Uncharted Demo on PSN next week (Nov. 8)...

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Very good news indeed. This is likely a day-1 buy for me, so the demo will help solidify (or dissolve) that. :thumbs: And the first 4 levels? That seems huge for a demo! Nice!

October 31, 2007 - On the official PlayStation blog, Amy Hennig, the game director behind Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, announced that a playable demo for the title will hit the PlayStation Store next Thursday, November 8th. The demo is said to contain the first four levels of the game, which is now set to hit stores on November 19th, a day earlier than planned.

The new release date is quickly approaching, and being as what we've seen of the game recently has been quite impressive, you should start counting the days.
Sweetness! I wasn't very interested in this game until I saw some of the most recent footage It looks savage to say the least. This, Ratchet and Clank, FF13 and Metal Gear Solid are the reasons I bought a PS3 last week. :cheese:
Sweetness! I wasn't very interested in this game until I saw some of the most recent footage It looks savage to say the least. This, Ratchet and Clank, FF13 and Metal Gear Solid are the reasons I bought a PS3 last week. :cheese:
Yeah, the most recent footage blows away the previous vids. The previews have gotten much more positive as well so this could be THE game to have for your PS3 this holiday season (apart from any multiplatform releases you end up getting for PS3).

And yes, stuff like the titles you mentioned and Little Big Planet, God of War 3, White Knight Story, the new Twisted Metal, the new Ico/SOTC project, the new and PS3 exclusive Rockstar IP (whatever it is), and so much more we have not heard about make PS3 my choice (even though I have all 3 and love them all).
WHAT??? God of War 3?? :O I had no idea there was talk of making a third, thats freakin awesome! I bought both 1 and 2 when I got my PS3 and man Im hooked such a great game! I can only imagine what 3 will be like on the PS3's hardware!
So for any of you that care (and by the looks of this thread there aren't many of you out there) the Uncharted demo is live on the PSN right now waiting for you to download it. It looks absoultely amazing. I am having fun just walking around slowly and marvelling at the lush jungle waterfalls and trees and ancient ruins. The combat is similar to Gear of War but is more engaging to me, probably because I like this story/setting so much better. Anyone with a PS3 should download this right away and see one of the best reasons we made the decision to buy said machine. Enjoy!
Downloaded and played it twice already. Absolutely incredible. An incredibly realized world. So very beautiful. The jungle is easily comparable to Crysis. And the animations are ridiculously fluid. Even the reloads are perfectly detailed. The AI seems rather intelligent and will take cover, flank, throw grenades, give cover fire to their buddies, and move up on you.

Honestly, the PS3 will truly shine with this game. Oh, and I forgot to mention the rock-steady framerate. Nary a hitch, even with all sorts of stuff going on and all the post-effects.

PS3 owners, go out and get the demo and enjoy. Non PS3-owners, you might just want to take a look. This is looking to be one helluva game.
I jizzed in my pants when I played this demo. If this is what PS3 exclusives are going to look like in the future, then I apologize for ever have doubting Sony. This game is unbelievably fun. I think I had more fun playing an hour of this demo than I did ever playing HL2.
Played it on my mates PS3, very fun, but nothing that's gonna make me buy a PS3, I'll just wait for MGS4.:)

And calling the jungle comparable to Crysis might be true graphically SOMEWHAT, but comparing the jungle environment as a whole, on DX10 Very High in Crysis, this game has nothing on it.:p

Anyway, it's definitely a fun game, but nothing that makes me wanna purchase a 360 over a PS3, but then again, I'm more of a western gamer rather than an asian gamer(I.e. JRPGs and such dont have a large appeal to me).
So I bought a PS3 for this, FF13 and hopefully future games like this. And since playing the demo last night Im pleased with my decision to say the least!
I'll be downloading this tonight. If good, it'll have to go on the list with all the other awesome games coming out that I don't have time to play!
Yeah, you can't compare it to Crysis on any level really. Crysis is made to run best on systems that don't exist yet. It is mind-blowing technology. Uncharted though is one of the best if not THE best looking action-adventure platformer out there currently. It has a stylized feel to it so the realism isn't quite there and it shouldn't be for the purposes of this title. Anyway, it is a must-buy for any current PS3 owners out there. But Gargantou is right, ext year will be the any-of-you-that-don't-have-a-PS3-go-buy-one-right-now year. :)
If it will be that way next year still depends on your taste, I'd say whereas Sony have more backing from asian devs, MS have more backing from western/european, as an example we can use the fact that the next Splinter Cell won't be coming to PS3 in any form.

I myself liking both areas will get a PS3 too when the price is right and I have a new job, PS3 system sellers for me will be GT5, MGS4 and probably the SRW(Super Robot Wars, or as they're called in Japan Super Roboto Taisen) series.:)
did anyone play this?
just finished the demo, i have to say this is a must buy game!