

Companion Cube
Dec 28, 2005
Reaction score
I've been listening to this band quite a lot lately (Mainly "We're Only Chasing Safety") and I have no idea what to make of them. Are they christian, scream, emotional or what? I have no ****ing idea...plus the fear that they are a band that teenage "I'm sick of my life" girls mainly listen to is hanging in the back of my mind...

Your thoughts
They started out as a kind of Christian Death Metal band, then I think the head guy left or something and they became hardcore christian. And...that's what they remain now.
Their new album, Define the Great Line, was leaked a few days ago. You can find it on bittorrent sites. I downloaded it last night and I think it's awesome. Much better than They're Only Chasing Safety, IMO. It's less poppy than their last album.

I wouldn't be surprised if the band members themselves leaked it. It's supposed to be released June 20th.