Unexplained Half-Life Mysteries


Jul 28, 2008
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Please post your unexplained half-life mysteries here, people you saw, things you've fought, places you've seen, that you have never saw/fought/seen in the game, rare glitches I am looking for you to post, so do the right thing and... Post It! :)
One time when I was playing Episode 1 (after the first time you put a car over an antlion hole). I went into the next room, and Alyx stayed behind. So I continued a bit and there were lots of barnacles. So I carefully passed them and came into a section where there were alot of zombies and zombines. But they weren't coming after me. I went up to them and they just stood there. Then I found out I needed Alyx to be with me for them to come after me lol
Where did all the eye-dogs in half-life 1 go? I like the hunter because it's pretty similar to hound-eye but i missed the chubby little bastards that I used to shotgun with.
Bullsquids too. Where could they have gone?
Houndeyes and bullsquids are still around, just not anywhere near City 17. The fisherman in Lost Coast said they used to fish for bullsquids but they stopped coming around.

Also, here's a mystery: where was the antlion king in Episode 2? Damn it.
ant colonies don't have kings, (valve based them off of ants [obviously]) because there is no need for them in an ant/antlion colony
Spoiler Alert

Ok simply, how exacly did Eli and Mossman make it out of the Citadel before you destroyed it (which for the player usually takes only a few minutes depending on your difficulty and assuming your not stupid) Because as a rough guess, when Episode 1 starts it's been like half a day at most since the end of HL2, so how exacly did Eli and Mossman both make it out of the Citadel before it was destroyed, and if they used a teleporter you already know the Combine teleporters take a while to charge and i doubt the Combine warmed it up for them. Also even if by some miracle it was warmed up, Alyx had escorted Kleiner a whiles away from his lab so who would be manning the other end of the teleporter. Unless there was a teleporter at White Forest, but if thats the case why didnt Alyx and Gordon just go to Kleiners lab, them in control, and teleport to White Forest?
Were they even in the citadel at all?
Why the hell is every secuirty guard the same?! (Half Life 1)

And why do we all have to wear these rediculous ties?
Spoiler Alert

Ok simply, how exacly did Eli and Mossman make it out of the Citadel before you destroyed it (which for the player usually takes only a few minutes depending on your difficulty and assuming your not stupid) Because as a rough guess, when Episode 1 starts it's been like half a day at most since the end of HL2, so how exacly did Eli and Mossman both make it out of the Citadel before it was destroyed, and if they used a teleporter you already know the Combine teleporters take a while to charge and i doubt the Combine warmed it up for them. Also even if by some miracle it was warmed up, Alyx had escorted Kleiner a whiles away from his lab so who would be manning the other end of the teleporter. Unless there was a teleporter at White Forest, but if thats the case why didnt Alyx and Gordon just go to Kleiners lab, them in control, and teleport to White Forest?

Well I'm guessing Eli and Mossman got the hell out and down to the city before Gordon defeated Breen. And they got to a train while Alyx was searching for Gordon. Sounds pretty possible, doesn't?
Well I'm guessing Eli and Mossman got the hell out and down to the city before Gordon defeated Breen. And they got to a train while Alyx was searching for Gordon. Sounds pretty possible, doesn't?

But how could they bypass the security with all the snowmen(elites) and combine soldiers around? I highly doubt Mossman have security clearance after what she did before Breen went to the portal.
But how could they bypass the security with all the snowmen(elites) and combine soldiers around? I highly doubt Mossman have security clearance after what she did before Breen went to the portal.

Well Mossman has been in the Citadel, so maybe there were secret passageways?
Plus, the Combine focused most their attention on Gordon, so most of them were probably heading down to Gordon
I thought they used and Advisor pod to escape in. And we don't know where Kleiner was when he made that broadcast do we?
Could've been a pod. Kleiner could've been at White Forest when he made the broadcast. 'Cause Alyx helped him escape, didn't she?
Either the Vortigaunt's rescued them -- which is pretty likely -- or they used one of Dr. Breen's escape pods, as stated in the cut dialogue.
They used one of the advisor pods, Im pretty sure of it.
That's the bad thing about not having cutscenes, you're not totally 100% sure what happens with other people. But it's not much of a downside for Half-Life, it's just that amazing lol
This isn't related to the mossman escape it's just a little bug i found in OF, in the scene after you disarm the bomb you see the G-man reactivating it through the window. Well if you go to the elevator and activate the teleport gun in the RARE occasion you will be teleported to a certain zone that you should have been to, however when you go back through the exit portal....guess where you get spawned! behind the G-man as he reactivates the bomb lol, and you can never leave due to the cost of a new teleport and the exit being locked!
probably due to the fact that if you could the plot would implode =D but it would have been neat!
good plan the place i ended up with the teleport in xen was the place with the multiple healing pools, those invinci orbs the fly around and and like 3 bullsquids befiore you kill them :D
Who does Gman work for? Seriously it has been bugging me since the originals' release
We have no idea who he works for. I for one believe that he is probably some sort of mercinary whose employers change from time to time.
Houndeyes and bullsquids are still around, just not anywhere near City 17. The fisherman in Lost Coast said they used to fish for bullsquids but they stopped coming around.

is that in some unused soundclip, perchance?
They used one of the advisor pods, Im pretty sure of it.

Those pods are built for them and them alone. Mossman and Eli couldn't have used one, especially considering how far down the chamber was. It's more likely they used escape pods built for Dr. Breen.
What did Breen mean by a 'human host'? If he meant by an advisor how would that work
Who exactly are Gordon's "employers" and in HL2 opening g-man scene, what are those "offers" that he received and accepted because they were in "extraordinary times".

What could possibly be of value to the Gman and extraordinary refers to??
Quote plz.
I remember reading this line in the subtitle files. There are a lot of cut files in there. For example, there seemed to be a scene in EP1 that was cut where you and Alyx would come across a room full of historical artifacts and treasures, and then the dead body of the previous occupant.
Yeah I dont recall seeing anywhere that Dr. Breen had escape pods, but seems the best explanation.
I remember reading this line in the subtitle files. There are a lot of cut files in there. For example, there seemed to be a scene in EP1 that was cut where you and Alyx would come across a room full of historical artifacts and treasures, and then the dead body of the previous occupant.

"ep_01.al_giftshop01" "<clr:255,212,255>Look at all these Breen busts. "
"ep_01.al_giftshop02" "<clr:255,212,255>It's like we stumbled into the Citadel gift shop. "

Gift shop might be a reference to Concerned.
What did Breen mean by a 'human host'? If he meant by an advisor how would that work

He didn't say a HUMAN host, did he? I thought it was just a "host body."

But yeah. You wouldn't think they'd give Breen an actual Advisor as a host body, since to them he's just a stupid human. And he failed them. I assumed Breen would get the body of some other thing that lives on the Combine world. :dork: