so does everyone else.

I have 2.6Ghz, 1GB RAM, 128mb 9800pro, ASUS MOB.

I am going to be running CS:S at 1024x768 with full detail and 6xAA. Why not?
Maybe i'll run it without AA if i don't like the framerate, but it's 6x or nothing for me.
im hoping to run it 1280x1024 2XAA 8XAF full details. if not then I'll just knock it down to no AA.
I think my new compy should bode well with holding a good af, and aa.

amd64 3200+
1gb ram
gigabite mobo
6800u OC - when i can get a hold of it
I'm putting everything on high except AA and will run it at 800x600 on my 9800 Pro.
ktimekiller said:
I GOT 9800PRO TODAY!!! ok back to the question, what custom settings is good for css and or cz like aa on off, times what number, high quality and stuff

On a 9800 Pro and if you have around a 2.96Ghz, you can run CS:S on everything full settings and 4xAA/16xAF. You can run up to 1920x1440 if your monitor supports with 30fps average. So I suggest 1280x960 or 1600x1200. I get around 60fps (min) to 110fps (max) (1024x768). :cheers:
Ill be running it on 1024x768 No AA, No AF. And with a p4 3ghz ht, and 1gb of Corsiar pc3200 im hopeing not to go below 60fps.. heres to hopeing anyway.
Lol stop posting things like this i got it running, (yeah cyber cafe DenHaag)
with a 866mhz 256ram and a GF4 Ti4200 on medium details about 30fps or more
Doesnt drop below 20fps..
I am turning this baby up all the way!!!
I'm going as high as I can get it on my cheap shit monitor.
9800 pro? hmmm, if you want to get more than 15 fps i suggest 640x480 with all options on medium and disable water reflections.
acme420 said:
9800 pro? hmmm, if you want to get more than 15 fps i suggest 640x480 with all options on medium and disable water reflections.


I run my 9800pro 128mb at 1280x1024 (max AF, no AA) with everything maxed, and all options turned on.

I get 60-90fps, with slight dips when there enormous activity on-screen.. the dips are 50~ at their lowest.

remember the 9800 pro was the flagship card that ATI and HL2 were pushing for when it was gonna come out last year (first e3 ran on 9800s)
hell my lil bro can run CS:S cranked up with his Geforce FX 5200.. this game is coded damn well, and optimized up the whazoo.