"Underneath And Overhead"


Jul 31, 2003
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This is my Final GSCE Exam thing. :)

I'll be posting all my work for this project in this thread, so hopefully when it's all done this thread will have 30+ bits of work in it for your viewing pleasure ;) Rip off of Crush's thread? Yep! :D But maybe this'll give me some inspiration to actually finish a project.

To get the thread moving, this is a piece I just did in the last hour or so. I'm not too happy with it to be honest, but the pencil was damn blunt :p

Some birds flying over some invisible water I couldn't be arsed to draw ;)

I don't really like it but hopefully tommorow I'll have 3 other nice pieces done, and I'll post them up then :)

But for now though, this is all I've got.
Very nice, I like the reflections.

Although birds usually don't fly that close together, at such a low altitude atleast :p
The Dark Elf said:
No offence but I dunno, thats for your final exam?

Nah, the project. You do 30 odd bits for the project leading up to some annoying 10 hour exam to do one piece which is alot of the marks. I think my final exam piece (I'm confusing myself here) will be a little better and bigger hehe. Still, I know it's a bit shite but as far as I'm concerned it's a tick on the bloody sheet :p
JiMmEh said:
Nah, the project. You do 30 odd bits for the project leading up to some annoying 10 hour exam to do one piece which is alot of the marks. I think my final exam piece (I'm confusing myself here) will be a little better and bigger hehe. Still, I know it's a bit shite but as far as I'm concerned it's a tick on the bloody sheet :p
ahh right, I guess its changed since I did mine, that or I simply don't remember anymore what was involved hehe.
meh i had to produce an exam book! of like art history and stuff bascially a mini sketchbook! and then a 10 hour final peice
Joims said:
meh i had to produce an exam book! of like art history and stuff bascially a mini sketchbook! and then a 10 hour final peice
just draw lots of still life, art teachers seem to only know how to do that hehe.
I was really impressed with your birds drawing! I love your style of drawing, what pencil do you use? I would really like to see more of your work from this project... you should post some soon! :D
(Maybe this one is more readable :p) I was really impressed with your birds drawing! I love your style of drawing, what pencil do you use? I would really like to see more of your work from this project... you should post some soon! :D Looking forward to seeing your work!
Nice, it doesn't look real, but that makes it look even better :D. Looks like some kind've birds from a dream... That would look really good if you did some background or scene...
JiMmEh said:
Nah, the project. You do 30 odd bits for the project leading up to some annoying 10 hour exam to do one piece which is alot of the marks. I think my final exam piece (I'm confusing myself here) will be a little better and bigger hehe. Still, I know it's a bit shite but as far as I'm concerned it's a tick on the bloody sheet :p

im doing gcse art (im in yr 10) but i dont understand that bit.. Do you have ten hours to do a piece of work?
Yeah, I did a 10 hour exam over two days in my art GCSE (a couple of years ago, where does the time go :upstare: ). We were allowed to take in walkmans, personal stereos etc., which I did, but I ended up wishing I hadn't because time seems to fly by if you listen to music - so, I'd recommend you don't either if you're allowed :cheers: