Uncharted 3 announced, plus screens


Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
Okay, so this is a pretty big deal for fans of the ps3 and the uncharted series. I for one love this series to death, because it is the closest that any video game has come to feeling just like an Indiana Jones movie. The first game and second game were extremely solid action adventure games with some pretty neat plots. Plots that could of easily been used for any Indiana Jones movie if they had a couple tweaks to them. I just want to hear if you guys are excited for this or could care less about the series.






There is no way those are in game screens.
Really hard to describe how excited I am for this. The more I think about the first two the more convinced I am that they are my favorite games to play this gen. As much as I will always have the most incredible respect and adoration for Demon's Souls, I cannot go back to it and play it with the same sheer joy that I can with this series. I CANNOT WAIT to see this one in action. That peaceful mountain village with the yaks in U2 is my favorite videogame locale since Cocytus in The Dig. Utter peace.
ya same here, the village in the Himalayas was just one of those awesome wow moments. You see the beautiful mountains in the background, mixed in with the peace of seeing all the villagers working and going about their business. It was really cool to see the kids kicking around the ball too, just one of those really great moments in the game when you can take a breather.
I know this game will be great looking whether or not those screens are accurate or a CGI scene. the first 2 games made me believe in the PS3
Thank you, indeed, but this has already been established. I do, of course, appreciate the effort anyway. Even more helpful would have been the actual words as Jimbo typed out above. Just sayin'. :) Also try a != instead of that other annoying business.

I have no idea how they are going to top U2, but if they can it really will be GOTF. :E
They should have some missions where you play as Sully when he was young. His character hasn't really been explored.
They should have some missions where you play as Sully when he was young. His character hasn't really been explored.
I am hoping this kind of thing is what they are talking about when they say they want to expand upon the universe like Star Wars. There are a LOT of interesting stories that could be told around some of these characters. I am very excited to see how all of this goes. This is definitely my favorite franchise in the modern era (post-2000 or so). :E
ya, the Uncharted series truly set a high bar for cinematic experiences in video games, I consider MGS and Uncharted the kings of the cinematic experience.
ya, the Uncharted series truly set a high bar for cinematic experiences in video games, I consider MGS and Uncharted the kings of the cinematic experience.
Except cutscenes in Uncharted doesn't make you bore to tears and doesn't take 1/3rd of the entire game.
well, MGS is certainly not every one's cup of tea. But I can understand where your coming from.
I picked up a copy of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for $25 last year, & I started playing just after I finished GTA IV. I was put off it within the first 5 minutes just by the atrocious looks of the water (comparing it to GTA IV). But then I started playing again later on that year & I began to enjoy it. But shortly after Modern Warfare 2 came out & I had no time for it. Haven't touched it since.
I picked up a copy of Uncharted: Drake's Fortune for $25 last year, & I started playing just after I finished GTA IV. I was put off it within the first 5 minutes just by the atrocious looks of the water (comparing it to GTA IV). But then I started playing again later on that year & I began to enjoy it. But shortly after Modern Warfare 2 came out & I had no time for it. Haven't touched it since.
First Uncharted was such a mediocre game. But Uncharted 2 will blow you away. I promise you that.
Uncharted 2 was a fantastic experience, glad to see U3 on the horizon. Never played the first one, though.
I haven't had time to beat one or two yet.:(

Started the first at least.
yea UC1 was a good game but nothing overly spectacular. UC2 however :O
Still wanna play through the coop campaign in UC2. Be friends with me!
I thought U1 was a really spectacular game. The story was great, the locales were GORGEOUS and I can't think of any serious gripes I had with it. I still think it is one of he greatest action-adventure titles to come along in the last 10 years or so. Not many games hold the kind of replayability for me as the Uncharted games do.
My only gripe with the series is how much it holds your hand. There's no sense of discovering anything or exploring ancient ruins as everything is sign posted and obvious - it's the polar opposite to Demon's Souls. I actually found the climbing around to be pretty dull too, with little sense of danger and never a tricky or well timed jump required. It looks great, plays great, is well written, polished to death, but needs a little more Metroid Prime and the original Tomb Raider in it to be truly great.
Still wanna play through the coop campaign in UC2. Be friends with me!

Add me on PSN and I'll gladly play it with you if you just give me a time and date(preferably in UTC/GMT +1 hour :)

PSNID is Gargantou.

I was told the co-op campaign's story doesn't relate to the single-player one in any way so I don't mind playing it through before I jump into SP.

Plus my holidays vacation's started.
i might add you aswell gargantou. I need more people on my friends list anyway :p

PSN ID: AHA-Lambda
I was told the co-op campaign's story doesn't relate to the single-player one in any way so I don't mind playing it through before I jump into SP.

The locations are the same, so it might spoil the sp a touch.

I quite enjoyed the co-op - it's pretty standard horde mode killing.
PSN is "C0RR4D0--"
if anyone's up for some competitive/co-op MP
In my sig. Haven't been able to beat the crushing difficulty on coop yet, if any of you are willing to try.
OK, that trailer is SICK. November of next year is going to be tough though if all these games release then.
Damn, I have to wait until November? That's all good as long as the quality remains the same--or even one-ups U2. Too bad Skyrim comes out the same month.