Uncapping FPS in HL games?


Apr 23, 2004
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I've been reading around multiple websites and I can't seem to get reliable info to uncap my FPS in Half-Life based games.

I've set developer 1
Then fps_max to like 100

But still my FPS maxes out at 60. I know for a fact it can go higher.

My refreash rate is 85, and I've even enabled Vert Sync for hl.exe games. But it still stops cold at 60. And yes, even with vsync off, it still wont go over 60.

Don't bother saying "Why would you need over 60 anyway?" Dont worry about it.

If I do timerefreash in game it tells me I'm getting like 500 FPS but with net_graph it tops out at 60.

I'm also running on a GeForce 6800 GT, and I could swear I was getting a better FPS on my ATi 9800 Pro... even though the 6800 GT is a lot better. Maybe it's some nVidia setting somewhere?
Really is there a point to showing more than 100fps? I mean really....
Would you care if your brand new ferrari was limited to 70 mph? You couldn't drive it any faster on the road...
Link said:
Would you care if your brand new ferrari was limited to 70 mph? You couldn't drive it any faster on the road...

Analogy is wrong there buddy. Anything over 100fps is just not useful, HL engine will only display 100 fps. You can set developer mode to 1 and do whatever, it can be 300 or whatever, its still only going to be 100fps.
Sounds like a perfect one to me. Just because you can't use the speed dosen't mean you don't want to show its possible.

Anyway, he didn't say he wanted to break 100 fps, he wants to get it up to 100fps, instead of the 60 he is at now.
Christ, DiSTuRbEd's, I said don't ask... I have my reasons so if you don't have anything to contribute to this thread, then dont post.

Solaris, change what? I've messed with vsync, refreash rates, etc, etc, etc.

Everyone else: Stop fu*king arguging about this crap in my thread. And I'm well aware that any FPS over your refreash rate isnt noticable.
Thanks for cluttering my thread with usless arguments...
It works for me with Developer 1 and the max command...Iunno then :(
WhiteZero said:
Don't bother saying "Why would you need over 60 anyway?" Dont worry about it.


Why would you need over 60 anyway?
WhiteZero said:
I've been reading around multiple websites and I can't seem to get reliable info to uncap my FPS in Half-Life based games.

I've set developer 1
Then fps_max to like 100

But still my FPS maxes out at 60. I know for a fact it can go higher.

My refreash rate is 85, and I've even enabled Vert Sync for hl.exe games. But it still stops cold at 60. And yes, even with vsync off, it still wont go over 60.

Don't bother saying "Why would you need over 60 anyway?" Dont worry about it.

If I do timerefreash in game it tells me I'm getting like 500 FPS but with net_graph it tops out at 60.

I'm also running on a GeForce 6800 GT, and I could swear I was getting a better FPS on my ATi 9800 Pro... even though the 6800 GT is a lot better. Maybe it's some nVidia setting somewhere?
Atleast it doesn't max out at 30... I got gimped. max_fps doesn't work.
The eye can't seen anymore improvements after something like 75 fps.
why not just use fraps?
i fail to see why you need hl2 to do it
Alright, for all you fools who still want to chime in asking something I specificaly asked not to, here you go:
In Counter-Strike, on surf_ maps, the higher your FPS, the more distance and height you get. This is a fact. On my older ATi card, I was caped at 100 and now with this new GeForce 6800gt I'm caped at 60 for some reason, and I don't get as much flying distance.

Now stop cluttering my thread with anything but info on how to uncap FPS.

why not just use fraps?
i fail to see why you need hl2 to do it
WTF are you talking about? Did you even read my post?
The eye can't seen anymore improvements after something like 75 fps.
I know...
k, basically its your vertical sync, this is your refresh rate your monitor kicks out at a certain res, locking your fps so that you see one frame per hertz

you have a 6800gt, so its going to be in ..

r-click desktop> properties>settings>advanced> nvidia stuff>perormance and settings> gloabal device settings bit> put vsync to always off

this will get you to your mad fps, with your card to fps_max 300 and fps}_modem 300 :) the fps_modem = capped fps during internet play!

i used to be such a cs junky :P

tell me if that helps, if it doesnt i may have something else bouncing around that will fix it :)
*hughs Joims*
That is sooooo weird that that worked though! Espeically since my refreash rate is at 85... I guess when I got in HL it got turned down to 60 or something. And I didnt know that HL used vsync by default, since I had it on application controlled.

Thanks alot man.

W000000t! My l337 surfing is back! :D

Funny thing is, since my FPS is so over my refreash, the game is actually a little choppy now at times, but nothing too bad.

Thanks again, Joims.

EDIT: This is insane. I can max out at about 200 FPS and it's almost like having speed hacks when your flying through the air in surf_ maps. Though, there is a downside to this: Surf ramps that are curved are actually made of like 100 smaller, straight ramps. And the higher your FPS, the better chance you'll get caught on one of the smaller segments. So really 100fps is about just right, since you dont get caught too offten. Still... the flying distance you get with 200 is insane.
glad it worked!

xp is retarded like that, if you drop to a diff res it has a default refresh rate for it, i had a program around somwhere which forces it to what you want but i dno where that is :p, so that was the next best thing