Uncharted Release Date Discovered + some other news!

You are being sarcastic, aren't you? I know you get excited very easily, but come on! This is the most generic Collector's Edition you can think of. A book with artwork, a making of dvd (for the 360 version), and a pdf-file (for the PC version). It's not like it has never been done before ....

EDIT I forgot the vignettes and the documentary. What the hell are vignettes?
Don't knock artbooks. I've beed coerced into buying a $30 game for $70 because of some fancy artbook.
One of the definitions for vignette, according to Wikipedia:
Vignette (adult entertainment), these movie or photo themes offer the same sexual excitement and energy as main stream adult entertainment, but are less explicit. This theme is for those who like watching couples and exploring deep sexual fantasies, but don't like the focus on extreme action.
Put the game in a steal box and a sticker saying collectors edition and im buying! Love them! Dunno why.
Thanks IW for giving the PC something we can already get online...

Seriously, what the f*ck? A goddamned guide instead of a disc filled with stuff about the SAS!? Oh, and then there's the fact that they didn't even mention anything for the PS3, even though it has a much larger amount of room for extras. I don't know about anyone else, but this clearly sounds like favortism, or a nice little MS payoff. I'll buy the regular edition... hell if they're getting an extra bit for a guide I can get for free.
COD4 and Uncharted are going to be 2 seriously hot titles this holiday season and I can't wait for both!!!