Underpowered Processor?

Nov 7, 2004
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Ive been wanting to get a new gfx card, but i only have a pentium 4 2.4 GHz processor and it doesnt have HT technology or anything. I was wondering if i got a new top of the line card if i could even run it with my outdated processor? And if so would there be significant performance loss?
jellydoughnut217 said:
Ive been wanting to get a new gfx card, but i only have a pentium 4 2.4 GHz processor and it doesnt have HT technology or anything. I was wondering if i got a new top of the line card if i could even run it with my outdated processor? And if so would there be significant performance loss?

Yes, you could run it, yes, you'd be heavilly bottlenecked by your cpu.
would that cause problems with my computer, or would it just result in lower graphics capabilities durring gaming? If i was runnin a 7800 on it would people be able to tell it was a 7800 or could it be mistaken for say an X800 or 6800? (I know its kind of a stupid question and hard to answer)
If you can afford the card, you should consider getting it. Your processor will run it, but as was mentioned above, will be the bottleneck in higher-end games. However, when it comes time to upgrade your processor, you'll already have a good graphics card. Unless you plan to do all your upgrades at once, you have to do them one at a time. Consume!
jellydoughnut217 said:
what happens when your cpu bottlenecks? is it bad for your computer? can it damage anything?


I'm sorry bro, but that gave me a good chuckle.


Erhmm, now lets see, when you're going down a river, and you see a bottleneck, what is that? It's where the rest of the river is constrained to a throughfare considerably smaller than the rest of the river.

So if your pc were to get bottlenecked, what do you think that would mean?

And no, your cpu isn't bottleneckING, it's being A bottleneck. The gpu is getting bottleneckED.
yeah i know what it means, but is it bad for the computer, and can it damage anything or cause problems
jellydoughnut217 said:
yeah i know what it means, but is it bad for the computer, and can it damage anything or cause problems


No. No it isn't bad for the computer, no, it wont damage anything or cause any problems, other than lower than maximum possible framerates.

u could OC ur cpu some to like...2.6, my athon 64 4000+ is running at 2.64 and runs smooth as eggs.
SimonomiS said:
I seem to recall you laughing at someone's request for help before.

No offence, but you really come across as a dick. :|

I know that it seemed like I was being a dick, but I tried to make it seem at all possible that it was just what he said that was funny, and not that I was laughing at him. As this is true (tell me you wouldn't have a good chuckle when somebody says "I put my pc in the fridge" replying to "you need to have good cooling on your pc")

And in the other thread, I was just stating the fact that some ass would probably come in and call him a ****ing newb for what he said. I was in no way trying to call him a newb, since we've all been there before.

And as me comming accross as a dick, I do take it to a bit of offense. I realise that it's an assumption made by somebody miles away from me, who is just going by text, which can be a very hard format to display emotion and such with.

Not to mention I hate posers, biters, and asses, and feel that they are the onew who ruin all the fun in the universe because they're just trying to be "cool", and that it hurts to think that others would see me as one :(

As for this thread, i'm trying in all ways to be helpful, but just decided to include that I had a good laugh at the words I saw on my screen.

So in short, to no offense (i'm sure you're a nice person) but I hate labelers with every ounce of life I have.

EDIT: I just realised that what you said was that I come "accross" as a dick, and I believe that lends some truth to what I have said previously.

Likewise, you only come accross as a stereotypist (me likes my new word).
jellydoughnut217 said:
isnt over clocking hard? and cant it ruin ur cpu


Nope, nothing hard about it, which is why it's so easy to ruin your pc doing it.

Which is why i'd reccommend that you stay away from it. Your intelligence on the matter seems minimal, and i'd only reccomend it to somebody more informed on the matter (which is precisely why I don't plan on ocing my cpu for awhile :P).

And sorry bro, didn't mean to be a dick.
sinkoman said:
Likewise, you only come accross as a stereotypist (me likes my new word).

No, he doesn't. Don't laugh at people who need help. It's not cool.
jondyfun said:
No, he doesn't. Don't laugh at people who need help. It's not cool.

Can't we all just accept that i'm sorry and get allong?
SimonomiS said:
Sure. :cheers:

Cheers mate :cheers:

Oh, and with a processor that old and outdated, I highly doubt you've got a pci-e slot on your mobo.

If you could tell us what socket your proc is, we could point you in the right direction.
jellydoughnut217 said:
would that cause problems with my computer, or would it just result in lower graphics capabilities durring gaming? If i was runnin a 7800 on it would people be able to tell it was a 7800 or could it be mistaken for say an X800 or 6800? (I know its kind of a stupid question and hard to answer)

Granted there would be reductions in performance, however if you did consider getting a card, do research before hand. For some strange reason all card benchmarks and info on graphics card on the net don't offer info on the minimum power supply. I'm guessing the power supply you have is a 300W (based on the processor you have), and from sources on this site, you will need at least 400W, but I could be wrong.
yeah was also looking into the whole PCI express thing with my motherboard, and idk if i have it or not, how do i find out, and how do i find out what socket my processor is?
jellydoughnut217 said:
yeah was also looking into the whole PCI express thing with my motherboard, and idk if i have it or not, how do i find out, and how do i find out what socket my processor is?

I'd bet 3 grand that your motherboard doesn't have a pci-e port.

Which means that you'll need a new motherboard, which means that you'll need a clean install of windows.

So was this pc prebuilt (as in Dell, Gateway) or was a built for you?

If it was prebuilt, there could be some problems...
jellydoughnut217 said:
its a gateway, but im pretty sure custom built


If it's gateway, then no, it isn't custom built.

It's either custom or prebuilt, not both.

Soooo, did your pc come with an xp install cd, or is it another one of the kinds where they just make a fat32 partition and put all the recovery files on it?
jellydoughnut217 said:
came with xp cd, ive done complete system restore with it twice now

Well, see, looks like we have a problem then.

When I say xp cd, I mean the xp cd that you boot to and it gives you a blue screen with a few options only workable by the keyboard, and lets you enter the recovery console.

Not the system restore cd's. I know what you speak of, used to have a pc just like that.
It's not hard, just don't try to reach 3.0GHz on your stock HS and fan. Water cooling could get you there, but you also have to tweak your FSB. If you can push your FSB (Front Side Bus) I would do that since that is to be very blunt the main transportation between your CPU and memory (I could be off on what I am saying). Also tighten the timings on your memory more, I wouldn't OC the memory since there's only a slight increase.

sinkoman said:

If it's gateway, then no, it isn't custom built.

It's either custom or prebuilt, not both.

Soooo, did your pc come with an xp install cd, or is it another one of the kinds where they just make a fat32 partition and put all the recovery files on it?

Techinically it is custom built by Gateway, lol. I sort of like the idea of having an image of the base system to restore to, a Dell laptop I worked on had that and I found it to be very handy (a lot faster than CDs)
gweedodogg69 said:
It's not hard, just don't try to reach 3.0GHz on your stock HS and fan. Water cooling could get you there, but you also have to tweak your FSB. If you can push your FSB (Front Side Bus) I would do that since that is to be very blunt the main transportation between your CPU and memory (I could be off on what I am saying). Also tighten the timings on your memory more, I wouldn't OC the memory since there's only a slight increase.

You're right. There's absolutely nothing "hard" about overclocking. which is why it's so "easy" to end up messing it up.

But I mean come on. To no offense here, but the guy thought that picking the parts in his Gateway using a Dell like system was custom building his PC.

I would say, read up on the matter ALLOT before you even touch it.
sinkoman said:
You're right. There's absolutely nothing "hard" about overclocking. which is why it's so "easy" to end up messing it up.

But I mean come on. To no offense here, but the guy thought that picking the parts in his Gateway using a Dell like system was custom building his PC.

I would say, read up on the matter ALLOT before you even touch it.

Yes i agree .. potentially u could burnout ur cpu/motherboard when OCing when u don't know about it ...